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CopyrightCopyright © 2010 by Pablo Garcia Loaeza, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Bibliographical Note1001 Easy Spanish Phrases is a new work, first published by DoverPublications, Inc., in 2010. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataLoaeza, Pablo Garcia, 1972–1001 easy Spanish phrases / Pablo García Loaeza. p. cm. (Dover languageguides)97804861140191. Spanish language — Conversation and phrase books — English. I. Title.II. Title: One thousand one easy Spanish phrases. III. Title: One thousandand one easy Spanish phrases.PC4121.P33 2010468.3’421 — dc222010018979 Manufactured in the United States by Courier Corporation 47619701 www.doverpublications.comhttp://www.doverpublications.com/Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Introduction NUMBERS Spanish Grammar Primer Index A CATALOG OF SELECTED DOVER BOOKS IN ALL FIELDS OFINTEREST A CATALOG OF SELECTED DOVER BOOKS IN ALL FIELDS OFINTEREST IntroductionThis book will let you become familiar with a basic set of sentences,phrases, and words for simple everyday communication in Spanish. Inparticular, the would-be visitor to a Spanish-speaking country will find thetools necessary to deal with common situations related to travel abroad. Thedifferent sections cover topics such as transportation, accommodation,eating and drinking, as well as sightseeing, and shopping. There are alsosections that cover a number of problems that may arise. Each section takesaccount of dialectic variation in Spanish by pointing out when a specificword is used in Spain (Sp.) or a particular Latin American country (Mex.,Arg., etc.). When appropriate, entries indicate whether the correspondingSpanish sentence is formal (for.) or informal (inf.).The book was designed to serve as a useful foundation rather than anexhaustive field manual. It is meant to be used for reference, study, andreview. The more you practice the essential structures included here, theeasier it will be for you to generate the questions and statements appropriateto your specific needs and circumstances. When you are communicatingwith someone, the other person is also trying to make sense of what you aresaying and drawing information not just from your words, but also fromcontext, tone of voice, and body language. When you need an answer,looking a person in the eye is generally more practical and more effectivethan reading from a book.To facilitate acquisition, the material included in the different sections ispresented in a logical sequence. As you go through the sentences, imagineyourself in the situations they suggest. In the “Eating & Drinking” section,for instance, you can go from finding a restaurant to asking for the checkafter ordering breakfast, lunch or dinner, and dessert. Since the material isnot cumulative, book sections can be studied according to need orpreference. You will note that certain structures, such as “I want . . .” and“where is . . . ,” appear frequently throughout the book. Besides being veryhandy, their repetition facilitates focusing on the many complementarywords and phrases. Thus, you can learn to produce a large number ofsentences and convey a wide range of information with minimum effort.Finally, while practice trumps theory, the Spanish Grammar Primerincluded here will help you make the most of the book. Besides vocabulary-building tips and verb conjugation tables, it contains information aboutnouns, adjectives, pronouns, and prepositions. However, many people willfind Dover’s Essential Spanish Grammar (ISBN 0-486-20780-3) helpful formastering the subtleties of the Spanish language. Likewise, 2,001 MostUseful Spanish Words (ISBN 0-486-47616-2), also published by Dover, is auseful complement for increasing your Spanish vocabulary further.A Note on Spanish DialectsAs with English, there are many regional dialects of Spanish. They mayvary in pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntax but they are all mutuallyintelligible.For instance, in the Castile region of Spain a “c” before an “e” or an “i”sounds like “th” in English and the letter “s” is pronounced like “sh.” Onthe other hand, people in the south of Spain and in Latin America, generallymake the letter “c” (before “e” or “i”), the letter “s,” and even the letter “z”all sound like the “s” in “soup.” Caribbean Spanish tends to drop a “d”between two vowels at the end of some words, as well as a final “s” so thatcansados (tired, m. pl.) becomes cansao. Likewise, in many SouthAmerican countries the word for cake is torta, whereas in Mexico it ispastel. In Latin America a computer is called una computadora while inSpain it is referred to as un ordenador. Nevertheless, a Spaniard, aMexican, a Chilean, and a Dominican can engage in conversation withoutimpediment.When Spanish is learned as a second language the choice of dialect candepend on personal interest and circumstance. For example, someonetraveling to Spain might prefer to become familiar with the Castiliandialect, while someone spending time in a Latin American country will pickup the local accent and lingo. The best investment for a beginner studyingstateside is to practice a “neutral” kind of Spanish: all the syllables in aword should be pronounced clearly, using the standard word-stress rules(see the grammar section). Once you know the basic system, a little practicemakes it easy to compensate for dialectical differences. Remember also thatthe most useful words, such as por favor and gracias, are the samethroughout the Spanish-speaking world.Unlike English — in which the same word may be written one way inBritain (colour, dialogue, emphasise, gaol) and another in the United States(color, dialog, emphasize, jail), all Spanish dialects use the same writtenstandard.Phonetic TranscriptionThe phonetic transcription of the Spanish words and phrases is provided asan aid to an approximately correct pronunciation in the absence of an audiomodel. However, the Spanish sound scheme is very regular andstraightforward; with some practice you should be able to bypass thephonetic transcription in most instances.Other than the International Phonetic Alphabet, which employs a specialset of characters, there is no standard for phonetic transcription. In order tofacilitate reading, the phonetic transcription in this book follows the rules ofEnglish pronunciation and spelling as closely as possible. For instance,vowels are short before a double consonant (as in “dress”); the letter “c” ishard before an “a” or an “o” (as in “car”), but soft before an “e” (as in“celery”); etc. The syllables that should be stressed are underlined.The phonetic transcription presented here corresponds to a “neutral”dialect of Spanish which, pronounced correctly, will be understood in anySpanish-speaking country. Phonetic transcription key:ah A as in father and drama.ay long A as in stay, weigh, and train.ch as in chat, chess, and cheese.ee long E as in feet and eel.eh, ess short E as in pet, let, less, and rest.ehr sounds like air.g hard G as in gap, get, and geese.1h H as in ham, heel, and hot.I, i long I as in the first person pronoun.k hard C as in cat, cot, and cool, or K as inking.ny as in barnyard and canyon.oh long O as in hope, open, and cone.oo OO as in moon and soon.oy as in boy, soy, and toy.s as in sat, set, or soft C as in cellar andcentral.w as in well and wet.y as in yard and yet.Spanish PronunciationVowelsSpanish only has five vowel sounds (English has over 15!) whichcorrespond to the five vowel letters, regardless of their position in a word.There are no silent vowels in Spanish. The five vowel sounds in Spanishare:a as in drama Habla a la casa blanca. Call the White House.e as in bet Él es el rebelde René He is the rebel RenéPérez. Pérez.i as in deep Si, viví sin ti. Yes, I lived without you.o as in coat Los locos no son tontos. Crazy people aren’t dumb.u as in loopmedio rojo/poco hecho. (Sp.) Loh preh-fee-eh-roh meh-dee-oh roh-hoh/poh-koh eh-choh ... cooked medium.... término media/media hecho. (Sp.) tehr-mee-noh meh-dee-oh/meh-dee-oh eh-choh ... cooked well done.... bien cocido/bien hecho. (Sp.) bee-en koh-see-doh/bee-en eh-choh480.I’ll order meatballs. Pediré albóndigas. Peh-dee-reh ahl-bohn-dee-gahss ... a hamburger.... una hamburguesa. oo-nah ahm-boor-geh-sah ... pork chop.... chuleta de cerdo. choo-leh-tah deh sehr-doh . . . pork loin.... lomo de cerdo. loh-moh deh sehr-doh . . . veal scallop.... escalope de ternera. ess-kah-loh-peh deh tehr-neh-rah ... rack of lamb.... costillas de cordero. kohss-tee-yahss deh kor-deh-roh481.Is the fish fresh? ¿Está fresco el pescado? Ess-tah fress-koh el pess-kah-doh482.Where does it come from? ¿De dónde viene? Deh dohn-deh vee-eh-neh483.I don’t want frozen fish. No quiero pescado congelado. Noh kee-eh-roh-pess-kah-doh kohn-heh-lah-doh484.I think I’ll have filet of fish. Creo que comeré filete de pescado. Kreh-oh keh koh-mehr-eh fee-leh-teh deh pes-kah-doh ... fresh tuna fish.... atún fresco. ah-toon fress-koh ... cod fish ...bacalao. bah-kah-lah-oh ... sole fish ...lenguado. len-gwah-doh ... grouper fish ...mero. meh-roh ... red snapper... huachinango. wah-chee-nahn-goh ... sea bass ...robalo. roh-bah-loh ... salmon ...salmón. sahl-mohn ... trout ...trucha. troo-chah485.I would prefer the seafood dish. Preferiría el plato de mariscos. Preh-feh-ree-ree-ah el plah-toh deh mah-rees-kohss ... mussels ...mejillones. meh-hee-yoh-ness ... shrimp ...camarones/gambas. kah-mah-roh-ness/gahm-bahss ... prawns ...langostinos. lahn-gohss-tee-nohss ... lobster ...langosta. lahn-gohss-tah ...squids (in ink) ...calamares (en su tinta). kah-lah-mah-ress ... octopus... pulpo. pool-poh486.You have to try the saffron rice with chicken and seafood. (inf.) Tienes que probar la paella. Tee-eh-ness keh proh-bar lah pah-eh-yah487.I just want pasta. Sólo quiero pasta. Soh-loh kee-eh-roh pahss-tah488.Is it very spicy? ¿Es muy picante? Ess mooy pee-kahn-teh489.Does it have a lot of fat? ¿Tiene mucha grasa? Tee-eh-neh moo-chah grah-sah490.No onions, please. Sin cebolla, por favor. Seen seh-boh-yah por fah-vor491.Please do not add salt. Por favor no le ponga sal. Por fah-vor noh leh pohn-gah sahl492.I’m allergic to nuts. Soy alérgico a las nueces. Soy ah-lehr-hee-koh ah lahss nweh-sess ... to shellfish...a los mariscos. ah lohss mah-rees-kohss493.As a side I would like rice. De acompan amiento/guarnición quisiera arroz. Deh ah-kohm-pah-nyah-mee-en-toh/war-nee-see-ohn kee-see-ehr-ah ah-rohss ... rice with avocado/with fried banana. ... arroz con aguacate/con plátano frito. ah-ross kohn ah-wah-kah-teh/kohn plah-tah-noh free-toh ... zucchini ...calabacita/calabacín. (Sp.) kah-lah-bah-see-tah/kah-lah-bah-seen ... asparagus ...espárragos. ess-pah-rah-gohss ... spinach ...espinaca. ess-pee-nah-cah ... chick peas ...garbanzos. gar-bahn-sohss494.Is it served with French fries? ¿Se sirve con papas fritas? Seh seer-veh kohn pah-pahss free-tahss ... French fries? ...patatas fritas? (Sp.) pah-tah-tahss free-tahss ... a baked potato? ...una papa/patata al horno? oo-nah pah-pah/pah-tah-tah ahl ohr-noh ... mashed potatoes? ...puré de papa/patata? (Sp.) poo-reh deh pah-pah/pah-tah-tah495.Instead, I want vegetables. En su lugar, quiero verduras/legumbres. (Sp.) En soo loo-gar kee-eh-roh vehr-doo-rahss/leh-goom-bress ... peas ...chícharos/guisantes. (Sp.) chee-chah-rohss/gee-sahn-tess ... green beans ...ejotes/judías verdes. (Sp.) eh-hoh-tess/hoo-dee-ahss vehr-dess ... mushrooms...hongos/champin ones. ahn-gohss/chahm-pee-nyoh-ness ... carrots ...zanahorias. sah-nah-oh-ree-ahss496. It’s healthier. Es más sano. Ess mahss sah-noh497.What do you have to drink? ¿Qué bebidas tienen? Keh beh-bee-dahss tee-eh-nen498.Is the water filtered? ¿Está filtrada el agua? Ess-tah feel-trah-dah el ah-wah499.To drink, I want water. De tomar, quiero agua. Deh toh-mar, kee-eh-roh ah-wah ... bottled water...agua embotellada. ah-wah em-boh-teh-yah-dah ... mineral water ...agua mineral. ah-wah mee-neh-rahl ... hibiscus-flower ice tea ...agua de jamaica. ah-wah deh hah-mi-kah ... a (light/dark) beer ...una cerveza (clara/oscura). oo-nah sehr-veh-sah (klah-rah/ohss-koo-rah) ... a glass of wine red/white. ... una copa de vino tinto/blanco. oo-nah koh-pah deh vee-noh teen-toh/blahn-koh ... lemonade/orangeade... limonada/naranjada. lee-moh-nah-dah/nah-rahn-hah-dah ... a soft drink ...un refresco. oon reh-fress-koh500.What soft drinks do you have? (for.) ¿Qué refrescos tiene? Keh reh-fress-kohss tee-eh-neh501.Can you bring me a diet soda? (for.) ¿Me puede traer un refresco dietético? Meh pweh-deh trah-ehr oon reh-fress-koh dee-eh-teh-tee-koh502. Enjoy! ¡Buen provecho! Bwen proh-veh-choh503.For dessert, bring me rice pudding. (for.) De postre, tráigame arroz con leche. Deh pohss-treh, tri-gah-meh ah-rohss kohn leh-cheh ... peaches in syrup. ... duraznos/melocotones en almíbar. doo-rahss-nohss/meh-loh-koh-toh-ness en ahl-mee-bar ... caramel custard ...flan. flahn ... strawberries and cream ...fresas con crema/nata. (Sp.) freh-sahss kohn kreh-mah/nah-tah504.What ice cream flavors do you have? ¿Qué sabores de helado tienen? Keh sah-boh-ress deh eh-lah-doh tee-eh-nen505.I would like to order some (vanilla/strawberry/chocolate) ice cream. Me gustaría ordenar un helado (de vainilla/fresa/chocolate). Meh goos-tah-ree-ah or-deh-nar el-ah-doh (deh vi-nee-yah/ freh-sah/cho-koh-lah-teh) ... (lemon/mango/passion fruit) sherbet. ... nieve (de limón/mango/maracuyá). (Mex.) nee-eh-veh (deh lee-mohn/mahn-goh/mah-rah-koo-yah) ... (lemon/raspberry) sherbet. ... sorbete (de limón/frambuesa). (Sp.) sor-beh-teh (deh lee-mohn/frahm-bweh-sah) ... (three-milk) cake ...pastel (de tres leches). (Mex.) pahss-tel (deh trehss leh-chess) ... (cheese) cake ...tarta (de queso). (Sp.) tar-tah (deh keh-soh) ... (chocolate) cake. ... torta (de chocolate). (S. Am.) tor-tah (deh choh-koh-lah-teh)506.Let’s have dessert somewhere else. Comamos el postre en otro lado. Koh-mah-mohss el pohss-treh en oh-troh lah-doh507.Would you like some coffee? ¿Les gustaría un café? Less goos-tah-ree-ah oon kah-feh ... plain coffee ...café americano. kah-feh ah-meh-ree-kah-noh . . . coffee with spices and raw sugar. . . . café de olla. (Mex.) kah-feh deh oh-yah . . . espresso (with a dash of milk). ... expreso (cortado). eks-press-oh (kor-tah-doh)508.This needs a little salt/pepper/sugar. Esto necesita un poco de sal/pimienta/azúcar. Ess-toh neh-seh-see-tah oon poh-koh deh sahl/pee-mee-en- tah/ah-soo-kar509.This is delicious/disgusting. Esto está delicioso/asqueroso. Ess-tohess-tah deh-lee-see-ohss-oh/ahss-keh-rohss-oh510.I (don’t) want more. (No) Quiero más. (Noh) Kee-eh-roh mahss511.Where is the bathroom? ¿Dónde está el ban o/los servicios? (Sp.) Dohn-deh ess-tah el bah-nyoh/lohss sehr-vee-see-ohss . . . the men’s room? . . . el baño/los servicios para caballeros? el bah-nyoh/lohss sehr-vee-see-ohss pah-rah kah-bah-yeh-rohss ... the ladies’ room? . . . el ban o/los servicios para damas? el bah-nyoh/lohss sehr-vee-see-ohss pah-rah dah-mahss512.The check, please. La cuenta, por favor. Lah kwen-tah por fah-vor513.Is service/the tip included? ¿Está incluido el servicio/la propina? Ess-tah een-kloo-ee-doh el sehr-vee-see-oh/lah proh-pee-nah514.The check is wrong. La cuenta está equivocada. Lah kwen-tah ess-tah eh-kee-voh-kah-dah515.We did not order this. No pedimos esto. Noh peh-dee-mohss ess-toh516.I want to speak with the manager. Quiero hablar con el gerente.Kee-eh-roh ah-blar kohn el heh-ren-tehKEEPING IN TOUCH517.I need to make a phone call. Necesito hacer una llamada telefónica. Neh-seh-see-toh ah-sehr oo-nah vah-mah-dah teh-leh-foh-nee-kah ... an international call ...una llamada internacional. oo-nah yah-mah-dah een-tehr-nah-see-oh-nahl ... a collect call ...una llamada por cobrar. oo-nah yah-mah-dah por koh-brar518.Where can I connect to the Internet? ¿Dónde puedo conectarme a la red? Dohn-deh pweh-doh koh-nek-tar-meh ah lah red519.I have my own laptop computer. Tengo mi propia computadora portátil. Ten-goh mee proh-pee-ah kohm-poo-tah-doh-rah por-tah-teel ... laptop computer. ... propio ordenador portátil. (Sp.) proh-pree-oh or-deh-nah-dor por-tah-teel520.Is there (free) Wi-Fi access here? ¿Hay acceso inalámbrico (gratis) aquí? I ahk-seh-soh een-ahl-ahm-bree-koh (grah-tees) ah-kee521.I want to send an e-mail. Quiero enviar/mandar un correo electrónico. Kee-eh-roh en-vee-ar/mahn-dar oon koh-reh-oh eh-lek-troh-nee-koh ... a text message ...un mensaje de texto. oon men-sah-heh deh tex-toh ... a fax ...un fax. oon fax ... a letter (by air mail) ...una carta (por correo aéreo). oo-nah kar-tah (por koh-reh-oh ah-eh-reh-oh) ... a registered letter...una carta certificada. oo-nah kar-tah sehr-tee-fee-kah-dah ... an express letter ....una carta urgente. oo-nah kar-tah oor-hen-teh ... a postcard ... una postal. oo-nah pohss-tahl ... a package (overnight). ...un paquete (para el día siguiente). oon pah-keh-teh (pah-rah el dee-ah see-gee-en-teh)522.Careful! It’s fragile. ¡Cuidado! Es fragil. Kwee-dah-doh ess frah-heel523.Where is the post office? ¿Dónde está la oficina de correos? Dohn-deh ess-tah lah oh-fee-see-nah deh koh-reh-ohss ... the mail box? ...el buzón? el boo-sohn524.Where can I find pen and ink? ¿Dónde puedo encontrar papel y pluma. Dohn-deh pweh-doh