The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Windows) (2024)

Cas 2024-09-29 0 point

tried playing but when trying to collect the alarm clock, spongebob instead walks off screen and never returns, softlocking me. .. please help?

evans 2024-08-31 0 point

hi am trying to put it in my laptop but i can not please can some boby put me true please

CMP † 2024-06-24 0 point

to fix the text graphics bug, make sure you install the fonts in the game directory folder.
I have a 4K tv, and i fixed it by also changing the display scaling to 100% (mine is normally 225%)

kikimiki7 2024-06-24 3 points

it says ented cd and try again

PickleBoi 2024-03-18 2 points

Replaying this game cuz its my childhood. Honestly pretty fun, but why are the NPC's so dead? They sound like they've lost all purpose and meaning in life. It freaks me out

TheAlexStand 2024-03-13 1 point

@HAFANFOREVER you have to right click to use your items

ikeor 2024-03-07 0 point

remy, theres another way too... PowerISO.

HAFanForever 2024-01-24 -2 points

I was really eager to play this game when I finally downloaded it, and reduced my screen size so that the text appears intact instead of broken. But I'm still at the beginning with SpongeBob still in his underwear, and I don't know how to proceed. I collected the objects of the alarm clock, toothbrush, spatula, and ice cube, but nothing happens so SpongeBob can open the trunk to get his clothes. Can anyone tell me if I'm missing anything or doing anything wrong?

ElJefe 2023-11-12 0 point

BORDERLANDSGONE, in case you're still stuck, you don't actually need to take a shower to progress. I had the same issue, if you just never use the shower you should be fine

BorderlandsGone 2023-08-07 5 points

The first thing I noticed was the "Broken text bug", this was a bug that caused all in game text, but not menu or main screen text, to be a jumbled un-readable mess, after lots of research and trying multiple things to fix it, I found this could be fixed by changing my display scale from 150% to 125% or 100%. (Thanks to user "July" in these comments) However what I was not able to fix, and actually could not find any information on anywhere on the internet was what I'll call an "Out of bounds bug". Trying to pick up the alarm clock from too far away, or have spongebob take a shower both resulted in him walking off screen, and then the game hard freezing to where I could not walk back in screen to interact with anything else, or even open the pause menu, giving me no choice but to alt-tab out of the game. I don't know if I'm for some reason the only one having this problem, but I could find no information about this bug or how to fix it, and it occurred in every version of this game I tried, Including every version on the internet archive. I've ultimately decided to just watch a playthrough video of it after spending 1-2 hours in vain trying to make this playable. However I would appreciate if anyone knows how to fix this.

КОСТЯ 2023-07-17 4 points


lemmy koopa 2023-06-07 0 point

uuuh it its pretty good game 6-10

remy 2023-02-04 10 points

Heres how I got it to work:

1.extract the original zip folder containing the .iso fie

2. right click .iso file and select "open with" and select "windows explorer" which will mount the .iso file

3. then select the setup engine which looks like a blue and white sailboat and install the game

4. then when you are done it should give you the exe of the game and it should run fine from there :)

AATNetwork 2023-01-23 0 point

i want to piay it so bad

moon 2023-01-01 0 point

nevermind about my previous comment, I didn't realize my cutscenes were off and that was the end of the game LOL

moon 2023-01-01 0 point

Does anyone have a fix for getting stuck at plakntopolis? After I complete the guitar part it takes me right back to the loading screen...thanks and happy new year!

ArtemTheHedgehog 2022-11-23 0 point

i need to play this fix tis

ArtemTheHedgehog 2022-11-16 1 point

Please fix the dialogue trashed part because it ruins the game. I will appreciate it and all the other people trying to play the game.

ArtemTheHedgehog 2022-11-16 -2 points

Dear Developers, please fix the bug where the dialogue gets trashed, I would want to download the game and play it normally like the full version, so please can you fix it. People would appreciate the work. Thank you.