en-kohn-trar pah-pel ee ploo-mah ... envelopes? ... sobres? soh-bress ... postage stamps? ... estampillas/sellos postales? ess-tahm-pee-yahss/seh-yohss pohss-tah-less525.I would like to buy a calling card. Quisiera comprar una tarjeta telefónica. Kee-see-eh-rah kohm-prar oo-nah tar-heh-tah teh-leh-foh-nee-kah ... a pre-paid cell phone. ...un teléfono celular/móvil pre-pagado. oon teh-leh-foh-noh seh-loo-lar/moh-veel preh-pah-gah-doh ... a SIM card ...una tarjeta SIM. oo-nah tar-heh-tah seem526. There’s no signal. No hay sen al. Noh I seh-nyahl527.We must be outside the service area. Debemos estar fuera del área de servicio. Deh-beh-mohss ess-tahr fweh-rah del ah-reh-ah deh sehr-vee-see-oh528.What’s your e-mail address? ¿Cuál es tu dirección de correo electrónico? Kwahl ess too dee-rek-see-ohn deh koh-reh-oh eh-lek-troh-nee-koh ... your (cell) phone number? ... tu número de teléfono (celular/móvil)? too noo-mehr-oh deh teh-leh-foh-noh (seh-loo-lar/moh-veel)529.My e-mail address is . . . Mi dirección de correo electrónico es ... Mee dee-rek-see-ohn deh koh-reh-oh eh-lek-troh-nee-koh ess530.My (cell) phone number is ... Mi número de teléfono (celular/móvil) es ... Mee noo-meh-roh deh teh-leh-foh-noh (seh-loo-lar/moh-veel) ess531. Call me. Llámame. Yah-mah-meh532.It’s (always) busy. (Siempre) Está ocupado. (See-em-preh) Ess-tah oh-koo-pah-doh533.There’s a lot of interference. Hay mucha interferencia. I moo-chah een-tehr-feh-ren-see-ah534.I can’t hear you. (inf.) No te escucho. Noh teh ess-koo-choh535.Speak louder. (inf.) Habla más fuerte. Ah-blah mahss fwehr-teh536.I can’t speak any louder. No puedo hablar más fuerte. No pweh-doh ah-blar mahss fwehr-teh537.The call was cut off. Se cortó la llamada. Seh kor-toh lah yah-mah-dah538.Wrong number. El número esta equivocado. El noo-meh-roh ess-tah eh-kee-voh-kah-doh539. Who’s speaking? ¿Quién habla? Kee-en ah-blah540.May I speak to . . . ? ¿Puedo hablar con . . . ? Pweh-doh ah-blar kohn541. Is . . . there? ¿Está. . . ahí? Ess-tah . . . ah-ee542.My name is . . . Mi nombre es ... Mee nohm-breh ess . . .543.Do you know at what time he/she’ll be back? (for.) ¿Sabe a qué hora vuelve? Sah-beh ah keh oh-rah vwel-veh544.Please tell him/her I called. (for.) Por favor dígale que llamé. Por fah-vor dee-gah-leh keh yah-meh545.Please tell him/her to call me back. (for.) Por favor dígale que me llame. Por fah-vor dee-gah-leh keh meh yah-meh546.As soon as he/she gets there. En cuanto llegue. En kwahn-toh yeh-geh547.He/she has my number. Él/ella tiene mi número. El/Eh-yah tee-eh-neh mee noo-meh-roh548.I will call later. Llamaré más tarde. Yah-mah-reh mahss tar-deh549.It’s (not) (very) important. (No) es (muy) importante. (Noh) ess (mooy) eem-por-tahn-teh550.I tried calling you several times. (inf.) Traté de llamarte varias veces. Trah-teh deh yah-mar-teh vah-ree-ahss veh-sess551.Where were you? (inf.) ¿Dónde estabas? Dohn-deh ess-tah-bahss552.Did you get my message? (inf.) ¿Recibiste mi recado? Reh-see-bees-teh mee reh-kah-doh553.Do you have a phone book? (for.) ¿Tiene un directorio telefónico? Tee-eh-neh oon dee-rek-toh-ree-oh teh-leh-foh-nee-koh ... the yellow pages? ... la sección amarilla? lah sek-see-ohn ah-mah-ree-yah554.I need to look up a number/an address. Necesito buscar un número/una dirección. Neh-seh-see-toh boos-kahr oon noo-meh-roh/oo-nah dee-rek-see-ohn555.I’m looking for an Internet café (with Macs). Estoy buscando un cibercafé (con Macs). Ess-toy boos-kahn-doh oon see-behr-kah-feh (kohn Macs) ... a ρublic phone.... un teléfono público. oon teh-leh-foh-noh poo-blee-koh556.What’s the rate per minute? ¿Cuál es la tarifa por minuto? Kwahl ess lah tah-ree-fah por mee-noo-toh ... per quarter of an hour? . . . por un cuarto de hora? por oon kwar-toh de oh-rah ... per hour? ... por hora? por oh-rah557.Can I print a document? ¿Puedo imprimir un documento? Pweh-doh eem-pree-meer oon doh-koo-men-toh558.How do I scan these pages? ¿Cómo escaneo estas páginas? Koh-moh ess-kah-neh-oh ess-tahss pah-hee-nahss559.Help me make a photocopy. (for.) Ayúdeme a hacer una fotocopia. Ah-yoo-deh-meh ah ah-sehr oo-nah foh-toh-koh-pee-ah560.How much is it per page? ¿Cuánto cuesta por página? Kwahn-tohkwess-tah por pah-hee-nahRELIGIOUS SERVICES561.I’m an atheist. Soy ateo. Soy ah-teh-oh ...Ba‘hai. ...ba’hai. bah-hai ...Buddhist. ...budista. boo-dees-tah ...Catholic. ..católico. kah-toh-lee-koh ...Christian. ...cristiano. krees-tee-ah-noh ..Jewish. ...judío. hoo-dee-oh ...Muslim. ...Musulmán. moo-sool-mahn562.Where is the church? ¿Dónde está la iglesia? Dohn-deh ess-tah lah ee-gleh-see-ah ... the mosque? ... la mezquita? lah mess-kee-tah ... the synagogue? ... la sinagoga? lah see-nah-goh-gah ... the temple? ... el templo? el tem-ploh563.At what time are services held? ¿A qué hora son los servicios? Ah keh oh-rah sohn lohss sehr-vee-see-ohss564.May I speak to the imam? ¿Puedo hablar con el imam? Pweh-doh ah-blar kohn el ee-mahm ... the pastor? ... el pastor? el pahss-tor ... the priest? ... el cura? el koo-rah ... the rabbi? ... el rabino? el rah-bee-nohCULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT565.Let’s go to the (contemporary) art museum. Vamos al museo de arte (contemporáneo). Vah-mohss ahl moo-seh-oh deh ar-teh kohn-tem-por-ah-neh-oh ... archaeology museum.... museo de arqueología. moo-seh-oh deh ar-keh-oh-loh-gee-ah ... the craft museum.... museo de artesanías. moo-seh-oh deh ar-teh-sah-nee-ahss ... the natural history museum. ... museo de historia natural. moo-seh-oh deh ees-toh-ree-ah nah-too-rahl566.At what time does it open/close? ¿A qué hora abre/cierra? Ah keh oh-rah ah-breh/see-eh-rah567.Is it free on Thursdays? ¿Es gratis los jueves? Ess grah-teeslohss hweh-vess568.Is there a discount for students/teachers? ¿Hay descuento para estudiantes/profesores? I des-kwen-toh pah-rah ess-too-dee-ahn-tess/proh-feh-soh-ress ... for children? ... para nin os? pah-rah nee-nyohss ... for the elderly? ... para ancianos? pah-rah ahn-see-ah-nohss569.Is it handicap-accessible? ¿Hay acceso para minusválidos? I ahk-seh-soh pah-rah mee-noos-vahl-ee-dohss570.I’m interested in the painting exhibition. Me interesa la exposición de pintura. Meh een-tehr-eh-sah lah eks-poh-see-see-ohn deh peen-too-rah ... the sculpture exhibition.... la exposición de escultura. lah eks-poh-see-see-ohn deh ess-kool-too-rah ... the pre-Hispanic art exhibition. ... la exposición de arte prehispánico. lah eks-poh-see-see-ohn deh ar-teh preh-ees-pah-nee-koh571.We want to take a guided tour of the museum. Queremos una visita guiada del museo. Keh-reh-mohss oo-nah vee-see-tah gee-ah-dah del moo-seh-oh ... of the city.... de la ciudad. deh lah see-oo-dahd572.Is (flash) photography allowed? ¿Se permite tomar fotografias (con flash)? Seh pehr-mee-teh toh-mar foh-toh-grah-fee-ahss (kohn flash)573.Don’t you all want to go to the movies? ¿No quieren ir al cine? Noh kee-eh-ren eer ahl see-neh574.Which direction is the theatre? ¿Hacia dónde está el teatro? Ah-see-yah dohn-deh ess-tah el teh-ah-troh575.What’s playing? ¿Qué hay en la cartelera? Keh I en lah kar-teh-leh-rah576.At what time is the show? ¿A qué hora es la función? Ah keh oh-rah ess lah foon-see-ohn577.How long is the show? ¿Cuánto dura la función? Kwahn-toh doo-rah lah foon-see-ohn578.How much are the tickets? ¿Cuánto cuestan los boletos/las entradas? Kwahn-toh kwess-tahn lohss boh-leh-tohss/lahss en-trah-dahss579.Is the movie dubbed in Spanish? ¿Está doblada al espan ol la pelicula? Ess-tah doh-blah-dah ahl ess-pah-nyohl lah peh-lee-koo-lah580.Did you like the movie/the play? ¿Te gustó la película/la obra? Teh goos-toh lah peh-lee-koo-lah/lah oh-brah581.I liked it (a lot). Me gustó (mucho). Meh goos-toh (moo-choh)582.I didn’t like it (at all). No me gustó (nada). Noh meh goos-toh (nah-dah)583.What’s your favorite movie? ¿Cuil es tu pelicula favorita? Kwahl ess too peh-lee-koo-lah fah-voh-ree-tah584.I feel like going dancing. Tengo ganas de ir a bailar. Ten-goh gah-nahss deh eer ah ¿bi-lar ... partying ... ir de fiesta. eer deh fee-ess-tah ... bar hopping. (Sp.) ... ir de marcha. eer deh mar-chah585.Do you like to dance? (inf.) ¿Te gusta bailar? Teh goos-tah bi-lar586.Can we go to a (rock/classical music) concert? ¿Podemos ir a un concierto (de rock/música clásica)? Poh-deh-mohss eer ah oon kohn-see-ehr-toh (de rock/moo- see-kah klahss-see-kah) ... to a fun place? ... ir a un lugar divertido? eer ah oon loo-gar dee-vehr-tee-doh ... to a nightclub? ... ir a un club nocturno/una discoteca? eer ah oon kloob nohk-toor-noh/oo-nah dees-koh-teh-kah ... to a gay bar? ... ir a un bar gay? eer ah oon bar gay587.Where can we go? ¿A dónde podemos ir? Ah dohn-deh poh-deh-mohss eer588.What’s the cover charge? ¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada? Kwahn-toh kwess-tah lah en-trah-dah589.Do I need to take an ID? ¿Necesito llevar una identificación? Neh-seh-see-toh yeh-vahr oo-nah ee-den-tee-fee-kah-see-ohn590.I’m over eighteen years old.Soy mayor de dieciocho años. Soy mah-yor deh dee-eh-see-oh-choh ah-nyohss.591.I (don’t) drink alcohol. (No) Bebo alcohol. (Noh) Beh-boh ahl-kohl592.I (don’t) like drugs. (No)Me gustan las drogas. (Noh) Meh goos-tahn lahss droh-gahss593.We are (not) going out tonight. (No) Vamos a salir esta noche. (Noh) Vah-mohss ah sah-leer ess-tah noh-cheh594.We have other plans this weekend. Tenemos otros planes este fin de semana. Teh-neh-mohss oh-trohss plah-nehss ess-teh feen deh seh-mah-nah595.Do you want to go with me? (inf.) ¿Quieres ir conmigo? Kee-eh-ress eer kohn-mee-goh596.Would you like to dance with me? (inf.) ¿Quieres bailar conmigo? Kee-eh-ress bi-lar kohn-mee-goh597.I can’t dance (but I don’t care). No sé bailar (pero no me importa). Noh seh bi-lar (peh-roh noh meh eem-por-tah) ... sing.... cantar. kahn-tar598.At what time shall we meet? ¿A qué hora nos vemos? Ah keh oh-rah nohss veh-mohss599.Where shall we meet? ¿Dónde nos vemos? Dohn-deh nohss veh-mohss600.We will meet at the entrance. Nos vemos en la entrada. Nohss veh-mohss en lah en-trah-dah601.Can you pick us up? (inf.) ¿Puedes pasar a recogernos? Pweh-dess pah-sar ah reh-koh-hehr-nohss602. Party on! ¡Que siga la fiesta! Keh see-gah lah fee-ess-tah603.This is fun/boring. Esto está muy divertido/aburrido. Ess-toh ess-tah mooy dee-vehr-tee-doh/ah-boo-ree-doh604.Let’s go somewhere else. Vamos a otro lado. Vah-mohss ah oh-troh lah-doh605.Party’s over. Se acabó la fiesta. Seh ah-kah-boh lah fee-ess-tah606.It’s time to go home (to sleep). Es hora de ir a casa (a dormir). Ess oh-rah deh eer ah kah-sah (ah dor-meer)607.I detest hangovers. Detesto las crudas/resacas. (Sp.) Deh-tess-toh lahss kroo-dahss/reh-sah-kahssMONEY & SHOPPING608.I need to change currencies. Necesito cambiar dinero. Neh-seh-see-toh kahm-bee-ar dee-neh-roh609.I have to buy some traveler’s checks. Tengo que comprar unos cheques de viajero. Ten-goh keh kohm-prar oo-nohss cheh-kess deh vee-ah-heh-roh610.Where is there a bank? ¿Dónde hay un banco? Dohn-deh I oon bahn-koh611.Is there a currency exchange office around here? ¿Hay una casa de cambio por aquí? I oo-nah kah-sah deh kahm-bee-oh por ah-kee612.What’s the exchange rate? ¿Cuál es el tipo de cambio? Kwahl ess el tee-poh deh kahm-bee-oh613.Do I have to pay a commission? ¿Hay que pagar una comisión? I keh pah-gar oo-nah koh-mee-see-ohn614.Give me small bills, please. (for.) Deme billetes pequeños, por favor. Deh-meh bee-yeh-tess peh-keh-nyohss, por fah-vor615.Can you give me a receipt? ¿Me puede dar un recibo? Meh pweh-deh dar oon reh-see-boh616.Let’s go to an ATM. Vamos a un cajero automático. Vah-mohss ah oon kah-heh-roh ow-toh-mah-tee-koh617.Our budget is (very) limited. Nuestro presupuesto es (muy) limitado. Nwess-troh preh-soo-pwess-toh ess (mooy) lee-mee-tah-doh618.We (don’t) have a lot of money. (No) Tenemos (mucho) dinero. (Noh) Teh-neh-mohss moo-choh dee-neh-roh619.We (don’t) want to spend a lot. (No) Queremos gastar mucho. (Noh) Keh-reh-mohss gahss-tahr moo-choh620.I want to go to a clothing store. Quiero ir a una tienda de ropa. Kee-eh-roh eer ah oo-nah tee-en-dah deh roh-pah ... shoe store.... una tienda de zapatos/zapatería. oo-nah tee-en-dah deh sah-pah-tohss/sah-pah-teh-ree-ah ... a handicrafts store.... una tienda de artesanías. oo-nah tee-en-dah deh ar-teh-sah-nee-ahss ... a traditional market.... a un mercado típico. ah oon mehr-kah-doh tee-pee-koh ... a shopping mall.... un centro comercial. oon sen-troh koh-mehr-see-ahl ... an antique store.... una tienda de antigüedades. oo-nah tee-en-dah deh ahn-tee-weh-dah-dess ... a gallery. . . . una galería. oo-nah gah-leh-ree-ah ... a jewelry store.... una joyería. oo-nah hoy-eh-ree-ah621.Do you know where I can find a (used, English) book store? ¿Sabe dónde puedo encontrar una librería (de libros usados, en inglés)? Sah-beh dohn-deh pweh-doh en-kohn-trar oo-nah lee-breh-ree-ah (deh lee-brohss oo-sah-dohss, en-een-gless) ... an office-supply store? ... una papelería? oo-nah pah-pel-eh-ree-ah ... a hardware store? ... una ferretería? oo-nah fehr-reh-teh-ree-ah622.Where can I buy souvenirs? ¿Dónde puedo comprar recuerdos? Dohn-deh pweh-doh kohm-prar reh-kwehr-dohss623.At what time do they open/close? ¿A qué hora abren/cierran? Ah keh oh-rah ah-bren/see-eh-ran624.Just browsing, thank you. Sólo estoy mirando, gracias. Soh-lohess-toymee-rahn-doh, grah-see-ahss625. Can I look at it? ¿Puedo verlo? Pweh-doh vehr-loh626.(Where) Can I try this on? ¿(Dónde) Puedo probarme esto? (Dohn-deh) Pweh-doh proh-bar-meh ess-toh627.It’s too big/small. Me queda grande/chico. Meh keh-dah grahn-deh/chee-koh628.I need a bigger/smaller size. Necesito una talla más grande/chica. Neh-seh-see-toh oo-nah tah-yah mahss grahn-deh/chee-kah629.Do you have more like this one? (for.) ¿Tiene más como éste? Tee-eh-neh mahss koh-moh ess-teh630.I want another one like it. Ouiero otro igual. Kee-eh-roh oh-troh ee-wahl631.Do you have other colors/models? ¿Tiene otros colores/modelos? Tee-eh-neh oh-trohss koh-loh-ress/moh-deh-lohss ... a mirror? ... un espejo? oon ess-peh-hoh632.How much does this cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta/vale esto? Kwahn-toh kwess-tah/vah-leh ess-toh633.What’s the price of that? ¿Qué precio tiene eso? Keh preh-see-oh tee-en-eh eh-soh634. It’s free. Es gratis. Ess grah-tees635.It’s very expensive/cheap. Es muy caro/barato. Ess mooy kah-roh/bah-rah-toh636. It’s too much. Es demasiado. Ess deh-mah-see-ah-doh637.I’m looking for something cheaper. Estoy buscando algo más barato. Ess-toy boos-kahn-doh ahl-goh mahss bah-rah-toh ... of better quality.... de mejor calidad. deh meh-hor kah-lee-dahd ... specific.... en particular. en par-tee-koo-lar638.Can you give me a good/better price? (for.) ¿Me puede dar un buen/mejor precio? Meh pweh-deh dar oon bwen/meh-hor preh-see-oh639.I can’t pay so much. No puedo pagar tanto. Noh pweh-doh pah-gar tahn-toh640.I don’t have enough money. No me alcanza el dinero. Noh meh ahl-kahn-sah el dee-neh-roh641.It has a twenty percent discount. Tiene un descuento del veinte por ciento. Tee-eh-neh oon dess-kwen-toh del vayn-teh por see-en-toh642. It’s on sale. Está de rebaja. Ess-tah deh reh-bah-hah643. I’ll take it. Me lo llevo. Meh loh yeh-voh644.Does it have a warranty? ¿Tiene garantía? Tee-eh-neh gah-rahn-tee-ah645.Where do I pay? ¿Dónde se paga? Dohn-deh seh pah-gah646.Do you accept credit cards? ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito? Ah-sep-tahn tar-heh-tahss deh kreh-dee-toh ... debit cards? ... tarjetas de débito? tar-heh-tahss deh deh-bee-toh ... American dollars? ... dólares americanos? doh-lah-ress ah-meh-ree-kah-nohss647.Can I return it? ¿Puedo devolverlo? Pweh-doh deh-vohl-vehr-loh648.I need a receipt. Necesito un recibo. Neh-seh-see-toh oon reh-see-boh649.Can you (gift) wrap it? (for.) ¿Lo puede envolver (para regalo)? Loh pweh-deh en-vohl-vehr (pah-rah reh-gah-loh)650.Can you put it in a bag/box? ¿Lo puede poner en una bolsa/ caja?Loh pweh-deh poh-nehr en oo-nah bol-sah/kah-hah651. It’s broken. [in pieces]. Está roto. Ess-tah roh-toh652.It’s broken. [it does not work]. Está descompuesto. Ess-tah dess-kohm-pwes-toh653.I believe it’s defective. Creo que está defectuoso. Kreh-oh keh ess-tah deh-fek-twoh-soh654. It doesn’t work. No funciona. Noh foon-see-oh-nah655.I want to return it. Quiero devolverlo. Kee-eh-roh deh-vohl-vehr-loh656.I need a replacement. Necesito una substitución. Neh-seh-see-toh oo-nah soob-stee-too-see-ohn657.Please give me a refund. Por favor deme un reembolso. Por fah-vor deh-meh oon ray-em-bol-sohREST & RELAXATION658.I can’t go on. No puedo seguir. Noh pweh-doh seh-geer ... walk anymore.... caminar más. kah-mee-nar mahss659.I’m too tired. Estoy demasiado cansado. Ess-toy deh-mah-see-ah-doh kahn-sah-doh660.I need to rest (a bit). Necesito descansar (un poco). Neh-seh-see-toh dess-kahn-sar (oon poh-koh) ... sit in the shade.... sentarme a la sombra. sen-tar-meh ah lah sohm-brah ... lie down in a hammock. ... acostarme en una hamaca. ah-kohs-tar-meh en oo-nah ah-mah-kah661.I want to sunbathe by the pool. Quiero asolearme junto a la alberca. Kee-eh-roh ah-soh-leh-ar-meh hoon-toh ah lah ahl-behr-kah ... take a nap.... dormir una siesta. dor-meer oo-nah see-ess-tah662.I just want to relax. Sólo quiero relajarme. Soh-loh kee-eh-roh reh-lah-har-meh663.I don’t want to do anything. No quiero hacer nada. Noh kee-eh-roh ah-sehr nah-dah664.I don’t feel like doing anything. No tengo ganas de hacer nada. Noh ten-goh gah-nahss de ah-sehr nah-dah665.I don’t need to visit any more places. No necesito visitar más lugares. Noh neh-seh-see-toh vee-see-tar mahss loo-gar-ess666.I would rather not go out tonight. Preferiría no salir esta noche. Preh-feh-ree-ree-ah noh sah-leer ess-tah noh-cheh667.Can we stay here? ¿Podemos quedarnos aqui?Poh-deh-mohss keh-dar-nohss ah-kee668. I’m fed up. Ya estoy harto. Yah ess-toy ar-toh669.I just want to watch a little TV. Sólo quiero ver un poco de televisión. Soh-loh kee-eh-roh vehr oon poh-koh deh teh-leh-vee-see-ohn ... read a book.... leer un libro. lay-ehr oon lee-broh670.We could play cards. Podríamos jugar a las cartas. Poh-dree-ah-mohss hoo-gar ah lahss kar-tahss ... video games.... video juegos. vee-deh-oh hweh-gohss ... a board game. ... un juego de mesa. oon hweh-goh deh meh-sah671.We can rent a movie. Podemos rentar una película. Poh-deh-mohss ren-tar oo-nah peh-lee-koo-lah ... listen to music.... escuchar música. ess-koo-char moo-see-kah ... talk for a while.... platicar un rato. plah-tee-kar oon rah-toh ... meditate in silence.... meditar en silencio. meh-dee-tar en see-len-see-oh672.I would rather have dinner at home. Prefiero cenar en casa. Preh-fee-eh-roh seh-nar en kah-sah673.I would like to take a hot bath. Me gustaría tomar un baño caliente. Meh goos-tah-ree-ah toh-mar oon bah-nyoh kah-lee-en-teh ... go to bed early.... acostarme temprano. ah-kohs-tar-meh tem-prah-noh674.I hope to sleep for twelve hours. Espero dormir por doce horas. Ess-peh-roh dor-meer por doh-seh oh-rahss675.I’m exhausted. Estoy exhausto. Ess-toy eks-ow-stoh676.Don’t wake me up. No me despiertes. Noh meh dess-pee-ehr-tess677.I don’t want to be bothered. No quiero que rue molesten. Noh kee-eh-roh keh meh moh-less-ten678.Tomorrow will be another day. Mañana será otro día. Mah-nyah-nah seh-rah oh-troh dee-ahCOMPUTERS & INTERNET679.I need to use a computer. Necesito usar una computadora. Neh-seh-see-toh oo-sar oo-nah kohm-poo-tah-doh-rah ... a computer.... un ordenador. (Sp.) oon or-deh-nah-dor680.Where can I connect to the Internet? ¿Dónde puedo conectarme a la red? Dohn-deh pweh-doh koh-nek-tar-meh ah lah red?681.Do you have a laptop computer? (inf.) ¿Tienes una computadora portátil? Tee-eh-ness oo-nah kohm-poo-tah-doh-rah por-tah-teel ... a laptop computer? ... un ordenador portátil? (Sp.) oon or-deh-nah-dor por-tah-teel682.Is it a Mac or a PC? ¿Es una Mac o una PC? Ess oo-nah Mac oh oo-nah peh-seh683.I don’t know the keyboard shortcuts. No conozco los atajos del teclado. Noh koh-nohss-koh lohss ah-tah-hohss del teh-klah-doh684.I do everything with the mouse. Lo hago todo con el ratón. Loh ah-goh toh-doh kohn el rah-tohn685.What happens if I click on this icon? ¿Qué pasa si hago clic en este icono? Keh pah-sah see ah-goh kleek en ess-teh ee-koh-noh686.How can I get on-line? ¿Cómo puedo conectarme a la red? Koh-moh pweh-doh koh-nek-tar-meh ah lah red ... get off-line? ... desconectarme de la red? dess-koh-nek-tar-meh deh lah red687.I would like to check my e-mail. Quisiera revisar mi correo electroónico. Kee-see-eh-rah reh-vee-sar mee koh-reh-oh eh-lek-troh-nee-koh ... send an e-mail. ... enviar/mandar un correo electrónico. en-vee-ahr/mahn-dar oon koh-reh-oh eh-lek-troh-nee-koh688.My e-mail address is . . . Mi dirección electrónica es ... Mee dee-rek-see-ohn eh-lek-troh-nee-kah ess689.It’s iluvspanish@[at] mymail.[dot] com. Es iluvspanish@ [arroba] mymail.[punto] com. Ess iluvspanish ah-roh-bah mymail poon-tohcom690.What’s the name of the website? ¿Cómo se llama el sitio electrónico? Koh-moh seh yah-mah el see-tee-oh eh-lek-troh-nee-koh691.First, open the browser. (inf.) Primero, abre el navegador. Pree-meh-roh ah-breh el nah-veh-gah-dohr692.You can use the desktop shortcut. (inf.) Puedes usar el acceso directo en el escritorio. Pweh-dess oo-sar el ahk-seh-soh dee-rek-toh en el ess-kree-toh-ree-oh693.Now we can surf through cyberspace. Ahora podemos navegar por el ciberespacio. Ah-oh-rah po-deh-mohss nah-veh-gar por el see-behr-ess-pah-see-oh694.Search for the webpage. (inf.) Busca la página electrónica. Boos-kah lah pah-hee-nah eh-lek-troh-nee-kah695.What’s your favorite search engine? (inf.) ¿Cuál es tu buscador favorito? Kwahl ess too boos-kah-dohr fah-voh-ree-toh696.I want to go to the site’s home page. Quiero ir a la página principal del sitio. Kee-eh-roh eer ah lah pah-hee-nah preen-see-pahl del see-tee-oh697.Click on the link. (inf.) Haz clic en el enlace. Ahss kleek en el en-lah-seh698.My username is . . . Mi nombre de usuario es ... Mee nohm-breh deh oo-swah-ree-oh ess699.What’s the password? ¿Cuál es la contraseña? Kwahl ess lah kohn-trah-seh-nyah700.I have too much spam/junk mail. Tengo demasiado correo basura. Ten-goh deh-mah-see-ah-doh koh-reh-oh bah-soo-rah701.I want to edit the message. Quiero editar el mensaje. Kee-eh-roh eh-dee-tar el men-sah-heh ... copy and paste this word. ... copiar y pegar esta palabra. koh-pee-ar ee peh-gar ess-tah pah-lah-brah ... cut and paste these lines. ... cortar y pegar estas líneas. kor-tar ee peh-gar ess-tahss lee-neh-ahss ... delete this section.... borrar esta sección. boh-rar ess-tah sek-see-ohn702.I need to save the document to the hard disk. Necesito guardar el documento en el disco duro. Neh-seh-see-toh gwar-dar el doh-koo-men-toh en el dees-koh doo-roh ... save it in a new folder. ... guardarlo en una carpeta nueva. gwar-dar-loh en oo-nah kar-peh-tah nweh-vah ... save it as a PDF. ... guardarlo como un PDF. gwar-dar-loh koh-moh oon peh deh eh-feh703.Is it possible to print it from here? ¿Es posible imprimirlo desde aquí? Ess poh-see-bleh eem-pree-meer-loh dess-deh ah-kee704.The printer is running out of ink/toner. Se le está acabando la tinta/el toner a la impresora. Seh leh ess-tah ah-kah-bahn-doh lah teen-tah/el toh-nehr ah lah eem-preh-soh-rah705.The paper jammed. Se atoró el papel. Seh ah-toh-roh el pah-pel706.I’m missing some pages. Me faltan algunas páginas. Meh fahl-tahn ahl-goo-nahss pah-hee-nahss707.Can I attach a file? ¿Puedo adjuntar un archivo?Pweh-doh ahd-hoon-tar oon ahr-chee-voh708.How do I open the attached file? ¿Cómo abro el archivo adjunto? Koh-moh ah-broh el ahr-chee-voh ahd-hoon-toh ... save the attached file? ... guardo el archivo adjunto? gwar-doh el ahr-chee-voh ad-hoon-toh709.Just drag it and drop it. (inf.) Sólo arrástralo y colócalo. Soh-loh ah-rahss-trah-loh ee koh-loh-kah-loh710.Downloading software is risky. Descargar programas es riesgoso. Dess-kar-gar proh-grah-mahss ess ree-ess-goh-soh711.I think it doesn’t have the software I need. Creo que no tiene el programa que necesito. Kreh-oh keh noh tee-eh-neh el proh-grah-mah keh neh-seh-see-toh712.Does this computer have antivirus software? ¿Tiene un programa antivirus esta computadora? Tee-eh-neh oon proh-grah-mah ahn-tee-vee-roos ess-tah kohm-poo-tah-doh-rah713.Did you remember to back up your work? (inf.) ¿Te acordaste de respaldar tu trabajo? Teh ah-kor-dahss-teh deh ress-pahl-dahr too trah-bah-hoh714.Don’t forget to turn off the equipment. (inf.) No olvides apagar el equipo. Noh ohl-vee-dess ah-pah-gar el eh-kee-pohBUSINESS TRAVEL715.I came for a conference. Vine a una conferencia. Vee-neh ah oo-nah kohn-feh-ren-see-ah . . . a symposium. ... un simposio. oon seem-poh-see-oh . . . a convention. . . . una convención. oo-nah kohn-ven-see-ohn ... a (professional) meeting.... una reunión (profesional). oo-nah reh-oo-nee-ohn (proh-feh-see-oh-nahl) ... an industry fair.... una feria industrial. oo-nah fehr-ee-ah een-doos-tree-ahl716.I’m taking a (Spanish) course. Estoy tomando un curso (de español). Ess-toy toh-mahn-doh oon koor-soh (deh ess-pah-nyohl)717.I’m here on official business. Estoy aquí por asuntos oficiales. Ess-toy ah-kee por ahss-soon-tohss oh-fee-see-ah-less718.I work for a transnational company. Trabajo para una compañía transnacional. Trah-bah-hoh pah-rah oo-nah kohm-pah-nyee-ah trahns-nah-see-oh-nahl ... an import/export business. ... una empresa de importación/exportación. oo-nah em-preh-sah deh eem-por-tah-see-ohn/ex-por-tah-see- ohn719.I teach at a (state) university. Enseño en una universidad (estatal). En-seh-nyoh en oo-nah oo-nee-vehr-see-dahd (ess-tah-tahl)720.I’m a government agent. Soy un agente del gobierno. Soy oon ah-hen-teh del goh-bee-ehr-noh721.We have offices all over the world. Tenemos oficinas en todo el mundo. Teh-neh-mohss oh-fee-see-nahss en toh-doh el moon-doh722.The meeting is at eleven sharp. La junta es a las once en punto. Lah hoon-tah es ah lahss ohn-seh en poon-toh723.I don’t want to be late. No quiero llegar tarde. Noh kee-eh-roh yeh-gar tar-deh724.I’m late, forgive me. (for.) Estoy retrasado, disculpe. Ess-toy reh-trah-sah-doh, dees-kool-peh725.I have an appointment with the President. Tengo una cita con el presidente. Ten-goh oo-nah see-tah kohn el preh-see-den-teh ... the Vice-President (for Sales). ... el vicepresidente (de ventas). el vee-seh-preh-see-den-teh (deh ven-tahss)726.I came to see the (Marketing) Director. Vine a ver al director (de mercadeo). Vee-neh ah vehr ahl dee-rek-tor (deh mehr-kah-deh-oh) ... the Assistant Director (for Human Resources). ... al subdirector (de recursos humanos). ahl soob-dee-rek-tor (deh reh-koor-sohss oo-mah-nohss)727.I need to talk to the (Regional) Manager. Necesito hablar con el gerente (regional). Neh-seh-see-toh ah-blar kohn el heh-ren-teh (reh-hee-oh-nahl)728. My name is ... Mi nombre es ...Mee nohm-breh ess . . .729.Where is his/her office? ¿Dónde está su oficina? Dohn-deh ess-tah soo oh-fee-see-nah ... the elevator? ... el elevador/ascensor? el eh-leh-vah-dor/ah-sen-sor730.I (don’t) need an interpreter. (No) Necesito un intérprete. (Noh) Neh-seh-see-toh oon een-tehr-preh-teh731.Do you have a business card? (for.) ¿Tiene una tarjeta? Tee-eh-neh oo-nah tar-heh-tah732.Here is my card. Aquí esta mi tarjeta. Ah-kee ess-tah mee tar-heh-tah733.I need to call headquarters. Necesito llamar a la oficina central. Neh-seh-see-toh yah-mar ah lah oh-fee-see-nah sen-trahl ... my boss.... a mi jefe. ah mee heh-feh ... my spouse.... a mi esposo/-a. ah mee ess-poh-soh/-ah734.Can we sign the contract now? ¿Podemos firmar el contrato ahora? Poh-deh-mohss feer-mar el kohn-trah-toh ah-oh-rah735.Some of the clauses aren’t clear. Algunas de las claúsulas no están claras. Ahl- goo-nahss deh lahss klow-soo-lahss noh ess-tahn klah-rahss736.We need more time to think it over. Necesitamos más tiempo para pensarlo. Neh-seh-see-tah-mohss mahss tee-em-poh pah-rah- pen-sahr-loh737.I need to discuss it with my partners. Necesito discutirlo con mis socios. Neh-seh-see-toh dees-koo-teer-loh kohn mees soh-see-ohss738.The governing board has to approve it. La junta directiva tiene que aprobarlo. Lah hoon-tah dee-rek-tee-vah tee-eh-neh keh ah-proh-bar-loh739.The stockholders might not approve the deal. Los accionistas podrían no aprobar el trato. Lohss ahk-see-oh-nees-tahss poh-dree-ahn noh ah-proh-bahr el trah-toh740.We made an all-around excellent deal. Hicimos un negocio redondo. Ee-see-mohss oon neh-goh-see-oh reh-dohn-doh741.We’re going to make a lot of money.Vamos a hacer mucho dinero. Vah-mohss ah ah-sehr moo-choh dee-neh-roh742.Let’s go celebrate it. Vamos a celebrarlo. Vah-mohss ah seh-leh-brar-lohTHE ENVIRONMENT743.I’m concerned about the environment. Me preocupa el medio ambiente. Meh preh-oh-koo-pah el meh-dee-oh ahm-bee-en-teh ... global warming.... el calentamiento global. el kahl-en-tah-mee-en-toh gloh-bahl ... climate change.... los cambios climáticos. lohss kahm-bee-ohss klee-mah-tee-kohss ... melting ice caps. ... el deshielo de los polos. el dess-yeh-loh deh lohss poh-lohss ... air/water pollution.... la contaminación del aire/agua. lah kohn-tah-mee-nah-see-ohn del I-ray/ ah-wah ... overpopulation.... la sobrepoblación. lah soh-breh-poh-blah-see-ohn744.This city is very polluted. Esta ciudad está muy contaminada. Ess-tah see-oo-dahd ess-tah mooy kohn-tah-mee-nah-dah745.There is too much trash. Hay demasiada basura. I deh-mah-see-ah-dah bah-soo-rah746.It seems like there are too many cars. Parece que hay demasiados autos. Pah-reh-seh keh I deh-mah-see-ah-dohss ow-tohss747.Why not use more bicycles? ¿Por qué no usar más bicicletas? Por keh noh oo-sar mahss bee-see-kleh-tahss748.People smoke too much. La gente fuma demasiado. Lah hen-teh foo-mah deh-mah-see-ah-doh749.I never litter. Nunca tiro basura en la calle. Noon-kah tee-roh bah-soo-rah en lah kah-yeh750.Where is there a recycling center? ¿Dónde hay un centro de reciclaje? Dohn-deh I oon sen-troh deh reh-see-klah-heh751.Do you recycle paper/cardboard? ¿Reciclan papel/cartón? Reh-see-klahn pah-pel/kar-tohn ... plastics? ... plásticos? plahss-tee-kohss ... glass? ... vidrio? vee-dree-oh ... aluminum? ... aluminio? ah-loo-mee-nee-oh752.Let’s not waste water/food. No desperdiciemos agua/comida. Noh dess-pehr-dee-see-eh-mohss ah-wah/koh-mee-dah753.Let’s turn off the lights. Apaguemos las luces. Ah-pah-geh-mohss lahss loo-sess754.Let’s turn down the air conditioning. Bajemos el aire acondicionado. Bah-heh-mohss el I-reh ah-kohn-dee-see-oh-nah-doh755.We must care for nature. Debemos cuidar la naturaleza. Deh-beh-mohss kwee-dar lah nah-too-rah-leh-sah756.The endangered species must be protected. Hay que proteger las especies en peligro. I keh proh-teh-hehr lahss ess-peh-see-ess en peh-lee-groh757.I would like to visit a natural reserve. Me gustaría visitar una reserva natural. Meh goos-tah-ree-ah vee-see-tahr oo-nah reh-sehr-vah nah-too-rahl758.It would be better if we planted our own food. Sería mejor si plantáramos nuestra propia comida. Seh-ree-ah meh-hor see plahn-tar-ah-mohss nwess-trah proh-pree-ah koh-mee-dah759.I want to buy organic products. Quiero comprar productos orgánicos. Kee-eh-roh kohm-prar proh-dook-tohss or-gah-nee-kohss760.Where are local products sold? ¿Dónde se venden productos locales? Dohn-deh seh ven-den proh-dook-tohss loh-kah-less761.What is locally produced? ¿Qué se produce localmente? Keh sehproh-doo-seh loh-kahl-men-tehSPORTS & EXERCISE762.I’m (not) in good shape. (No) Estoy en buena forma. (Noh) Ess-toy en bweh-nah for-mah763.I (don’t) like to exercise. (No) Me gusta hacer ejercicio. (Noh) Meh goos-tah ah-sehr eh-hehr-see-see-oh764.It makes me feel good. Me hace sentir bien. Meh ah-seh sen-teer bee-en765.I want to jog in the park. Quiero correr en el parque. Kee-eh-roh koh-rehr en el par-keh766.Can I walk around here? ¿Puedo caminar por aquí? Pweh-doh kah-mee-nar por ah-kee767.I would like to go to the gym. Me gustaría ir al gimnasio. Meh goos-tah-ree-ah eer ahl heem-nah-see-oh ... go swimming. ...ir a nadar. eer ah nah-dar ... ride a bike.... andar en bicicleta. ahn-dar en bee-see-kleh-tah768.Do you like sports? ¿Te gustan los deportes? Teh goos-tahn lohss deh-por-tess769.What’s your favorite sport? ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? Kwahl ess too deh-por-teh fah-voh-ree-toh770.Is there a national sport? ¿Hay un deporte nacional? I oon deh-por-teh nah-see-oh-nahl771.I prefer watching sports on TV. Prefiero ver los deportes en la televisión. Preh-fee-eh-roh vehr lohss deh-por-tess en lah teh-leh-vee-see-ohn772. I lift weights. Levanto pesas. Leh-vahn-toh peh-sahss773.I practice martial arts. Practico artes marciales. Prahk-tee-koh ahr-tess mar-see-ah-less774.Have you tried yoga? (inf.) Has probado el yoga? Ahss proh-bah-doh el yoh-gah?775.I do aerobics. Hago ejercicios aeróbicos. Ah-goh eh-hehr-see-see-ohss I-roh-bee-kohss776.I train every day. Me entreno todos los días Meh en-treh-noh toh-dohss lohss dee-ahss777.I really like playing golf. Me encanta jugar golf. Meh en-kahn-tah hoo-gar gohlf ... tennis.... tenis. teh-nees ... basketball.... baloncesto. bah-lohn-sess-toh ... volleyball.... voleibol. voh-lay-bohl778.Can we go to a soccer match? ¿Podemos ir a un partido de futbol? Poh-deh-mohss eer ah oon par-tee-doh deh foot-bohl779.What’s the local team’s name?¿Cómo se llama el equipo local? Koh-moh seh yah-mah el eh-kee-poh loh-kahl780. Are they good? ¿Son buenos? Sohn bweh-nohss781.Are you a (big) fan? (inf.) ¿Eres un (gran) hincha? Eh-ress oon (grahn) een-chah782.When is the bull-fighting season? ¿Cuándo es la temporada de toros? Kwahn-doh ess lah tem-poh-rah-dah deh toh-rohss783.Is boxing/wrestling popular? ¿Es popular el boxeo/la lucha libre? Ess poh-poo-lar el bohk-seh-oh/lah loo-chah lee-brehHEALTH & WELLNESS784.I don’t feel well. No me siento bien. Noh meh see-en-toh bee-en785.I feel (very) ill. Me siento (muy) mal. Meh see-en-toh (mooy) mahl786.I’ve been feeling sick since yesterday. Me siento mal desde ayer. Meh see-en-toh mahl dess-deh ah-yehr . . . since two days ago.... desde hace dos días. dess-deh ah-seh dohss dee-ahss ... since a week ago.... desde hace una semana. dess-deh ah-seh oo-nah seh-mah-nah ... since I got here.... desde que llegué. dess-deh keh yeh-geh787.I’m (very) sick. Estoy (muy) enfermo/-a. Ess-toy (mooy) en-fehr-moh/-ah788.I need a doctor (who speaks English). Necesito un médico/doctor (que hable inglés). Neh-seh-see-toh oon meh-dee-koh/dohk-tor keh ah-bleh een-gless ... a general practitioner.... un médico generalista. oon meh-dee-koh heh-nehr-ah-lees-tah ... a specialist... un especialista. oon ess-peh-see-ahl-ees-tah ... a dentist... un dentista. oon den-tees-tah789.Where can I get a medical examination? ¿Dónde puedo obtener una consulta médica? Dohn-deh pweh-doh ohb-teh-nehr oo-nah kohn-sool-tah meh-dee-kah790.I would rather see a female doctor. Preferiría ver a una doctora. Preh-feh-ree-ree-ah vehr ah oo-nah dohk-tor-ah791.Can a doctor come here? ¿Puede venir un doctor aquí? Pweh-deh ven-eer oon dohk-tor ah-kee792.Call an ambulance. Llamen una ambulancia. Yah-men oo-nah ahm-boo-lahn-see-ah793.I want to go to the hospital. Quiero ir al hospital. Kee-eh-roh eer ahl ohss-pee-tahl ... to the clinic... a la clínica. ah lah klee-nee-kah ... to the Emergency Room. ... a la sala de emergencias/urgencias. (Mex.) ah lah sah-lah deh eh-mehr-hen-see-ahss/oor-hen-see-ahss794.Do I need to make an appointment? ¿Debo hacer una cita? Deh-boh ah-sehr oo-nah see-tah795.It’s an emergency. Es una emergencia. Ess oo-nah eh-mehr-hen-see-ah796. It’s urgent. Es urgente. Ess oor-hen-teh797.I’m about to give birth. Estoy a punto de dar a luz. Ess-toy ah poon-toh deh dahr ah loos798. I’m dying. Me muero. Meh mweh-roh799.I have a (high) fever/a (high) temperature. Tengo (mucha) fiebre/una temperatura (alta). Ten-goh (moo-chah) fee-eh-breh/oo-nah tem-peh-rah-too-rah (ahl-tah)800.I feel a (sharp) pain here. Siento un (fuerte) dolor aquí. See-en-toh oon (fwehr-teh) doh-lor ah-kee801.