Kcray1234 2022-08-27 0 point

when will the mac port be added?

TheManTheLegend 2022-08-24 1 point


carl 2022-07-19 1 point

if you guys havr error you must isert the CD game download power iso and press the mount image to drive and find the iso fail the game and play the game and enjoy

a lost soul 2022-07-15 1 point

the game works only exception is that all writing and dialouge is a garbled mess where the text is messed up If anyone knows how to fix let me know how and if there is a way to fix it

July 2022-03-17 4 points

This games works fine for me.
I wanna give some tips to play this game without error. There are two ways to fix cd error when launching the game.
First, you can use crack (you can get the link from chez). If you use this method, you can't watch the cutscene movies.
Second, mount the .iso before play the game and then run the .exe (In this case, i'm using daemon). I suggest this method if you want to see the cutscene and game intro.

This is my method to read the subtitle, change your scale and layout to 100% or 125% in display settings.
There's another way to fix the subtitle. According to Linclin, "If you have a nvidia card you can do Nvidia control panel/Adjust Desktop Size and Composition and select aspect ratio, perform scaling on gpu and click the box that says override the scaling mode set by games and programs." (I haven't tried this method yet, so i don't know if this really works).

hannah 2022-03-05 0 point

this is a nice game i like it

Leon 2022-01-31 0 point

Hi, thanks for the upload, the game works well but i cant figure out how to save it, can anyone help me? Thanks

page2wo 2021-10-28 1 point

my little brother and I spent what felt like years stuck on the first level of this, I missed this game so bad I cant wait to play again

Chez 2021-10-07 2 points

If your having the CD error when launching the .exe download this CD fix from it tells you the password to open the file in WinRAR.

Right click on the SpongeBob .exe file, click on open file location and drag the .exe CD fix file into here and replace it and it should work when launched hope this helps.

Sargi 2021-09-19 0 point

Loved to play this game! Also liked to play the Demo of this game as well. Sadly, Anyone else having issues of not being able to Restore Down the Window during gameplay?

spenge bob 2021-06-17 0 point

The game runs perfectly except the subtitles and menu text is massive and you cannot read it

nad 2021-05-23 0 point

how do i use the no cd cracker pls-

Jimmy neutron versus Jimmy negatron. 2021-04-12 0 point

Anyone else here because of check off 27.

dom 2021-04-07 0 point

I don't know how to play the game

David 2021-02-23 -4 points

i like play games with you

Grimalkin 2021-01-22 3 points

I thankfully did not get the CD pop-up! :) Game loaded up just fine. I'll come and comment later if there are any issues during my playthrough

Matt 107 2021-01-21 0 point

when i installed it just says insert Cd , i have the cd but when i insert it the resolution just changes and nothing else, what do i do???

Mandalorian 2020-12-15 0 point

i rate 4 cuz the pic are amazing and cuz i miss stephen

N1GGA B3N 2020-10-19 1 point

Use a no CD Crack. Just Google it, and it's up at the top of results.

super sammy 2020-10-05 1 point

i loven this game

Bexdrey 2020-07-18 -3 points

I also get the same error saying the disc file could not be found. What do we do?

keros 2020-07-09 0 point

I Install the game and the icon appears on the desktop, but when I want to play it, I get a warning saying I must insert the game CD, what can I do?

LoLRyRyRon 2020-06-25 0 point

Man so much nostalgia, I grew up with the Spongebob pc games but also have a lot of memories with the console games. This website has now saved me an ebay purchase for now.

toast 2020-06-15 2 points

bro. I saw my dad play this when i was like, 3.

Dale Paul 2020-06-14 1 point

best game ever. Thanks for making it.

Confused Man 2020-06-04 -2 points

I didn't even know this existed, much less was abandonware.

ieatpp 2020-05-28 1 point

this game is amazing and funny if ur tryin to make a YT video abt it

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (Windows) (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.