[My head] hurts (a lot). Me duele (mucho) la cabeza. Meh dweh-leh (moo-choh) lah kah-beh-sahMy (inner) eat. . . . . . el oído. el oh-ee-doh My tooth . . . . . . el diente. el dee-en-teh My neck ...... el cuello. el kweh-yoh My throat . . . . . . la garganta. lah gar-gahn-tah My shoulder . . . . . . el hombro. el ohm-broh My back . . . . . . la espalda. lah ess-pahl-dah My chest . . . . . . el pecho. el peh-choh My left/right arm . . . . . . el brazo izquierdo/derecho. el brah-soh ees-kee-ehr-doh/deh-reh-choh My elbow . . . . . . el codo. el koh-doh My wrist . . . . . . la muñeca. lah moo-nyeh-kah My hand . . . . . . la mano. lah mah-noh My finger . . . . . . el dedo. el deh-doh My waist . . .. . . la cintura. lah seen-too-rah My stomach . . . . . . el estomago. el ess-toh-mah-goh My hip . . . . . . la cadera. lah kah-deh-rah My leg . . . . . . la pierna. lah pee-ehr-nah My knee . . . . . . la rodilla. lah roh-dee-yah My ankle . . . . . . el tobillo. el toh-bee-yoh My foot . . . . . . el pie. el pee-eh My toe . . . . . . el dedo del pie. el deh-doh del pee-eh802.I’m dizzy. Estoy mareado/-a. Ess-toy mar-eh-ah-doh/-ah ... constipated. . . . constipado/-a/estreñido/-a. kohn-stee-pah-doh/-ah/ess-treh-nyee-doh/-ah ... swollen.... hinchado/-a. een-chah-doh/-ah ... pregnant.... embarazada. em-bah-rah-sah-dah ... bleeding (a lot).... sangrando (mucho). sahn-grahn-doh (moo-choh)803.It itches (a lot). Siento (mucha) comezón. See-en-toh (moo-chah) koh-meh-sohn804. I feel nauseous. Siento náuseas. See-en-toh now-seh-ahss805.I suffer from indigestion. Sufro de indigestión. Soo-froh deh een-dee-gess-tee-ohn ... heartburn. agruras/acidez estomacal. ah-groo-rahss/ah-see-dess ess-toh-mah-kahl806....(chronic) sinusitis... sinusitis (crónica). see-noo-see-tees (kroh-nee-kah)807.I can’t breathe. No puedo respirar. Noh pweh-doh ress-pee-rar ... see (clearly).... ver (claramente). vehr (klah-rah-men-teh) ... hear (well).... oír (bien). oh-eer (bee-en) ... sleep.... dormir. dor-meer ... move my arm/my legs.... mover el brazo/las piernas. moh-vehr el brah-soh/lahss pee-ehr-nahss ... speak.... hablar. ah-blar808.Something I ate made me ill. Algo que comí me hizo daño . Ahl-goh keh koh-mee meh ee-soh dah-nyoh809.I threw up (a lot). Vomité (mucho). Voh-mee-teh (moo-choh)810.I can’t stop throwing up. No puedo dejar de vomitar. Noh pweh-doh deh-har deh voh-mee-tar811.Something bit me. (an insect) Algo me picó. Ahl-goh meh pee-koh812.Something bit me. (an animal) Algo me mordió. Ahl-goh meh mor-dee-oh813. I hurt myself. Me lastimé. Meh lahss-tee-meh814.I hurt my hand/my foot. Me lastimé la mano/el pie. Meh lahss-tee-meh lah mah-noh/el pee-eh815.I twisted my wrist/my ankle. Me torci la muñeca/el tobillo. Meh tor-see lah moo-nyeh-kah/el toh-bee-yoh816.I broke my arm/my leg. Me rompí el brazo/la pierna. Meh rohm-pee el brah-soh/lah pee-ehr-nah817. I cut myself. Me corté. Meh kor-teh818.I may need some stitches. Puede que necesite unos puntos (de sutura). Pweh-deh keh neh-seh-see-teh oo-nohss poon-tohss (deh soo-too-rah)819. I burned myself. Me quemé. Meh keh-meh820.I have asthma. Tengo asma.Ten-goh ahss-mah ... muscle cramps.... calambres musculares. kah-lahm-bress moos-koo-lah-ress ... cancer.... cáncer. kahn-sehr ... diabetes. . . . diabetes. dee-ah-beh-tess ... diarrhea.... diarrea. dee-ar-reh-ah ... menstrual cramps... dolores menstruales. doh-loh-ress mens-trwah-less . . . chills ... escalofríos. ess-kah-loh-free-ohss . . . an S.T.D... una enfermedad venérea/sexual. oo-nah en-fehr-meh-dahd veh-neh-reh-ah/sek-soo-ahl ... high/low blood pressure... la presión alta/baja. lah preh-see-ohn ahl-tah/bah-hah ... hepatitis.... hepatitis. eh-pah-tee-tees ... AIDS. . . SIDA. see-dah ... a cough.... tos. tohss821.I think I have an ear infection. Creo que tengo una infección del oído. Kreh-oh keh ten-goh oo-nah een-fek-see-ohn del oh-ee-doh ... a skin infection.... infección de la piel. een-fek-see-ohn deh lah pee-el ... a urinary tract infection.... infección urinaria. een-fek-see-ohn oo-ree-nah-ree-ah ... a yeast infection.... infección vaginal. een-fek-see-ohn vah-hee-nahl ... a bladder infection.... infección de la vejiga. een-fek-see-ohn deh lah veh-hee-gah822.I’ve had heart problems. He tenido problemas del corazón.Eh teh-nee-doh proh-bleh-mahss del koh-rah-sohn ... liver problems.... problemas del hígado. proh-bleh-mahss del ee-gah-doh ... kidney problems.... problemas renales. proh-bleh-mahss reh-nah-less ... lung problems.... problemas respiratorios. proh-bleh-mahss res-pee-rah-toh-ree-ohss823.I’m allergic to penicillin. Soy alérgico a la penicilina. Soy ah-lehr-hee-koh ah lah peh-nee-see-lee-nah ... to shellfish. . . . a los mariscos. ah lohss mah-rees-kohss ... to peanuts.... a los cacahuates/al maní. ah lohss kah-kah-wah-tess/ahl mah-nee ... to pollen.... al polen.ahl poh-len ... to bee stings. . . . a las picaduras de abeja. ah lahss pee-kah-doo-rahss deh ah-beh-hah824.I have hay fever. Tengo fiebre del heno. Ten-goh fee-eh-breh del eh-noh825.My doctor prescribed this medicine. Mi doctor me recetó esta medicina. Mee dohk-tor meh reh-seh-toh ess-tah meh-dee-see-nah826.I am taking pain-killers. Estoy tomando analgésicos. Ess-toy toh-mahn-doh ah-nahl-heh-see-kohss ... antibiotics.... antibióticos. ahn-tee-bee-oh-tee-kohss ... antihistamines.... antiestamínicos. ahn-tee-ess-tah-mee-nee-kohss ... aspirin.... aspirinas. ahss-pee-ree-nahss ... contraceptive pills. ... píldoras/pastillas anticonceptivas. peel-doh-rahss/pahss-tee-yahss ahn-tee-kohn-sep-tee-vahss ... vitamins.... vitaminas.vee-tah-mee-nahss827. I (don’t) smoke. (No) Fumo. (Noh) Foo-moh828.I (don’t) drink alcohol. (No) Bebo alcohol. (Noh) Beh-boh ahl-kohl829.I (don’t) use drugs. (No) Uso drogas. (Noh) Oo-soh droh-gahss830.I wear contact lenses. Uso lentes de contacto. Oo-soh len-tess deh kohn-tahk-toh831.My blood type is O positive/negative. Mi tipo de sangre es O positivolnegativo. Mee tee-poh deh sahn-greh ess oh poh-see-tee-voh/ neh-gah-tee-voh832.Is it (very) serious? ¿Es (muy) grave? Ess (mooy) grah-veh833.Will I be well (soon)? ¿Estaré bien (pronto)? Ess-tah-reh bee-en (prohn-toh)834.How much for the visit? ¿Cuánto es por la consulta? Kwahn-toh ess por lah kohn-sool-tah835.Where does one pay for the visit? ¿Dónde se paga la consulta? Dohn-deh seh pah-gah lah kohn-sool-tah836.I need a receipt for my insurance company. Necesito un recibo para mi compañía de seguros. Neh-seh-see-toh oon reh-see-boh pah-rah mee kohm-pah-nyee-ah deh seh-goo-rohss837.Can you give me something for the pain? (for.) ¿Me puede dar algo para el dolor? Meh pweh-deh dar ahl-goh pah-rah el doh-lor838.I need medicine. Necesito medicina. Neh-seh-see-toh meh-dee-see-nah ... a Band-Aid.... una curita/tirita. (Sp.) oo-nah koo-ree-tah/tee-ree-tah ... a laxative. ... un laxante. oon lahk-sahn-teh ... a prescription. ... una receta médica. oo-nah reh-seh-tah meh-dee-kah ... a tetanus shot.... una vacuna contra el tétano. oo-nah vah-koo-nah kohn-trah el teh-tah-noh ... a bandage.... una venda. oo-nah ven-dah839.I don’t want to have surgery here. No quiero que me operen aquí. Noh kee-eh-roh keh meh oh-peh-ren ah-kee840.I hate needles. Odio las agujas. Oh-dee-oh lahss ah-goo-hahss841.Seeing blood makes me sick. Me enferma ver sangre. Meh en-fehr-mah vehr sahn-greh842.Where is the drugstore? ¿Dónde está la farmacia? Dohn-deh ess-tah lah far-mah-see-ah843.Is it open twenty-four hours? ¿Está abierta las veinticuatro horas? Ess-tah ah-bee-ehr-tah lahss vayn-tee-kwah-troh oh-rahss844.Are you a pharmacist? (for.) ¿Es usted farmacéutico/-a? Ess oos-ted fahr-mah-seh-oo-tee-koh/kah845.How do you take this medicine? ¿Cómo se toma esta medicina? Koh-moh seh toh-mah ess-tah meh-dee-see-nah846.Does this medicine cause side effects? ¿Causa efectos secundarios este medicamento? Kow-sah eh-fek-tohss seh-koon-dah-ree-ohss ess-teh meh-dee-kah-men-toh847. Are they serious? ¿Son serios? Sohn seh-ree-ohss848. What are they? ¿Cuáles son? Kwah-less sohnCAR TROUBLE849.The car broke down. Se descompuso el auto/el coche. Seh dess-kohm-poo-soh el ow-toh/el koh-cheh850.We had an accident. Tuvimos un accidente. Too-vee-mohss oon ahk-see-den-teh851.We crashed (with another car). Chocamos (con otro auto). Cho-kah-mohss (kohn oh-troh ow-toh)852. It won’t start. No enciende. Noh en-see-en-deh853.It makes a funny noise. Hace un ruido raro. Ah-seh oon rwee-doh rah-roh854.It doesn’t shift gears (smoothly). No embraga (fácilmente). Noh em-brah-gah (fah-seel-men-teh)855.The headlights won’t turn on. No prenden los faros. Noh pren-den lohss fah-rohss The brake lights ... ... las luces de atrás. lahss loo-sess deh ah-trahss The turn signals ... ... las intermitentes. lahss een-tehr-mee-ten-tess856.The windshield wipers aren’t moving. Los limpiadores no se mueven. Lohss leem-pee-ah-doh-ress noh seh mweh-ven857.It doesn’t brake well. No frena bien. Noh freh-nah bee-en858. It doesn’t accelerate. No acelera. Noh ah-seh-leh-rah859.It accelerates by itself. Acelera sólo. Ah-ceh-leh-rah soh-loh860.The pedal gets stuck. El pedal se atora. El peh-dahl seh ah-toh-rah861.The steering doesn’t work. No funciona la dirección. Noh foon-see-oh-nah lah dee-rek-see-ohn862.It’s blowing a lot of smoke. Echa mucho humo . Eh-chah moo-choh oo-moh863.It has a flat tire. Tiene una rueda pinchada. Tee-eh-neh oo-nah rweh-dah peen-chah-dah864.A tire went flat. Se le ponchó una llanta. (Mex.) Seh leh pohn-choh oo-nah yahn-tah865.I think it has a dead battery. Creo que tiene la batería descargada. Kreh-oh keh tee-eh-neh lah bah-teh-ree-ah dess-kar-gah-dah866.It could be a blown gasket. Podría ser una junta reventada. Poh-dree-ah sehr oo-nah hoon-tah reh-ven-tah-dah867.It’s overheated. Está sobrecalentado. Ess-tah soh-breh-kah-len-tah-doh868.It’s leaking coolant. Está perdiendo anticongelante. Ess-tah pehr-dee-en-doh ahn-tee-kohn-heh-lahn-teh869.It needs oil. Le falta aceite. Leh fahl-tah ah-say-teh ... gas.... gasolina. gahss-soh-lee-nah ... air in the tires.... aire a las llantas. I-reh ah lahss yahn-tahss870.I left the keys inside. Dejé las llaves adentro. Deh-heh lahss yah-vess ah-den-troh871.Where is there a car repair shop/garage? ¿Dónde hay un taller mecánico/un garaje? Dohn-deh I oon tah-yehr meh-kah-nee-koh/oon gah-rah-heh872.I need a tow truck. Necesito una grúa. Neh-seh-see-toh oo-nah groo-ah ... a (car) mechanic.... un mecánico (automotriz). oon meh-kah-nee-koh (ow-toh-moh-trees) ... a car jack.... un gato. oon gah-toh873.Do you have jumper cables? ¿Tiene cables/una pinza de batería? (Sp.) Tee-eh-neh kah-bless/oo-nah peen-sah deh bah-teh-ree-ah874.How much will it cost? ¿Cuánto va a costar? Kwahn-toh vah ah kohs-tar875.Does that include parts and labor? ¿Eso incluye mano de obra y refacciones? Eh-soh een-kloo-yeh mah-noh deh oh-brah ee reh-fahk-see-oh-ness876.Will you put in new parts? (for.) ¿Le pondrá refacciones nuevas? Leh pohn-drah reh-fahk-see-oh-ness nweh-vahss877.Can you fix it (today)? (for.) ¿Puede arreglarlo/repararlo (hoy mismo)? Pweh-deh ah-reh-glar-loh/re-pah-rar-loh (oy mees-moh)878.When will it be ready? ¿Cuándo estará listo? Kwahn-doh ess-tah-rah lees-toh879.At what time can I pick it up? ¿A qué hora puedo recogerlo? Ah keh oh-rah pweh-doh reh-koh-hehr-loh880.It’s (not) insured. (No) Está asegurado. (Noh) Ess-tah ah-seh-goo-rah-doh881.Can I pay with a credit card? ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito? Pweh-doh pah-gar kohn tar-heh-tah deh kreh-dee-tohEMERGENCIES882.Help! ¡Ayuda!/¡Auxilio!/¡Socorro! Ah-yoo-dah/Owk-see-lee-oh/Soh-koh-roh883.Do you know first aid? ¿Sabe primeros auxilios? Sah-beh pree-meh-rohss owk-see-lee-ohss884.I need a doctor. Necesito un médico/un doctor. Neh-seh-see-toh oon meh-dee-koh/oon dohk-tor885.Where is the nearest hospital? ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano? Dohn-deh ess-tah el ohss-pee-tahl mahss sehr-kah-noh886.Take me to the Emergency Room. Lléveme a la sala de emergencias/urgencias. (Mex.) Yeh-veh-meh ah lah sah-lah deh eh-mehr-hen-see-ahss/ oor-hen-see-ahss887.I’m going to pass out. Me voy a desmayar. Meh voy ah dess-mah-yahr888.I want a lawyer. Quiero un abogado. Kee-eh-roh oon ah-boh-gah-doh889.Call the police. (pl.) Llamen a la policía. Yah-men ah lah poh-lee-see-ah ... an ambulance.... una ambulancia. oo-nah ahm-boo-lahn-see-ah ... the fire department.... a los bomberos. ah lohss bohm-beh-rohss890.It’s an emergency! ¡Es una emergencia! Ess oo-nah eh-mehr-hen-see-ah891.Do something, please. (for.) Haga algo, por favor. Ah-gah ahl-gohpor fah-vor892. Stop, thief!¡Alto, ladrón! Ahl-toh, lah-drohn893. He went that way.Se fue por allá. Seh fweh por ah-yah894.I have been robbed/assaulted. Me han robado/asaltado. Meh ahn roh-bah-doh/ah-saht-tah-doh895.They stole my wallet. Me robaron la cartera/la billetera. Meh roh-bah-ron lah kar-teh-rah/lah bee-yeh-teh-rah896.They took my purse. Se llevaron mi bolsa (Mex.)/mi bolso. (Sp.) Seh yeh-vah-rohn mee bohl-sah/mee bohl-soh ... my luggage.... mi equipaje. mee eh-kee-pah-heh897. I was raped. Me violaron. Meh vee-oh-lah-ron898.I need to report a crime. Necesito hacer una denuncia. Neh-seh-see-toh ah-sehr oo-nah deh-noon-see-ah899.I lost my passport. Perdi mi pasaporte. Pehr-dee mee pah-sah-por-teh ... my money.... mi dinero. mee dee-neh-roh ... my ticket.... mi boleto/pasaje. mee boh-leh-toh/pah-sah-heh900.I can’t find the key to my room. No encuentro la llave de mi habitación. Noh en-kwen-troh lah yah-veh deh mee ah-bee-tah-see-ohn901. He/she can’t swim. No sabe nadar. Noh sah-beh nah-dar902.He/she’s drowning. Se está ahogando, Seh ess-tah ah-oh-gahn-doh903.I think he/she’s dead. Creo que está muerto/a. Kreh-oh keh ess-tah mwehr-toh/-tahFLIRTING904.Hi, what’s your name? (inf.) Hola, ¿cómo te llamas? Oh-lah, koh-moh teh yah-mass905.My name is ... Mi nombre es ... Mee nohm-breh ess ...906.I’m here on vacation. Estoy aquí de vacaciones. Ess-toy ah-kee deh vah-kah-see-oh-ness907.I came on business. Vine por negocios. Vee-neh por neh-goh-see-ohss908.I’m staying for the whole summer. Me quedo por todo el verano. Meh keh-doh por toh-doh el veh-rah-noh ... for a week.... por una semana. por oo-nah seh-mah-nah ... for three days.... por tres días. por trehss dee-ahss909.I’m leaving tomorrow. Me voy mañana. Meh voy mah-nyah-nah ... on Monday.... el lunes. el loo-ness910.How old are you? (inf.) ¿Cuántos años tienes? Kwahn-tohss ah-nyohss tee-en-ess911.I am (thirty) years old. Yo tengo (treinta) años. Yoh ten-goh (trayn-tah) ah-nyohss912.Do you work or do you study? (inf.) ¿Estudias o trabajas? Ess-too-dee-ahss oh trah-bah-hahss913.What are you studying? (inf.) ¿Qué estudias? Keh ess-too-dee-ahss914.Where do you work? (inf.) ¿Dónde trabajas? Dohn-deh trah-bah-hahss915.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (inf.) ¿Tienes noviol-a? Tee-eh-ness noh-vee-oh/-ah916.Are you married? (inf.) ¿Estás casado/-a? Ess-tahss kah-sah-doh/-ah917.How long have you been divorced? (inf.) ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que estás divorciado/-a? Ah-seh kwahn-toh tee-em-poh keh ess-tahss dee-vor-see-ah-doh/-ah918.What music do you like? (inf.) ¿Qué música te gusta? Keh moo-see-kah teh goos-tah919.Do you like movies? (inf.) ¿Te gusta el cine? Teh goos-tah elsee-neh ... literature? ... la literatura? lah lee-tehr-ah-too-rah ... poetry? ... la poesía?lah poh-eh-see-ah ... sports? ... los deportes? lohss deh-por-tehss920.What zodiac sign are you? (inf.) ¿Qué signo eres? Keh seeg-noh eh-ress921. I’m a (Libra). Yo soy (Libra). Yoh soy (Lee-brah)922. Don’t bother me. (inf.) No me molestes. Noh meh moh-less-tess923.Leave me alone. (inf.) Déjame en paz. Deh-hah-meh en pahss924.I’m not interested. No estoy interesado/-a. Noh ess-toy een-teh-reh-sah-doh/-ah925.This guy is harassing me. Este tipo me está acosando. Ess-teh tee-poh meh ess-tah ah-koh-sahn-doh926.You’re a (very) pretty girl. (inf.) Eres una chica (muy) bonita. Eh-ress oo-nah chee-kah (mooy) boh-nee-tah ... beautiful girl.... una chica bella/hermosa. oo-nah chee-kah beh-yah/ehr-moh-sah927.You’re a (very) handsome man. (inf.) Eres un hombre (muy) guapo. Eh-ress oon ohm-breh (mooy) wah-poh928.You have (very) pretty eyes. (inf.) Tienes unos ojos (muy) bonitos. Tee-eh-ness oo-nohss oh-hohss (mooy) boh-nee-tohss ... a very beautiful smile.... una sonrisa preciosa. oo-nah sohn-ree-sah preh-see-oh-sah929.Do you want to go out with me? (inf.) ¿Quieres salir conmigo? Kee-eh-ress sah-leer kohn-mee-goh930.I want to go out with you. (inf.) Quiero salir contigo. Kee-eh-roh sah-leer kohn-tee-goh ... dance with you.... bailar contigo. bi-lar kohn-tee-goh ... talk with you.... hablar contigo. ah-blar kohn-tee-goh931.What are you doing tonight? (inf.) ¿Qué vas a hacer esta noche? Keh vahss ah ah-sehr ess-tah noh-cheh932.Can we see each other tomorrow? ¿Nos podemos ver mañana? Nohss poh-deh-mohss vehr mah-nyah-nah933.Have lunch/dinner with me. (inf.) Te invito a comer/cenar conmigo. Teh een-vee-toh ah koh-mehr/seh-nar kohn-mee-goh934.Let me buy you a drink. (inf.) Deja que te invite una copa. Deh-hah keh teh een-vee-teh oo-nah koh-pah935.Come to the movies with me. Acompáñame al cine. Ah-kohm-pah-nyah-meh ahl see-neh936.Let’s go (salsa) dancing. Vamos a bailar (salsa). Vah-mohss ah bi-lar (sahl-sah)937.(When) Can I call you? (inf.) ¿(Cuándo) Te puedo llamar? (Kwahn-doh) Teh pweh-doh yah-mar938.I like you (a lot). [You’re (very) nice.] (inf.) Me caes (muy) bien.Meh kah-ess (mooy) bee-en939.I like you (a lot). [I feel attracted to you.] (inf.) Me gustas (mucho). Meh goos-tahss (moo-choh)940. I love you. (inf.) Te quiero. Teh kee-eh-roh941.I love you (heart and soul). [Seriously] (inf.) Te amo (con toda el alma). Teh ah-moh (kohn toh-dah el ahl-mah)942. I want you. [Sexual] (inf.) Te deseo. Teh deh-seh-oh943.Let me kiss you. (inf.) Deja que te bese. Deh-hah keh teh beh-seh944. Kiss me. (inf.) Bésame. Beh-sah-meh945.Can I hold you in my arms? ¿Puedo abrazarte? Pweh-doh ah-brah-sar-teh946.I want to make love to you. Quiero hacerte el amor. Kee-eh-roh ah-sehr-teh el ah-mor947.Not without a condom.No sin un preservativo/condón. Noh seen oon preh-sehr-vah-tee-voh/kohn-dohn948.Where can we get one? ¿Dónde podemos conseguir uno? Dohn-deh poh-deh-mohss kohn-seh-geer oo-noh949.Thanks for a fun evening. Gracias por una noche divertida. Grah-see-ahss por oo-nah noh-cheh dee-vehr-tee-dah950.I had a wonderful evening. Pase una noche maravillosa. Pah-seh oo-nah noh-cheh mah-rah-vee-yoh-sah951.Will we see each other again? ¿Nos volveremos a ver? Nohss vohl-vehr-eh-mohss ah vehr952.I (don’t) want to see you again. (No) Quiero volver a verte. (Noh) Kee-eh-roh vohl-vehr a vehr-teh953.I will never forget you. (inf.) Nunca te olvidaré. Noon-kah teh ohl-vee-dah-reh954.I will miss you (a lot). (inf.) Te extrañaré (mucho). Teh ex-trah-nyah-reh (moo-choh)955. Don’t leave me! ¡No me dejes! Noh meh deh-hess956.If you leave, don’t come back. Si te vas, no regreses.See teh vahss noh reh-greh-sessFAMILY, CHILDREN & PETS957.I came with my girlfriend. Vine con mi novia. Vee-neh kohn mee noh-vee-ah ... with my fiancée. ... con mi prometida. kohn mee proh-meh-tee-dah ... with my wife.... con mi esposa. kohn mee ess-poh-sah958.I brought my family. Traje a mi familia. Trah-heh ah mee fah-meel-yah ... my parents.... a mis padres. ah mees pah-dress ... my in-laws.... a mis suegros.ah mees sweh-grohss959.I’m here with my (favorite) aunt and uncle. Estoy aquí con mis tíos (favoritos). Ess-toy ah-kee kohn mees tee-ohss (fah-voh-ree-tohss)960.How many brothers/sisters do you have? ¿Cuántos hermanos/as tienes? Kwahn-tohss ehr-mah-nohss/ahss tee-eh-ness961.I have one brother and one sister. Tengo un hermano y una hermana. Ten-goh oon ehr-mah-noh ee oo-nah ehr-mah-nah962.This is my nephew/niece. Este es mi sobrino/a. Ess-teh ess mee soh-bree-noh/ah ... my son/daughter.... mi hijo/a. mee ee-hoh/ah ... my grandson/granddaughter.... mi nieto/a. mee nee-eh-toh/ah963.These are my children. Estos son mis hijos/as. Ess-tohss sohn mees ee-hohss/ahss964.How old are your children? (for./inf.) ¿Cuántos años tienen sus/tus hijos/as? Kwahn-tohss ah-nyohss tee-eh-nen soos/toos ee-hohss/ahss965.They are three and five years old. Tienen tres y cinco años. Tee-eh-nen trehss ee seen-koh ah-nyohss966.Where’s your mom/dad? ¿Dónde está tu mamá/papá? Dohn-deh ess-tah too mah-mah/pah-pah967.Are there children’s activities? ¿Hay actividades para niños? I ahk-tee-vee-dah-dess pah-rah nee-nyohss968.Where can we find a playground? ¿Dónde podemos encontrar un lugar de juegos/recreo? Dohn-deh poh-deh-mohss en-kohn-trar oon loo-gar de hweh-gohss/reh-kreh-oh... an amusement park? ... un parque de atracciones? oon par-keh deh ah-trahk-see-oh-ness... a children’s museum? ... un museo para niños? oon moo-seh-oh pah-rah nee-nyohss969.We’re looking for a park with swings. Estamos buscando un parque con columpios. Ess-tah-mohss boos-kahn-doh oon par-keh kohn koh-loom-pee-ohss970.Do you know of a children’s show? (for.) ¿Sabe de un espectáculo para niños? Sah-beh deh oon ess-pek-tah-koo-loh pah-rah nee-nyohss971.Isn’t there a kiddy pool somewhere? ¿No hay una alberca para ninos en algún lado? Noh I oo-nah ahl-behr-kah pah-rah nee-nyohss en ahl-goon lah-doh972.Where can we find a toy store? ¿Dónde podemos encontrar una juguetería? Dohn-deh poh-deh-mohss en-kohn-trar oo-nah hoo-geh-teh-ree-ah973.We want to buy traditional toys. Queremos comprar juguetes tradicionales. Keh-reh-mohss kohm-prar hoo-geh-tess trah-dee-see-oh-nah-less974.Do you sell educational games? ¿Venden juegos educativos? Ven-den hweh-gohss eh-doo-kah-tee-vohss975.Do you have children’s books? ¿Tienen libros para niños?Tee-eh-nen lee-brohss pah-rah nee-nyohss976.Can we go in the museum with the stroller? ¿Podemos entrar al museo con el cochecito/la carriola? (Mex.) Poh-deh-mohss en-trar ahl moo-seh-oh kohn el koh-cheh-see-toh/lah kah-ree-oh-lah977.We prefer a family-friendly restaurant. Preferimos un restaurante para familias. Preh-feh-ree-mohss oon res-tow-rahn-teh pah-rah fah-meel-yahss978.Do you have a children’s menu? ¿Tienen un menú para niños? Tee-eh-nen oon meh-noo pah-rah nee-nyohss979.Can you bring us a high chair? (for.) ¿Nos puede traer una silla alta? Nohss pweh-deh trah-ehr oo-nah see-yah ahl-tah980.We need to see a pediatrician. Necesitamos ver a un pediatra. Neh-seh-see-tah-mohss vehr ah oon peh-dee-ah-trah981.We brought our dog/cat. Trajimos a nuestro perrolgato. Trah-hee-mohss ah nwes-troh peh-roh/gah-toh982.He/she is like family.Es como de la familia . Ess koh-moh deh lah fah-meel-yah983.We never travel without him/her. Nunca viajamos sin él/ella. Noon-kah vee-ah-hah-mohss seen el/eh-yah984.Does he/she have to be quarantined? ¿Tiene que estar en cuarentena? Tee-eh-neh keh ess-tar en kwah-ren-teh-nah985.For how long? ¿Porcuánto tiempo? Por kwahn-toh tee-em-poh986.Do you have a pet? (for./inf.) ¿Tiene(s) una mascota? Tee-eh-neh(s) oo-nah mahss-koh-tah987.Do you like animals? ¿Te gustan los animales? Teh goos-tahn lohss ah-nee-mah-less988.Can we have pets in the room? ¿Podemos tener mascotas en la habitación? Poh-deh-mohss teh-nehr mahss-koh-tahss en lah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn989.He/she is housebroken/trained. Está entrenadola. Ess-tah en-treh-nah-doh/ah990.He/she has all her vaccines. Tiene todas sus vacunas . Tee-eh-neh toh-dahss soos vah-koo-nahss991.He/she is very clean. Es muy limpiola. Ess mooy leem-pee-oh/ah992.He/she doesn’t bite/bark. No muerde/ladra. Noh mwehr-deh/lah-drah993.He/she doesn’t have fleas. No tiene pulgas. Noh tee-eh-neh pool-gahss994.I’m going to walk the dog. Voy a pasear al perro. Voy ah pah-seh-ar ahl peh-roh995.Where do they sell animal food? ¿Dónde se vende comida para animales? Dohn-deh seh ven-deh koh-mee-dah pah-rah ah-nee-mah-less996.We have to take him/her to the vet. Tenemos que llevarlo/la al veterinario. Teh-neh-mohss keh yeh-var-loh/lah ahl veh-neh-ree-nah-ree-oh997.Where is the animal hospital? ¿Dónde está el hospital para animales? Dohn-deh ess-tah el ohss-pee-tahl pah-rah ah-nee-mah-lessA LITTLE SLANG998.What’s up, dude? ¿Qué onda, che? (Arg.) Keh ohn-dah chehWhat’s up, dude? ¿Qué cuentas, choche? (Per.) Keh kwen-tahss cho-chehWhat’s up, dude? ¿Qué hubo, güevón? (Col.) Keh oo-boh weh-vohnWhat’s up, dude? ¿Qué onda, güey? (Mex.) Keh ohn-dah wayWhat’s up, dude? ¿Qué pasa, tío/-a? (Sp.) Keh pah-sah tee-oh/-ah999.How cool! ¡Qué bacano! (Col.)Keh bah-kah-noh How cool! ¡Qué chévere! (Ven.) Keh cheh-veh-reh How cool! ¡Qué chido! (Mex.) Keh chee-doh1000.This is cool! ¡Esto está brutal! (Hon.) Ess-toh ess-tah broo-tahl This is cool! ¡Esto esta macanudo! (Arg.) Ess-toh ess-tah mah-kah-noo-doh This is cool! ¡Esto es pura vida! (CR.) Ess-toh ess poo-rah vee-dah This is cool! ¡Esto mola! (Sp.) Ess-toh moh-lah1001.Don’t be stupid! ¡No seas boludo/-a! (Arg.) Noh seh-ahss boh-loo-doh/-ahDon’t be stupid! ¡No seas cojudol-a! (Per.) Noh seh-ahss koh-hoo-doh/-ahDon’t be stupid! ¡No seas gilipollas! (Sp.) Noh seh-ahss hee-lee-poy-ahssDon’t be stupid! ¡No seas pendejol-a! (Mex.) Noh seh-ahss pen-deh-hoh/-ahSpanish Grammar PrimerThis section offers some vocabulary tips and the barest essentials ofSpanish grammar. It is a helpful resource for a beginner and can serve as aquick reference for a more advanced speaker.Abstract grammar can be very helpful, but the best way to integratelanguage rules will always be through frequent real-life use. Listen to asmuch Spanish as you can (music, movies, and television are goodresources), communicate in Spanish as often as you can, using the wordsand phrases in this book, and soon you won’t need to think about thegrammar at all.English and Spanish CognatesCognates are words that derive from a common ancestor language. Mostwords in Spanish and many words in English come from Latin or Greek. Asa result, there are a lot of words in English that are cognates of words inSpanish; most are easily recognizable. Since changes are slight andpredictable, you can quickly expand your vocabulary in Spanish by takingnote of the following:1. Some words are the same in both languages (except that theirpronunciation may vary, see below): color, crisis, drama, error,general, horror, probable, tropical, . . .2. Some words add an extra vowel to the English word: cliente, evidente,ignorante, importante, parte, artista, pianista, problema, programa,contacto, perfecto, líquido, . . . 43. Many words ending in -ty in English end in -tad or -dad in Spanish:facultad, libertad, curiosidad, sociedad, eternidad, capacidad,realidad, claridad, . . .4. Many words ending in -y in English end in -ía, -ia, or -io (dependingon gender, see below): compañía, geografía, historia, farmacia,diccionario, ordinario, . . . 55. Words that end in -tion in English generally end in -ción in Spanish:nación, administración, acción, fricción, sección, emo-ción ,combinación, contribución, . . .6. Words that end in -ous in English often end in -oso in Spanish:generoso, famoso, precioso, delicioso, tedioso, contagioso, curioso,escandaloso, religioso, . . .Gender, Number, and AgreementIn Spanish, most nouns are gendered: silla (chair) and mesa (table) arefeminine while escritorio (desk) and sombrero (hat) are masculine.However, not all feminine nouns end in -a, nor do all masculine nouns endin -o: carne (meat), flor (flower), canción (song), and mano (hand) arefeminine, while sobre (envelope), calor (heat), camión (bus), and clima(weather) are masculine. In some cases, the gender of a noun will dependon the object to which it applies: cantante (singer) can be either feminine ormasculine. Likewise, orden (order) is feminine when it refers to the orderissued by an authority and masculine when it refers to the order of things.The best way to figure out whether a noun is masculine or feminine is tolook at its corresponding definite (the) or indefinite (a/an/some) article:It is important to be aware of noun gender because in Spanish, articles andadjectives belonging to a noun must agree in gender with the noun.Esa flor azul es muy bonita.6 That blue flower is very pretty.María es una cantante muytalentosa.María is a very talented singer.Pedro es un cantante muy Pedro is a very talented singer.talentoso.Likewise, nouns, adjectives, and articles must agree in number. InSpanish, plurality is expressed by adding an -s to words that end in a vowel,and -es to nouns that end in a consonant:Las flores azules son mispreferidas.Blue flowers are my favorite.Pedro y María son unos cantantesmuy buenos.7Pedro and María are very goodsingers.Possessive AdjectivesIn Spanish possession is generally indicated by a set of adjectives whichmust agree in gender and number with the noun they describe, thepossessed object.my mi/misyour tu/tusyour (for.) su/sushisherour nuestro/nuestra/nuestros/nuestrasyour (pl.) vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras(Sp.)su/sus (L. Am.)their su/susMi casa es su casa. My house is your house. (for). 8Su pelo es rubio y sus ojos sonverdes.His/her hair is blond and his/hereyes are green.9Tenemos nuestro dinero y nuestrasmaletas.10We have our money and oursuitcases.Pedro y Juan están listos para suviaje.Pedro and Juan are ready fortheir trip.DiminutivesDiminutives are widely used in Spanish, particularly in Latin AmericanSpanish. A diminutive can signify that something is smaller, but it can alsoserve to express endearment, to intensify an idea, or as a rhetorical devicethat “softens” and embellishes whatever is being said. Diminutives areparticles that attach at the end of words either after the final consonant or byreplacing the final vowel. There are a number of diminutive suffixes inSpanish, but the most common is -ito(s)/-ita(s). Solo quiero un pedacito muy pequeñito de pastel. I only want a tiny little piece of cake.Me llamo Juan, pero mis amigos me llaman Juanito. My name is John, but my friends call me Johnny.Vivo en una casita muy linda con mis hijitas y mis perritos. I live in a very cute little house with my dear little daughters and my doggies.PronounsPronouns in Spanish function mostly as they do in English; they are used toreplace the subject or the objects in a sentence to improve speech flow.Since they are an essential part of everyday speech, it is important to knowa few things about personal pronouns in Spanish.TABLE NOTE 1. In Spanish a verb’s conjugation generally corresponds toa specific subject (see VERB CONJUGATION CHARTS section beginningon p. 108), therefore subject pronouns can be, and often are, omitted. Notethat Spanish does not have an equivalent of the subjectFui a un club nocturno. I went to a nightclub.The semi-consonant y is pronounced like i [ee] when used as aconjunction: Pedro y Maria (Pedro and María); its sound softens next to avowel (as in yellow): Juan y yo somos muy buenos amigos (Juan and I arevery good friends).ConsonantsSpanish has basically the same consonant sounds as English. However,there are a few particulars to keep in mind:b and v are very often pronounced the same way, as in “bee.”c (soft), s, and z vary in pronunciation in some Spanish dialects.However, in all but the rarest cases, they can all be pronounced like thes in “soft” without risk of confusion.g is hard as in good before a, o, and u, but soft as in horse before e or i.gu is used before e and i to represent a hard g sound as in good (note thathere the u does not function as a vowel; gu is a digraph in which twoletters represent a single sound as in the).h is always mute as in herbs.j is pronounced like the h in horse.ll is always pronounced as the y in yellow.ñ represents a particular sound which resembles the ny combinationfound in canyon.qu is used before e and i to represent a hard c sound as in cat (see guabove).r at the beginning of a word is trilled.rr represents a trill in the middle of a word.Stress and written accentsSpanish words tend to have two or more syllables; when they arepronounced one syllable always sounds a little bit louder than the others.The stressed syllable is either the last, the penultimate (most often), or theantepenultimate syllable (least often). Word stress in Spanish is determinedby two simple rules:1. Words that end in a vowel, n, or s are generally pronounced stressingthe next to last syllable: Ventana (window), barco (boat), palabras(words), tú cantas (you sing), ellos comen (they eat)2. Words which end in a consonant other than n or s are generallystressed on the last syllable: papel (paper), feliz (happy), actitud(attitude), cantar (to sing), comer (to eat)Written accent marks are used when a word’s pronunciation is at oddswith these rules. In other words, accent marks indicate a stress where youwouldn’t normally expect it.Thus, words which end in a vowel, n, or s but require the stress to fall onthe last syllable need a written accent mark to “drag” the sound forward: ciempiés (centipede), canción (song), el cantó (he sang),2 yo com (I ate)Conversely, words that need the stress to fall on the next to last syllablebut end in a consonant other than n or s need a written accent mark to“drag” the sound backward: lápiz (pencil), árbol (tree), azúcar (sugar),carácter (character) Finally, words that need the stress on the antepenultimate syllable alwayshave a written accent: murciélago (bat)3, círculo (circle), lágrima (eye tear), cántalo (sing it)NUMBERSzero cero seh-rohone uno oo-nohtwo dos dohssthree tres trehssfour cuatro kwah-trohfive cinco seen-kohsix seis sayssseven siete see-eh-teheight ocho oh-chohnine nueve nweh-vehten diez dee-esseleven once ohn-sehtwelve doce doh-sehthirteen trece treh-sehfourteen catorce kah-tor-sehfifteen quince keen-sehsixteen dieciseis dee-eh-see-sayssseventeen diecisiete dee-eh-see-see-eh-teheighteen dieciocho dee-eh-see-oh-chohnineteen diecinueve dee-eh-see-nweh-vehtwenty veinte vayn-tehtwenty-one veintiuno vayn-tee-oo-nohwenty-two veintidós vayn-tee-dohssthirty treinta trayn-tahthirty-one treinta y uno trayn-tah ee oo-nohthirty-two treinta y dos trayn-tah ee dohssforty cuarenta kwah-ren-tahfifty cincuenta seen-kwen-tahsixty sesenta seh-sen-tahseventy setenta seh-ten-taheighty ochenta oh-chen-tahninety noventa noh-ven-tahone hundred cien see-enone hundred andoneciento uno see-en-toh oo-nohone hundred andtwociento dos see-en-toh dohsstwo hundred doscientos dohss-see-en-tohssthree hundred trescientos trehss-see-en-tohssfour hundred cuatrocientos kwah-troh-see-en-tohssfive hundred quinientos kee-nee-en-tohsssix hundred seiscientos sayss-see-en-tohssseven hundred setecientos seh-teh-see-en-tohsseight hundred ochocientos oh-choh-see-en-tohssnine hundred novecientos noh-veh-see-en-tohssone thousand mil meeltwo thousand dos mil dohss-meelone hundredthousandcien mil see-en meelmillion millón mee-yohntwo million dos millones dohss mee-yoh-ness1.I need to add up these numbers. Necesito sumar estos numeros. Neh-seh-see-toh soo-mar ess-tohss noo-meh-rohss2.How much is one plus one? ¿Cuánto es uno mis uno? Kwahn-toh ess oo-noh mahss oo-noh3. What’s the total? ¿Cuál es el total? Kwahl ess el toh-tahl4.What happens if I multiply it by two? ¿Qué pasa si lo multiplico por dos? Keh pah-sah see loh mool-tee-plee-koh por dohss5.Can I divide it by three? ¿Lo puedo dividir por tres? Loh pweh-doh dee-vee-deer por trehss6.Now take away one. Ahora restale uno. Ah-oh-rah ress-tah-teh oo-noh7.These numbers don’t add up! ¡Estos números estan mal! Ess-tohss noo-meh-rohss ess-tahn mahlCOLORS8.What’s your favorite color? ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? Kwahl ess too koh-lor fah-voh-ree-toh9.My favorite color is blue. Mi color favorito es azul. Mee koh-lor fah-voh-ree-toh ess ah-sool ...black. ....negro. neh-groh ...brown. ....café/marrón. kah-feh/mah-ron ...green. ....verde. vehr-deh ...gray. ....gris. greess ...orange. ....anaranjado. ah-nah-rahn-hah-doh...pink. ....rosa. roh-sah ...purple. ....morado. moh-rah-doh ...red. ....rojo. roh-hoh ...white. ....blanco. blahn-koh ...yellow. ....amarillo. ah-mah-ree-yoh10.What color is ... ¿De qué color es ... ? Deh keh koh-lor essMEETING & GREETING11. Hello. Hola. Oh-lah12. Good morning/day. Buenos dias. Bweh-nohss dee-ahss13. Good afternoon. Buenas tardes. Bweh-nahss tar-dess14.Good evening/night. Buenas noches. Bweh-nahss noh-chess15. Welcome. Bienvenidol-a(s). Bee-en-veh-nee-doh/-ah(ss)16. Come in. Adelante./Pase(n). Ah-dehl-ahn-teh/Pah-seh(n)17. Don’t be shy. No tenga(n) pena. Noh ten-gah(n) peh-nah18.Pleased to meet you. Es un placer (conocerlo/-a). Ess oon plah-sehr (koh-noh-sehr-loh/-ah)19.Nice to meet you. Mucho gusto (en conocerlo/-a). Moo-choh goos-toh (en koh-noh-sehr-loh/-ah)20.The pleasure is mine. El gusto es mio. El goos-toh ess mee-oh21. Charmed. Encantado. En-kahn-tah-doh22. Likewise. Igualmente. Ee-wahl-men-teh23.What’s your name? (for.) ¿Cómo se llama (usted)? Koh-moh sehyah-mah (oos-ted)24. What’s your name? (inf.) ... te llamas? teh yah-mahss25. I’m called ... Me llamo ... Meh yah-moh26.My name is . . . Mi nombre es ... Mee nohm-breh ess ...27.Where are you from? (for./inf.) ¿De donde esleres? Deh dohn-deh ess/ eh-ress28. I’m from ... Soy de... Soy deh29.Let me introduce you to ... (for./inf.) Lelte presento a ... Leh/teh preh-sen-toh ah30.How are you? (for./inf.) ¿Cómo está(s)? Koh-moh ess-tahss31.How’s it going? (for./inf.) ¿Cómo lelte va? Koh-moh leh/teh vah32. How goes it? ¿Qué tal?Keh tahl33.Very well/Fine, thank you. (Muy) Bien, gracias. (Mooy) Bee-en, grah-see-ahss34.So-so. Más o menos./Así así. (Sp.) Mahss oh meh-nohss/Ah-see ah-see35. (Very) bad.(Muy) Mal. (Mooy) Mahl36. And yourself? (for./inf.) ¿Y usted/tú? Ee oos-ted/too37. What’s new? ¿Qué hay de nuevo? Keh I deh nweh-voh38.What’s going on? ¿Qué pasó?/¿Qué hubo? (L. Am.) Keh pah-soh/Keh oo-boh39.What’s happening? ¿Qué pasa?/¿Qué onda? (Mex.) Keh pah-sah/Keh ohn-dah40.All’s well. Todo bien.lTodo cheque. (Hon.) Toh-doh bee-en/Toh-dohcheh-keh41. I don’t know. No sé. Noh seh42. Nothing. Nada. Nah-dah43. Good-bye. Adiós. Ah-dee-ohss44.I don’t like good-byes. No me gustan las despedidas. No meh goos-tahn lahss dess-peh-dee-dahss45.See you later. Nos vemos.lHasta luego. Nohss veh-mohss/Ahss-tah lweh-goh46. See you soon. Hasta pronto. Ahss-tah prohn-toh47.pronoun “it:”Está lloviendo. It is raining. ¿Quién era? Who was it?TABLE NOTE 2. Usted (Ud.) is a more formal way of addressing a secondperson; it is used to address people of a superior rank (elders, bosses,officials, etc.) and with new acquaintances. Formal address uses the verbforms and pronouns of the third person as a way of setting a respectfuldistance between speaker and addressee (see VERB CONJUGATIONCHARTS section beginning on p. 108). Compare the following sentences:Formal: ¿Cómo está (usted)? How are you?No quiero molestarlo. I don’t want to botheryou.Informal: ¿Cómo estás (tú)? How are you?No quiero molestarte. I don’t want to botheryou.Usted is used systematically in Latin America where it is consideredpolite, but only sporadically in Spain.TABLE NOTE 3. Vosotros/as and Ustedes are used to address a group(some English dialects use “you all” or “y’all” for the same purpose).Vosotros/as has its own set of verb forms and pronouns, while ustedes usesthose of the third person plural (see VERB CONJUGATION CHARTSsection beginning on p. 108). Although ustedes is the plural form of usted,no formality is necessarily implied. Vosotros/as is only used in Spain.TABLE NOTE 4. Object pronouns can precede an active verb or beattached at the end of an infinitive, a gerund, or an affirmative command(see VERB section beginning on p. 112):Quiero comer una manzana. > La quiero comer. = Quierocomerla.I want to eat an apple. > I want to eat it.Estoy comiendo una manzana. > La estoy comiendo. =Estoy comiéndola.I am eating an apple. > I am eating it.¡Come la manzana! > ¡Cómela! but ¡No comas la manzana! >¡No la comas!Eat the apple. > Eat it. Don’t eat the apple. >Don’t eat it.Direct objects can appear in a sentence as either a noun or a pronoun butnot both. However, indirect object pronouns must be used whether or notthe indirect object noun appears in the sentence:Pedro me da dinero (a mí). Pedro gives money to me.Juan le da flores (a María). Juan gives flowers toMaría.When using two object pronouns, the indirect object pronoun alwayscomes first: Pedro me lo da. Pedro gives it to me. When combined with the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, or las, theindirect object pronoun le changes to se:Juan se las da (a María). Juan gives them to her (toMaría).TABLE NOTE 5. As in English, reflexive pronouns are used to “reflect”or return the action expressed by the verb back upon the subject:Me veo en el espejo. I see myself in themirror.Maria se viste. María dresses (herself).Common reflexive actions include getting up (levantarse), washing(lavarse) or bathing (bañarse), sitting (sentarse), lying down (acostarse),and falling asleep (dormirse). However, as long as it makes sense, any verbcan be made to describe a reflexive action by adding a reflexive pronoun.Sometimes reflexivity is added for emphasis or precision. Compare thefollowing:romper to break Rompiste laventana.You broke the window.romperse to break Te rompiste lapierna.You broke your leg.dormir to sleep Juan estádurmiendo.Juan is sleeping.dormirse to fall asleep Juan estádurmiéndose.Juan is falling asleep.ir to go Vamos al cine. Let’s go to the movies.irse to leave, to goawayVámonos al cine. Let’s leave for themovies.Note that reflexive pronouns follow similar positioning rules as objectpronouns. TABLE NOTE 6. In Spanish the pronoun se is very often used to express apassive or an impersonal action in which the object may assume thefunction of the subject (which creates a reflexive-like expression):En Mexico se habla español. Spanish is spoken in Mexico. /People speak Spanish in Mexico.No se debe desperdiciar agua. Water mustn’t be wasted. / Onemustn’t waste water.NegativityIn a negative sentence, a negative word must come before the verb and anypreceding pronouns:No te quiero pero nunca te lo habíadicho.I do not love you but I had nevertold you.Spanish actually requires double, and even triple negatives. Negativitymust be expressed throughout the sentence:Nunca has querido a nadie. You have never loved anyone.Nadie quiere ir nunca a ningúnlado conmigo.No one ever wants to goanywhere with me.Verbs, Tenses, and MoodsSer vs. EstarEnglish translates both the verb ser and the verb estar as “to be.” However,in Spanish they have very different meanings. Ser is used to talk aboutessences (aspects that are perceived as being inherent to or definitive of thesubject) and about time. Estar is used to talk about states (aspects orconditions that are merely circumstantial to the subject) and about location(space). Compare the following sentences:Pedro es un tipo simpático perohoy está enojado.Pedro is a nice guy but today be isangry.Son las dos y Maria todavía estádormida.11It is two o’clock and María is stillasleep.La casa que está en esa colina esamarilla.The house that is on that hill isyellow.La fiesta fue en la casa que estáen venta.12The party was at the house that isfor sale.The verb estar is used in combination with a gerund to form progressivetenses:Estoy escribiendo en la computadora. I am writing on the computer.Estábamos pensando en llamarte. We were thinking aboutcalling you.Verbs like gustarThe verb gustar is generally, and accurately, translated as “to like”:A Juan le gustan los postres. Juan likes desserts.In Spanish, however, Juan is not the subject of the verb gustan but itsindirect object, while los postres functions as both subject and direct object.Note that the verb agrees with los postres and that le agrees with Juan.Therefore, a more literal translation would be: “Desserts are pleasing toJuan.” There are a number of verbs that function like gustar. Consider thefollowing examples:Maria le gusta a Pedro.13 Pedro likes María. (lit. María ispleasing to Pedro.)(A Ana y a Luis) No les interesa laciencia.14Science doesn’t interest them(Ana and Luis).(A mi) Me preocupa llegar tarde ami cita.Being late for my appointmentworries me.Other common verbs that function like gustar include encantar (to reallylike), importar (to matter), aburrir (to bore), quedar (to have left), faltar (tolack), and doler (to hurt). It is interesting to note that this type of verbgenerally expresses subjective perceptions and is used to talk about thingsthe subject finds pleasing, boring, important, or painful.Preterit vs. ImperfectThe preterit tense is used when a past action is considered singular anddefinitely concluded:Pasé un mes en Madrid el año pasado. I spent a month in Madridlast year.Fue entonces cuando conocí a Juan. It was then that I met Juan.The imperfect tense is used for recurring actions in the past or actionswhich happened over an indefinite period of time in the past:Antes, iba a Madrid cada año. Before, I used to go to Madridevery year.En esa época, Juan estudiaba leyes. At the time, Juan studied (wasstudying) law.The preterit and the imperfect are often combined in a sentence toemphasize certain actions (preterit) over others that provide context or serveas backdrop (imperfect):Decidi comer mientras te esperaba. I decided to eat lunch while Iwaited (was waiting) for you.Llovía cuando llegó el avión. It was raining when the planearrived.Subjunctive moodIn Spanish, the subjunctive mood is used to express possibility, uncertainty,and empathy. When speaking about actions that happen in the present,happened in the past, or will happen in the future, the indicative mood isused. For talking about actions which may (or may not) happen, or may (ormay not) have happened, the subjunctive mood is used. In general, thesubjunctive is used to talk about situations that are beyond the control of asentence’s primary subject. For instance, we may say that it is important,necessary even, for drivers to come to a full stop at a stop sign which,however, does not guarantee that they will.Likewise, even if Juan wantedPedro to lend him money, Pedro might have refused. Finally, a person mayfeel sorry about another’s tragedy, but be unable to do anything to change it.Consider the following examples: Es posible que vaya a Mexico en verano.15 It is possible that I will go to Mexico in the summer. Es importante (necesario) que los conductores respeten las señales detránsito.It is important (necessary) that drivers respect traffic signals. Juan quería que Pedro le prestara dinero.16 Juan wanted Pedro to lend him money.Siento que hayas perdido tu vuelo. I am sorry that you (have) missed your flight. In Spanish pensar (to think) and creer (to believe) express certainty onthe part of the primary subject. Therefore, the subjunctive is unnecessary.However, lack of belief does not rule out possibility altogether; thereforethe subjunctive is appropriate. Compare the following sentences: Maria cree (piensa) que existen los fantasmas, pero yo no pienso (creo)que existan.María believes (thinks) ghosts exist, but I don’t think (believe) that they do. When a single subject is involved in the action there is no need tointroduce a subjunctive clause; the verb in the infinitive is used in the mainclause instead. Compare the following sentences:Quiero que (tú) aprendas español. I want you to learn SpanishQuiero aprender español. I want to learn Spanish.Commands and requestsAffirmativecommandsNegative commandsInformalcommandshabla (talk) no hables (don’t talk)come (eat) no comas (don’t eat)siéntate (sit down) no te sientes (don’t sit down)Formalcommands(requests)hable (talk) no hable (don’t talk)coma (eat) no coma (don’t eat)siéntese (sit down) no se siente (don’t sit down)Commands can be affirmative or negative. In Spanish they can also beformal or informal. Informal commands are directed at someone whom thespeaker would address as “tú” (a child, a family member, a good friend,etc.). On the other hand, formal commands are directed toward someonewho would be addressed as “usted” such as an elder, a teacher, an officer,the president, a new acquaintance, etc. (see PRONOUNS section beginningon p. 105).Note that formal commands use subjunctive verb forms as if implying thepossibility of refusal on the part of the addressee (see VERBCONJUGATION CHARTS beginning on p. 108). In that sense, formalaffirmative commands are more like requests. Likewise, since there is noguarantee that a negative command will be carried out, subjunctive formsare also used.Commands and requests can also be addressed to a group:Affirmativecommands Negative commandsNosotroscommandshablemos (let’s talk) no hablemos (let’s not talk)comamos (let’s eat) no comamos (let’s not eat)sentémonos (let’s sitdown)‡no nos sentemos (let’s not sitdown)Vosotroscommandshablad (talk) no habléis (don’t talk)comed (eat) no comáis (don’t eat)sentaos (sit down)* no os sentéis (don’t sit down)Ustedescommandshablen (talk) no hablen (don’t talk)coman (eat) no coman (don’t eat)siéntense (sit down) no se sienten (don’t sit down)‡ Note the dropping of the “s” in reflexive-verb nosotros commands.* Note the dropping of the “d” in reflexive-verb vosotros commands.PrepositionsPrepositions in any language can seem arbitrary — in English people canride in a car or on a bus. However, there are a few general guidelines forusing the most common prepositions in Spanish: a (to) conveys the sense of going toward something. Actions such as goingsomewhere, beginning or learning something, and giving something tosomeone use the preposition a: Vamos a la escuela para empezar a aprender a hablar español.Let’s go to school in order to begin learning to speak Spanish.de (of, from) conveys the sense of coming or stemming from somewhere.The preposition de can express provenance, origin, material, andbelonging: La madera de la mesa demadera de Juan viene de la selva de Guatemala.The wood that Juan’s wooden table is made of comes from the jungle ofGuatemala. en (in, on, at) expresses location in general: En la universidad, los libros están en repisas en la biblioteca. At the university, the books are on shelves in the library. con (with) expresses addition, instrumentality, and accompaniment: Me gusta comer fresas con crema con una cuchara con mis amigos. I like to eat strawberries with cream with a spoon with my friends. por (for, because of, around, through, by) indicates the cause or the reasonbehind an action, as well as motion, passage, means, and exchange. Vamos a hacer un viaje por barco por el Caribe por tres semanas; paguémil dólares por él.We’re going on a trip around the Caribbean by boat for three weeks; I paid$1,000 dollars for it.para (for, to, in order to, by) specifies the recipient or the purpose of anaction, as well as a direction, a destination, or a deadline. El regalo para mi mamá estará listo para mañana; es una caja para guardarsus joyas.The present for my mom will be ready by tomorrow; it’s a box for storingher jewelry. The use of prepositions in English doesn’t always match Spanish use. Insome cases, English needs a preposition where Spanish does not:Juan se enamoró de Maria. Juan fell in love with María.Puedes contar con nosotros. You can count on us.Estoy buscando algo especial. I’m looking for something special.In Spanish a preposition can never be placed at the end of a phrase.IndexAaccidentsaccommodationsadjectivesairlineallergiesanimalsSee pets.amusement parkanatomyantique shoppingautomobileaccidentsdirectionsparkingrentalsrepairsservice stationsBbaggagebankingbasicsbeveragesbicyclesbirthdaysbody partsbooksbreakfastbusbusiness termsCcarsSee automobiles.celebrationscheesechildren’s activitiesclothingsizescolloquialismscolorscommunicationscomputerse-mailfaxesInternetphotocopiespost officetelephonesWi-Ficomputersconcertsconsonantscooking methodsSee also dining, food.Ddate and timedatingdaysdentistdescriptions of peopledessertsdiet (low-calorie)difficultiesdiminutivesdiningcheesecooking methodsdessertsegg dishesfishfruitsmealsmeatsnutspoultrysaladsseafoodsoupssweetsvegetablesvegetariandinnerdirectionsdoctorsdrinkbeerwinedrivingaccidentscar rentalsdirectionsparkingrepairsservice stationsEegg dishese-mailemergenciesentertainmentconcertsmoviesmuseumsnightclubssportstheatreenvironmentexclamationsexerciseFfamily relationshipsfaxesfish courseflirtingfoodallergiesshoppingSee also dining.frequently used phrasesfruitsGgas stationgeneral information:business termscelebrationsdaysdirectionsholidaysmonthsreligious servicesseasonstimeweathergrammargreetingsHhealth careaccidentsallergiesanatomy body partsdentistdoctorshospitalillnessopticianpharmacyholidayshospitalSee also medical care.hotelsIillnessInternetintroductionsirregular verbsJjewelryLlaundryleisure activitieslocal transportationlove and relationshipsluggageMmealsmeatsmedical careaccidentsallergiesanatomybody partsdentistdoctorshospitalillnessopticianmedical care (continued) pharmacymenumoneyexchangemonthsmoviesmuseumsNnegativesnightclubsnumbersnutsOopticianPparkingpayment methodspetspharmacyphotocopiesphysical appearancepossessive adjectivespost officepoultryprepositionspronounspronunciation guideRrecreationconcertsmoviesmuseumsnightclubssportstheatrerecyclingrelaxationreligious servicesrepair servicesautomobilerestaurantsproblemsrestroomSsaladsseafoodseasonsservice stationsshoesshoppingantique shoppingbooksclothingfoodhardware storejewelryoffice suppliesshoessouvenirssupermarketsightseeingslangsmall talksocial interactionssoupssouvenirssportsstoressubwaysweetsTtaxistelephonestemperaturetheatreticketstimetippingtire pressuretrain servicetransportationtravel, planningairline travelautomobile travelshipboard traveltrain serviceVvegetablesverbsirregularvowelsWweatherweek, days ofWi-FiwineA CATALOG OF SELECTEDDOVER BOOKS IN ALLFIELDS OF INTERESTA CATALOG OF SELECTEDDOVER BOOKS IN ALLFIELDS OF INTEREST100 BEST-LOVED POEMS, Edited by Philip Smith. “The PassionateShepherd to His Love,” “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” “Death,be not proud,” “The Raven,” “The Road Not Taken,” plus works by Blake,Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats, many others. 96pp. x 8¼.0-486-28553-7100 SMALL HOUSES OF THE THIRTIES, Brown-Blodgett Company.Exterior photographs and floor plans for 100 charming structures.Illustrations of models accompanied by descriptions of interiors, colorschemes, closet space, and other amenities. 200 illustrations. 112pp. 8 ×11. 0-486-44131-81000 TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY HOUSES: With Illustrations and FloorPlans, Herbert C. 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A Yuletide gathering in aneerie country retreat provides the backdrop for Dickens and his friends —including Elizabeth Gaskell and Wilkie Collins — who take turns spinningsupernatural yarns. 144pp. 5 x 8½.0-486-46309-51 In Spanish an intervocalic G tends towards vocalization and will berepresented by a “w” in order to reflect actual pronunciation better. Forexample, agua (water) will be transcripted as “ah-wah.”2 Note the difference with yo canto (I sing): a change in stress cansignificantly change the meaning of a word or even a whole sentence.3 Repeating the word murciélago out loud is a good way to practicepronunciation: it has all five vowel sounds and distinctive stress.4 Please don’t make the error,often parodied in movies, of thinking thatadding an “o” at the end of every word in a sentence makes it sound likeSpanish; native Spanish speakers will likely consider it rude.5 In a few cases, cognates don’t have exactly the same meaning in Spanishas they do in English: policía means “police” in Spanish; policy should betranslated as política.6 Adjectives that end in -e or a consonant don’t change on account ofgender: La casa verde The green house El sombrero verde The green hat7 When there are both feminine and masculine individuals or objects in agroup, masculine adjectives and articles are used.8 On formal address see the PRONOUNS section beginning on p. 105.9 In Spanish the gender of the possessor is not expressed by the possessiveadjective. Gender information would be supplied by context or through analternative structure such as: El pelo de Maria es rubio y sus ojos son verdes(María’s hair is blond and her eyes are green).10 Of all the possessive adjectives, only the first person plural(nuestros/as) and the second person plural (vuestros/as) that is used in Spain(See PRONOUNS section beginning on p. 105) express gender byswitching between “o” and “a” at the end.11 States can be permanent. In Spanish, death is considered a state: Lasplantas de mi casa están muertas (My house plants are dead).12 Since events involve a lot more than their location, the verb ser is usedto talk about parties and ceremonies in general: la boda sera en la catedral(The wedding will be in the cathedral).13 In Spanish object nouns can precede the verb; the preposition “a” isused to avoid confusion when two possible agents are involved (i.e., Marymight be the one who likes Pedro).14 The indirect-object pronoun is necessary, but the indirect object itselfmay be omitted or included to add precision to the sentence.15 A subjunctive clause depends, at least implicitly, on an indicativestatement; they are linked by a conjunctive element, most often “que.” Inother words, possibility must always be grounded in reality.16 Generally, if the verb in the main clause is in the present tense, the verbin the subjunctive clause will also be in the present. Likewise, a past-tenseverb in the main clause calls for the past tense in the subjunctive clause.Title PageCopyright PageTable of ContentsIntroductionNUMBERSCOLORSMEETING & GREETINGBASIC COURTESYHOW DO YOU SAY . . . ?THE BASICSPERSONAL PORTRAITS & EMOTIONSDATE & TIMECELEBRATIONSTHE WEATHERGETTING THEREGETTING ORIENTEDGETTING AROUNDA PLACE TO STAYEATING & DRINKINGKEEPING IN TOUCHRELIGIOUS SERVICESCULTURE & ENTERTAINMENTMONEY & SHOPPINGREST & RELAXATIONCOMPUTERS & INTERNETBUSINESS TRAVELTHE ENVIRONMENTSPORTS & EXERCISEHEALTH & WELLNESSCAR TROUBLEEMERGENCIESFLIRTINGFAMILY, CHILDREN & PETSA LITTLE SLANGSpanish Grammar PrimerEnglish and Spanish CognatesGender, Number, and AgreementPossessive AdjectivesDiminutivesPronounsNegativityVerbs, Tenses, and MoodsPrepositionsIndexA CATALOG OF SELECTED DOVER BOOKS IN ALL FIELDS OF INTERESTA CATALOG OF SELECTED DOVER BOOKS IN ALL FIELDS OF INTERESTSee you tomorrow. Hasta mañana. Ahss-tah mah-nyah-nah48.Until we meet again. Hasta la vista/la próxima. Ahss-tah lah vees-tah/lah prohk-see-mah49.When will we meet again? ¿Cuándo nos volverernos a ver? Kwahn-doh nohss vohl-veh-reh-mohss ah vehr50.Hopefully it won’t be long. Ojalá no pase mucho tiempo. Oh-hah-lah noh pah-seh moo-choh tee-em-poh51.Have a nice day. Que te vaya bien. Keh teh vah-yah bee-en52.I hope you had a good time. Espero que se hayan divertido. Ess-peh-roh keh seh I-ahn dee-vehr-tee-doh53.I had a lot of fun. Me diverti mucho. Meh dee-vehr-tee moo-choh54.I had a (very) good time. La pasé (muy) bien. Lah pah-seh (mooy) bee-en55.Come back soon! ¡Regresen pronto! Reh-greh-sen-prohn-toh56. Don’t come back! ¡No vuelvan! Noh vwel-vahn57. Good luck. (Buena) Suerte. (Bweh-nah) Swehr-teh58. Take care. Cuidate. Kwee-dah-teh59. Give my regards to ... Saludos a ... Sah-loo-dohss ahBASIC COURTESY60. Please. Por favor. Por fah-vor61.Thank you (very much). (Muchas) Gracias. (Moo-chahss) Grah-see-ahss62.Thanks for everything. Gracias por todo. Grah-see-ahss por toh-doh63.I’m very grateful. (for.) Se lo agradezco mucho. Seh loh ah-grah-dess-koh moo-choh64.You’re welcome. De nada./No hay de qué. Deh nah-dah/Noh I deh keh65.Excuse me. (for.) Disculpe./Perdóneme. Dees-kool-peh/Pehr-doh-neh-meh66. If I may be allowed. Con permiso. Kohn pehr-mee-soh67.I wouldn’t want to bother you. (for.) No quisiera molestarlo. Noh kee-see-eh-rah moh-less-tar-loh68.I didn’t mean to ... No era mi intención ... Noh eh-rah mee een-ten-see-ohn69.I hope it’s not too much of a bother. Espero que no sea mucha molestiaEss-peh-roh keh noh seh-ah moo-chah moh-less-tee-ah70.If you don’t mind. Si no le importa. See noh leh eem-por-tah71. I would like to ... Me gustaria ... Meh goos-tah-ree-ah72. May I ... ? ¿Puedo . . . ? Pweh-doh73. Is one allowed to ... ? ¿Se puede ... ? Seh pweh-deh74. Sure, absolutely. ¿Cómo no? Koh-moh noh75. It’s ok. Está bien. Ess-tah bee-en76. No problem. No hay problema. Noh I proh-bleh-mah77. Of course. No faltaba más. Noh fahl-tah-bah mahss78. Allow me. (for.) Permitame. Pehr-mee-tah-meh79. Gladly. Con gusto. Kohn goos-toh80. Don’t bother. (for.) No se moleste. Noh seh moh-less-teh81.Don’t worry. (for.) No se preocupe. Noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh82. I’m sorry. Lo siento. Loh see-en-toh83. Bless you. Salud. Sah-loodHOW DO YOU SAY . . . ?84.Do you speak English? (for./inf.) ¿Habla(s) ingles? Ah-blah(s) een-gless85.Does anyone here speak English? ¿Alguien aquí habla inglés? Ahl-gee-en ah-kee ah-blah een-gless86.Do you understand me? (for./inf.) ¿Me entiende(s)? Meh en-tee-en-deh(ss)87.I don’t understand. No entiendo/comprendo. Noh en-tee-en-doh/kohm-pren-doh88.I’m confused. Estoy confundido. Ess-toy kohn-foon-dee-doh89.I don’t speak Spanish. No hablo español. Noh ah-bloh ess-pah-nyohl90.I speak a little Spanish. Hablo un poco de español. Ah-bloh oon poh-koh deh ess-pah-nyohl91.I don’t know this word. No conozco esta palabra. Noh koh-nohss-koh ess-tah pah-lah-brah92.I didn’t hear you correctly. (for.) No lo escuché bien. Noh loh ess-koo-cheh bee-en93.Say again, please. (for.) Repita, por favor. Reh-pee-tah, por fah-vor94. Not so fast. No tan rápido. Noh tahn rah-pee-doh.95.Speak slower, please. (for.) Hable mis despacio, por favor. Ah-bleh mahss dess-pah-see-oh, por fah-vor96.What does ... mean? ¿Qué significa . . . ? Keh seeg-nee-fee-kah97. What does this say? ¿Qué dice aquí? Keh dee-seh ah-kee98.How do you say ... in Spanish? ¿Cómo se dice ... en español? Koh-moh seh dee-seh ... en ess-pah-nyohl99.How do you pronounce this word? ¿Cómo se pronuncia esta palabra? Koh-moh seh proh-noon-see-ah ess-tah pah-lah-brah100.Can you translate it for me? (for./inf.) ¿Me lo puede(s) traducir? Meh loh pweh-deh(dess) trah-doo-seer101.Can you write it down? (for./inf.) ¿Puede(s) escribirlo? Pweh-deh(dess) es-kree-beer-loh102.How do you spell it? ¿Cómo se deletrea? Koh-moh seh deh-leh-treh-ah103.Do you have a dictionary? (for./inf.) ¿Tiene(s) un diccionario? Tee-eh-neh (nehss) oon deek-see-oh-nah-ree-oh104.That’s not what I meant. Eso no es lo que quise decir. Eh-soh noh ess loh keh kee-seh deh-seer105.What I wanted to say was ... Lo que queria decir es ... Loh keh keh-ree-ah deh-seer essTHE BASICS106.I have a problem. Tengo un problema. Ten-goh oon proh-bleh-mah107.I am lost. (m./f.) Estoy perdido/a. Ess-toy pehr-dee-doh/ah108.I don’t know where I am. No sé dónde estoy. Noh seh dohn-deh ess-toy109.Help me, please. (for.) Ayúdeme, por favor. Ah-yoo-deh-meh, por fah-vor110.Can you help me? (for./inf.) ¿Me puede(s) ayudar? Meh pweh-deh(s) ah-yoo-dar111.Who can help me? ¿Quién me puede ayudar? Kee-en meh pweh-dehah-yoo-dar112.Who can I ask? ¿A quién le puedo preguntar? Ah kee-en leh pweh-doh preh-goon-tar113.I need help. Necesito ayuda. Neh-seh-see-toh ah-yoo-dah ...information...información.een-for-mah-see-ohn ...a city map...un mapa de la ciudadoon mah-pah deh lah see-oo-dahd ...money...dinerodee-neh-roh ...food...comida.koh-mee-dah114.I’m looking for something to eat/drink. Estoy buscando algo de comer/beber. Ess-toy boos-kahn-doh ahl-goh deh koh-mehr/beh-behr115.Where is there a restroom? ¿Dónde hay un banol unos servicios? (Sp.) Dohn-deh I oon bah-nyoh/oo-nohss sehr-vee-see-ohss116.Can I make a phone call? ¿Puedo hacer una llamada (telefónica)? Pweh-doh ah-sehr oo-nah yah-mah-dah (teh-leh-foh-nee-kah)117.I need to go to the (U.S.) consulate/the embassy. Necesito ir al consulado/a la embajada (de Estados Unidos). Neh-seh-see-toh eer ahl kohn-sool-ah-doh/ah lah em-bah-hah-dah deh Ess-tah-dohss Oo-nee-dohss118.Can I use the phone? ¿Puedo usar el teléfono? Pweh-doh oo-sar el teh-leh-foh-noh ... the restroom? ... el baño/los servicios? (Sp.) el bah-nyoh/lohss sehr-vee-see-ohss119. It’s urgent. Es urgente. Ess oor-hen-teh120.Where is the train station? ¿Dónde está la estación de tren? Dohn-deh ess-tah lah ess-tah-see-ohn deh tren police station?de policía?deh poh-lee-see-ah bus station?de autobús?deh ow-toh-boos121.Please take me to ... Por favor lléveme a . . . Por fah-vor yeh-veh-meh ah ... the airport.... al aeropuerto. ahl I-roh-pwehr-toh122.I want to go downtown. Quiero ir al centro. Kee-eh-roh eer ahl sen-troh ... to this address.... a esta dirección. ah ess-tah dee-rek-see-ohn123.I want to go back home. Quiero regresar a casa. Kee-eh-roh reh-greh-sar ah kah-sah ... to the hotel.... al hotel. ahl oh-tel124.Where can I find a drugstore? ¿Dónde puedo encontrar una farmacia? Dohn-deh pweh-doh en-kohn-trar oo-nah far-mah-see-ah ... a supermarket? ... un supermercado? oon soo-pehr mehr-kah-doh ... a travel agency? ... una agencia de viajes? oo-nah ah-hen-see-ah deh vee-ah-hess125.What is this/that? ¿Qué es estoleso? Keh ess ess-toh/eh-soh126. Who is he/she? ¿Quién es él/ella? Kee-en ess el/eh-yah127.When do we eat? ¿Cuándo comemos? Kwahn-doh koh-meh-mohss128.What can we eat? ¿Qué podemos comer? Keh poh-deh-mohss koh-mehr129.Where are we? ¿Dónde estamos? Dohn-deh ess-tah-mohss130.Where are we going? ¿A dónde vamos? Ah dohn-deh vah-mohss131.How can we get to ... ? ¿Cómo podemos llegar a ... ? Koh-moh poh-deh-mohss yeh-gar ah132. What for? ¿Para qué? Pah-rah keh133. Why (not)? ¿Par qué (no)? Por keh (noh)134. I won’t. No quiero. Noh kee-eh-roh135. I can’t. No puedo. Noh pweh-doh136. Enough already! ¡Basta! Bahss-tahPERSONAL PORTRAITS & EMOTIONS137.Can you describe the person? ¿Puede describir a la persona? Pweh-deh dess-kree-beer ah lah pehr-soh-nah138.What does he/she look like? ¿Cómo es? Koh-moh ess139.How old is he/she? ¿Cuántos anos tiene? Kwahn-tohss ah-nyohss tee-eh-neh140.He/she is young/old. Es joven/viejo. Ess hoh-vehn/vee-eh-hoh ... a child.... un niño/a. oon nee-nyoh/ah141.What’s his/her weight? ¿Cuánto pesa? Kwahn-toh peh-sah142.He/she weighs around 180/130 pounds. Pesa más o menos ochenta/sesenta kilos. Peh-sah mahss oh meh-nohss oh-chen-tah/ seh-sen-tah kee-lohss143.What is his/her height? ¿Cuánto mide? Kwahn-toh mee-deh144.He/she is 6/5 feet tall. Mide un metro ochenta/cincuenta. Mee-deh oon meh-troh oh-chen-tah/seen-kwen-tah145. What does he/she look like? ¿ Cómo es? Koh-moh ess146.He/she has short/long hair. Tiene el pelo corto/largo. Tee-eh-neh el peh-loh kor-toh/lar-goh straight/curly...lacio/rizado.lah-see-oh/ree-sah-doh light/dark...claroloscuro.klah-roh/ohss-koo-roh147. He/she is bald. Es calvo/a. Ess cahl-voh/ah148.He/she has fair/dark skin. Tiene la piel clara/oscura. Tee-eh-neh lah pee-el klah-rah/ohss-koo-rah ... pale.... pálida. pah-lee-dah149.He/she has light/dark colored eyes. Tiene los ojos claros/oscuros. Tee-eh-neh lohss oh-hohss klah-rohss/ohss-koo-rohss150.He wears a moustache/beard. Lleva bigote/barba. Yeh-vah bee-goh-teh/bar-bah151.He/she is (very) fat. Es (muy) gordo/a. Ess (mooy) gor-doh/ah ...thin. (m./f.) ...flaco/a. flah-koh/ah ...short. (m./f.) ...bajo/a. bah-hoh/ah ...tall. (m./f.) ...alto/a. ahl-toh/ah152.He/she has a tattoo. Tiene un tatuaje. Tee-eh-neh oon tah-twah-heh ... a piercing.... un pirsin. oon peer-seen153.He is very ugly/handsome. Es muy feo/guapo. Ess (mooy) feh-oh/gwah-poh154.She is very ugly/beautiful. Es muy fea/bella. Ess (mooy) feh-ah/beh-yah155.He/she is a (very) happy/serious person. Es una persona (muy) alegre/seria. Ess oo-nah pehr-soh-nah (mooy) ah-leh-greh/seh-ree-ah ...a (very) funny person...(muy) chistosa.(mooy) chees-toh-sah ...a (very) intelligent person...(muy) inteligente.(mooy) een-teh-lee-hen-teh156. He’s a great guy. Es un gran tipo. Ess oon grahn tee-poh157.He/she has a (great) sense of humor. Tiene un (gran) sentido del humor. Tee-eh-neh oon (grahn) sen-tee-doh del oo-mohr158.He/she makes me laugh. Me hace reír. Meh ah-seh reh-eer159.He/she thinks he’s so smart. Se cree muy listo/a. Seh kreh mooy lees-toh/-tah160.In fact, he/she’s (very) dumb. En realidad es (muy) tonto/a En reh-ah-lee-dahd es (mooy) ton-toh/-tah161.I like him/her (a lot). Me cae (muy) bien. Meh kah-eh (mooy) bee-en162.I love him/her (a lot). Lo/la quiero (mucho). Loh/lah kee-eh-roh (moo-choh)163.I dislike him/her (a lot). Me cae (muy) mail. Meh kah-eh (mooy) mahl164.I can’t stand him/her. No lo/la soporto. Noh loh/lah soh-por-toh165. I detest him/her. Lo/la detesto. Loh/lah deh-tess-toh166. I hate him/her. Lo/la odio. Loh/lah oh-dee-oh167.He/she seems (very) happy/depressed. Se le ve (muy) feliz/deprimido. Seh leh veh (mooy) feh-lees/deh-pree-mee-doh168.I feel (very) happy/sad. Me siento (muy) feliz/triste. Meh see-en-toh(mooy) feh-lees/trees-teh169.I feel like crying. Tengo ganas de llorar. Ten-goh gah-nahss dehyoh-rar170.I’m (very) angry. Estoy (muy) enojado. Ess-toy (mooy) eh-noh-hah-doh171.I’m (very) scared. Tengo (mucho) miedo. Ten-goh (moo-choh) mee-eh-doh172.You’re scaring me. Me estás asustando. Meh ess-tahss ah-soos-tahn-dohDATE & TIME173.What day is today? ¿Qué día es (hoy)? Keh dee-ah ess (oy)174.Today is Monday. Hoy es lunes. Oy ess loo-ness...Tuesday...martes.mar-tess ...Wednesday...miércoles.mee-ehr-koh-less ...Thursday...jueves.hweh-vess ...Friday...viernes.vee-ehr-ness ...Saturday...sábado.sah-bah-doh ...Sunday...domingo.doh-meen-goh ...my birthday...mi cumpleaños.mee koom-pleh-ah-nyohss175.What day is tomorrow/the day after tomorrow? ¿Qué día es mañana/pasado mañana? Keh dee-ah ess mah-nyah-nah/pah-sah-doh mah-nyah-nah176.What day was yesterday? ¿Qué dia fue ayer? Keh dee-ah foo-eh ah-yehr177.What are you all doing tonight? ¿Qué van a hacer esta noche? Keh vahn ah ah-sehr ess-tah noh-cheh178.What did you do last night? ¿Qué hiciste anoche? Keh ee-sees-teh ah-noh-cheh179.What month are we in? ¿En qué mes estamos? En keh mess ess-tah-mohss180.It’s January. Es el mes de enero. Ess el mess deh eh-neh-roh ...February. ...febrero.feh-breh-roh ...March. ...marzo. mar-soh ...April. ...abril. ah-breel ...May. ...mayo. mah-yoh ...June. ...junio. hoo-nee-oh ...July....julio. hoo-lee-oh ...August. ...agosto. ah-gohs-toh ...September. ...septiembre. sep-tee-em-breh ...October. ...octubre. ohk-too-breh ...November. ...noviembre. noh-vee-em-breh ...December. ...diciembre. dee-see-em-breh181.What’s the date? ¿Cuál es la fecha? Kwahl ess lah feh-chah182.Today is Monday, January first. Hoy es lunes primero de enero. Oy ess loo-ness pree-meh-roh deh eh-neh-roh183.Next year I’m going to travel through Spain. El año próximo voy a viajar por España. El ah-nyoh prohk-see-moh voy ah vee-ah-har por Ess-pah-nyah184.Last year I went to Mexico. El año pasado fui a Mexico. El ah-nyohpah-sah-doh fwee ah Meh-hee-koh185.I will go to Peru in the spring. Iré a Perú en la primavera. Eer-eh ahPeh-roo en lah pree-mah-veh-rah186.What are your plans for the summer? (inf.) ¿Qué planes tienes para el verano? Keh plah-ness tee-eh-ness pah-rah el veh-rah-noh187.I love the fall. Me encanta el otoño. Meh en-kahn-tah el oh-toh-nyoh188.It’s cold in the winter. Hace frio en el invierno. Ah-seh free-oh en el een-vee-ehr-noh189.To every thing there is a season. Hay un tiempo para todo. I oon tee-em-poh pah-rah toh-doh190.Do you have a watch? (inf.) ¿Tienes un reloj? Tee-eh-ness oon reh-lohh191. What time is it? ¿Qué hora es? Keh oh-rah ess192.It’s one/It’s two o’clock in the morning. Es la una/Son las dos de la mañana. Ess la oo-nah/Sohn lahss dohss deh lah mah-nyah-nah ... in the afternoon/evening.... de la tarde. deh lah tar-deh193.It’s eight o’clock at night. Son las ocho de la noche. Sohn lahss oh-choh deh lah noh-cheh194.It’s nine-twenty. Son las nueve y veinte. Sohn lahss nweh-veh ee vayn -teh195.It’s a quarter past ten. Son las diez y cuarto. Sohn lahss dee-ess ee kwar-toh196.It’s half past twelve. Son las doce y media. Sohn lahss doh-seh ee meh-dee-ah197.It’s a quarter to eleven. Es un cuarto para las once/las once menos cuarto. Ess oon kwar-toh pah-rah lahss on-seh/lahss on-seh meh-nohss kwar-toh198.I think that clock is slow/fast. Creo que ese reloj está atrasado/adelantado. Kreh-oh keh ess-eh reh-lohh ess-tah ah-trah-sah-doh/ ah-deh-lahn-tah-doh199.At what time ... ? At three. ¿A qué hora ... ? A las tres. Ah keh oh-rah ... Ah lahss trehss200.It’s (very) early/late. Es (muy) temprano/tarde. Ess (mooy) tem-prah-noh/tar-deh201.What a beautiful sunset! ¡Qué bonito atardecer! Keh boh-nee-toh ah-tar-deh-sehr202.It’s only dusk/dawn. Apenas es el anochecer/amanecer. Ah-peh-nahss ess el ah-noh-cheh-sehr/ah-mah-neh-sehr203.It’s already noon/midnight. Ya es mediodía/medianoche. Yah ess meh-dee-oh-dee-ah/meh-dee-ah-noh-cheh204.I need to wake up at ... Necesito despertarme a las ... Neh-seh-see-toh dess-pehr-tar-meh ah lahss205.I must leave at ... at the latest. Debo salir a más tardar a las ... Deh-boh sah-leer ah mahss tar-dar ah lahss206.I have to leave in a few minutes. Me tengo que ir dentro de unos minutos. Meh ten-goh keh eer den-troh deh oo-nohss mee-noo-tohss207.I want to get there early. Ouiero llegar temprano. Kee-eh-roh yeh-gar tem-prah-noh208.I don’t have time to ... No tengo tempo de ... Noh ten-goh tee-em-poh deh209.I’m in a (big)hurry. Tengo (mucha) prisa. Ten-goh (moo-chah) pree-sah210.We’re never going to get there at this pace. Nunca vamos a llegar a este paso. Noon-kah vah-mohss ah yeh-gar ah ess-teh pah-soh211.Hurry up. (for.) Dese prisa/apresúrese/apúrese. Deh-seh pree-sah/ah-preh-soo-reh-seh/ah-poo-reh-sehHurry up. (inf.) Date prisa/apresúrate/apúrate. Dah-teh pree-sah/ah-preh-soo-rah-teh/ah-poo-rah-teh212. Let’s go! ¡Vamos! Vah-mohss213. Fast! ¡Rapido! Rah-pee-doh214.I can’t go any faster. No puedo ir más rápido. Noh pweh-doh eer mahss rah-pee-doh215.We’re running late. Vamos retrasados. Vah-mohss reh-trah-sah-dohss216.We’re going to be late. Vamos a llegar tarde. Vah-mohss ah yeh-gar tar-deh217.How much longer do we have? ¿Cuánto tiempo nos queda? Kwahn-toh tee-em-poh nohss keh-dah218.It’s too late. Es demasiado tarde. Ess deh-mah-see-ah-doh tar-deh219.It’s been a while since ... Hace mucho (tiempo) que no ... Ah-seh moo-choh (tee-em-poh) keh noh220.Let’s go next week. Vamos la semana próxima. Vah-mohss lah seh-mah-nah prohk-see-mah221. Time flies. El tiempo vuela. El tee-em-poh vweh-lahCELEBRATIONS222.When is your birthday? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Kwahn-doh ess too koom-pleh-ah-nyohss223.Today is my birthday. Hoy es mi cumpleaños. Oy ess mee koom-pleh-ah-nyohss224.Happy birthday! ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Feh-lees koom-pleh-ah-nyohss225. Many happy returns! ¡Felicidades! Feh-lee-see-dah-dess226.Congratulations! ¡Felicitaciones! Feh-lee-see-tah-see-oh-ness227.How old are you? ¿Cuántos años cumples? Kwahn-tohss ah-nyohss koom-pless228.What do you want as a present? ¿Qué quieres de regalo? Keh kee-eh-ress deh reh-gah-loh229.Let’s go celebrate. Vamos a festejar. Vah-mohss ah fess-teh-hahr230.We just got married. Nos acabamos de casar. Nohss ah-kah-bah-mohss deh kah-sar231.We’re having a baby. Vamos a tener un bebé. Vah-mohss ah teh-nehr oon beh-beh232. Congratulations! ¡Enhorabuena! En-oh-rah-bweh-nah233.What holidays do you celebrate here? ¿Qué fiestas celebran aqu ? Keh fee-ess-tahss seh-leh-brahn ah-kee234.How are they celebrated? ¿Cómo se celebran? Koh-moh seh seh-leh-brahn235.When is Independence Day? ¿Cuándo es el día de la independencia? (L. Am.) Kwahn-doh ess el dee-ah deh lah een-deh-pen-den-see-ah236.When does Mardi Gras begin? ¿Cuándo empieza el carnaval? Kwahn-doh em-pee-eh-sah el kar-nah-vahl237.When are the next holidays? ¿Cuándo son las próximas vacaciones? Kwahn-doh sohn lahss prohk-see-mahss vah-kah-see-oh-ness238.Tonight is Christmas Eve. Esta noche es Noche Buena. Ess-tah noh-cheh ess noh-cheh bweh-nah239.Tomorrow is Christmas. Mañana es Navidad. Mah-nyah-nah ess nah-vee-dahd240. Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! Feh-lees nah-vee-dahd241.Prosperous New Year! ¡Próspero año nuevo! Prohss-peh-roh ah-nyoh nweh-voh242.Happy holidays! ¡Felices fiestas! Feh-lee-sess fee-ess-tahssTHE WEATHER243.How’s the weather? ¿Cómo está el clima? Koh-moh ess-tah el klee-mah244.The weather’s good/bad. Hace buen/mal clima. Ah-seh bwen/mahlklee-mah245.It’s (very) cloudy/sunny. Está (muy) nublado/soleado. Ess-tah (mooy) noo-blah-doh/soh-leh-ah-doh ... dry/humid.... secolhúzedo. seh-koh/oo-meh-doh246.What’s the temperature? ¿Cuál es la temperatura? Kwahl ess lah tem-peh-rah-too-rah247.It’s (very) hot/cold. Hace (mucho) calor/frío. Ah-seh (moo-choh) kah-lor/free-oh ... windy.... viento. vee-en-toh248.Do I need a sweater? ¿Necesito un suéter? Neh-seh-see-toh oon sweh-tehr ... a jacket? ... una charharra? (L. Am.) oo-nah chah-mar-rah249.Should I take a short-sleeved shirt? Debo llevar una camisa de manga corta? Deh-boh yeh-var oo-nah kah-mee-sah deh mahn-gah kor-tah ... a T-shirt? ... una camiseta? oo-nah kah-mee-seh-tah250.It hasn’t rained for a while. Hace tiempo que no llueve. Ah-seh tee-em-poh keh noh yweh-veh.251.It looks like it’s going to rain. Parece que va a llover. Pah-reh-seh keh vah ah yoh-vehr252.The sky is getting cloudy. El cielo se está nublando. El see-eh-loh seh ess-tah noo-blahn-doh253.It’s (not) the rainy season. (No) Es temporada de lluvias. (Noh) Ess tem-poh-rah-dah deh yoo-vee-ahss254.Should I take an umbrella? ¿Debo llevar un paraguas? Deh-boh yeh-var oon par-ah-wahss255. It’s raining. Está lloviendo. Ess-tah yoh-vee-en-doh256.It’s just drizzle. Es sólo una llovizna. Ess soh-loh oo-nah yoh-vees-nah257.A storm is approaching. Se acerca una tormenta. Seh ah-sehr-kah oo-nah tor-men-tah258.A thunderstorm? ¿Una tormenta eléctrica? Oo-nah tor-men-tah eh-lek-tree-kah259.It’s raining by the bucketful. Está lloviendo a cántaros. Ess-tah yoh-vee-en-doh ah kahn-tah-rohss260.There’s thunder and lightning. Hay rayos y truenos. I rah-yohss ee trweh-nohss261.When will the sun shine again? ¿Cuándo saldrá otra vez el sol? Kwahn-doh sahl-drah oh-trah vess el sohl262.Tomorrow will be clear/rainy/stormy. Mañana estará despejado/lluvioso/tormentoso. Mah-nyah-nah ess-tah-rah dess-peh-hah-doh/ yoo-vee-ohss-oh/tor-men-toh-soh263.I love this weather! ¡Me encanta este clima! Meh en-kahn-tah ess-teh klee-mah264.I hate this weather! ¡Odio este clima! Oh-dee-oh ess-teh klee-mah265.I can’t control the weather. No puedo controlar el clima. Noh nweh-doh kohn-troh-lahr el klee-mahGETTING THERE266.Where is the airport? ¿Dónde está el aeropuerto? Dohn-deh ess-tah el I-roh-pwehr-toh ... the train station? ... la estación del tren? lah ess-tah-see-ohn del tren267.Are we near/far from the port? ¿Estamos cerca/lejos del puerto? Ess-tah-mohss sehr-kah/leh-hohss del pwehr-toh ... the bus stop/terminal? ... de la parada/terminal de autobuses? deh lah pah-rah-dah /tehr-mee-nahl deh ow-toh-boo-sess268.At what time does the flight to ... leave? ¿A qué hora sale el vuelo a ... ? Ah keh oh-rah sah-leh el vweh-loh ah the train to...leave?... el tren a ... ?el tren ah the bus to ... leave?... el autobús a ... ?el ow-toh-boos ah the boat to ... leave?el barco a ... ?el bar-koh ah269.I need to take the next flight to ... Necesito tomar el próximo vuelo a ... Neh-seh-see-toh toh-mahr el prohk-see-moh vweh-loh ah ... the first/last flight to ... ... el primer/último vuelo a ... el pree-mehr/ool-tee-moh vweh-loh ah270.We can’t miss that boat! ¡No podemos perder ese barco! Noh poh-deh-mohss pehr-dehr eh-seh bar-koh271.I think we missed the train. Creo que perdimos el tren. Kreh-oh keh pehr-dee-mohss el tren272.At what time does the flight coming from ... arrive? ¿A qué hora llega el vuelo que viene de ... ? Ah keh oh-rah yeh-gah el vweh-loh keh vee-eh-neh deh273.Do you have the arrival/departure schedule? (for.) ¿Tiene el horario de salidas/llegadas? Tee-eh-neh el oh-rah-ree-oh deh sahl-ee-dahss/yeh-gah-dahss274.Where is the ticket counter? ¿Dónde está la taquilla? Dohn-deh ess-tah lah tah-kee-yah the waiting area?la sala de espera?lah sah-lah deh ess-peh-rah the departure gate?... la puerta de embarque?lah pwehr-tah deh em-bar-keh275.What’s the train platform number? ¿Cuál es el número del andén? Kwahl ess el noo-meh-roh del ahn-den ... the dock number? ... el número del muelle? el noo-meh-roh del mweh-yeh276.How much is a ticket to ... ? ¿Cuánto cuesta el boleto a ... ? Kwahn-toh kwess-tah el boh-leh-toh ah ... a ticket to ... ? ... el billete a ...? (Sp.) el bee-yeh-teh ah277.Is it a direct trip? ¿Es un viaje directo? Ess oon vee-ah-heh dee-rek-toh278.How many stops/transfers are there? ¿Cuántas paradas/cuántos cambios hay? Kwahn-tahss pah-rah-das/kwahn-tohss kahm-bee-ohss I279.How long does it take to get to ... ? ¿ Cuánto tarda en llegar a ... ? Kwahn-toh tar-dah en yeh-gar ah280.Is there a discountfor students? ¿Hay descuento para estudiantes? I dess-kwen-toh pah-rah ess-too-dee-ahn-tess for teachers?para profesores?pah-rah proh-feh-soh-ress for the elderly?para personas mayores?pah-rah pehr-sohn-ahssmah-yoh-ress281.Does it include travelers’ insurance? ¿Incluye seguro de viajero? Een-kloo-yeh seh-goo-roh deh vee-ah-heh-roh282.I want a round trip ticket. Quiero un boleto/billete de ida y vuelta. Kee-eh-roh oon boh-leh-toh/bee-yeh-teh de ee-dah ee vwel-tah ... a one-way ticket.... de ida solamente. deh ee-dah soh-lah-men-teh283.Give me a first-class ticket. Deme un boleto/billete de primera clase. Deh-meh oon boh-leh-toh/bee-yeh-teh deh pree-meh-rah klah-seh ... an economy ticket.... de clase económica. deh klah-seh eh-koh-noh-mee-kah284.I would like a seat in the smoking/non-smoking section. Me gustaría un asiento en la sección de fumar/de no fumar. Meh goos-tah-ree-ah oon ah-see-en-toh en lah sek-see-ohn deh foo-mar/deh noh foo-mar285.I prefer a window seat. Prefiero un asiento con ventanilla. Preh-fee-eh-roh oon ah-see-en-toh kohn ven-tah-nee-yah ... an aisle seat.... en el pasillo. en el pahss-see-yoh286.Do I need to make a reservation? ¿Necesito hacer una reservación? Neh-seh-see-toh ah-sehr oo-nah reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn287.I want to reserve a seat/two seats. Quiero reservar un asiento/dos asientos. Kee-eh-roh reh-sehr-var oon ah-see-en-toh/dohss ah-see-en-tohss288.Does it leave on time? ¿Sale puntualmente? Sah-leh poon-twahl-men-teh289.Is it on time/delayed? ¿Está a tiempo/retrasado? Ess-tah ah tee-em-poh/reh-trah-sah-doh290.At what time can we board? ¿A qué hora podemos abordar/erubarcar? Ah keh oh-rah poh-deh-mohss ah-bor-dar/em-bar-kar291.Is this the train/bus that goes to ... ? ¿Éste es el tren/autobus que va a ... ? Ess-teh ess el tren/ow-toh-boos keh vah ah292.Is this seat free? ¿Esta libre este asiento? Ess-tah lee-breh ess-teh ahss-ee-en-toh293.May I sit here? ¿Me puedo sentar aquí? Meh pweh-doh sen-tar ah-kee294.You are sitting in my seat. (for.) Está usted sentado/-a en mi asiento. Ess-tah oo-sted sen-tah-doh/-ah en mee ah-see-en-toh295.You are sitting in my seat. (inf.) Estás sentado/-a en mi asiento. Ess-tahss sen-tah-doh/-ah en mee ah-see-en-toh296.That’s my seat. Ése es mi asiento. Ess-eh ess mee ah-see-en-toh297.Could you open the window (a little), please? (for.) ¿Podría abrir la ventanilla (un poco), por favor? Poh-dree-ah ah-breer lah ven-tah-nee-yah (oon poh-koh), por fah-vor298.Do you mind if I open the window? (for.) ¿Le importa si abro la ventanilla? Leh eem-por-tah see ah-broh lah ven-tah-nee-yah299.Have we arrived in . . . ? ¿Ya llegamos a . . . ? Yah yeh-gah-mohss ah300.Should I get off here? ¿Debo bajar aquí? Deh-boh bah-har ah-kee301.My luggage was damaged. Se dañó mi equipaje. Seh dah-nyoh mee eh-kee-pah-heh302.Where’s my luggage? ¿Dónde esta mi equipaje? Dohn-deh ess-tah mee eh-kee-pah-heh303.I need to find my suitcase. Necesito encontrar mi maleta. Neh-seh-see-toh en-kohn-trar mee mah-leh-tah304.My luggage is missing/lost. Mi equipaje está perdido. Mee eh-kee-pah-heh ess-tah pehr-dee-doh305.My suitcase was stolen. Me robaron la maleta. Meh roh-bah-rohn lah mah-leh-tah306.Where can I buy a suitcase? ¿Dónde puedo comprar una maleta? Dohn-deh pweh-doh kohm-prahr oo-nah mah-leh-tahGETTING ORIENTED307.How do I get to . . . ? ¿Cómo llego a ... ? Koh-moh yeh-goh ah308. I want to go to . . . Quiero ir a . . . Kee-eh-roh eer ah309.I’m looking for ... Estoy buscando ... Ess-toy boos-kahn-doh310.Do you know the address of . . . ? ¿Sabe la dirección de . . . ? Sah-beh lah dee-rek-see-ohn deh311.I need a (city/area) map. Necesito un mapa (de la ciudad/del área). Neh-seh-see-toh oon mah-pah (deh lah see-oo-dahd/del ah-reh-ah)312.We need directions to get to . . . Necesitamos direcciones para llegar a . . . Neh-seh-see-tah-mohss dee-rek-see-oh-ness pah-rah yeh-gahr ah313.How far is . . . ? ¿Qué tan lejos está . . . ? Keh tahn leh-hohss ess-tah314. Where is . . . ? ¿Dónde está . . . ? Dohn-deh ess-tah315.Where are we? ¿Dónde estamos? Dohn-deh ess-tah-mohss316.Can you show me on the map? (for.) ¿Puede señalarlo en el mapa? Pweh-deh seh-nyah-lar-loh en el mah-pah317.Should I keep going straight? ¿Debo seguir derecho/recto? Deh-boh seh-geer deh-reh-choh/rek-toh ... go up to the square? ... seguir hasta la plaza? seh-geer ahss-tah lah plah-sah318.Do I turn right/left? ¿Day vuelta a la derecha/izquierda? Doy vwel-tah ah lah deh-reh-chah/ees-kee-ehr-dah turn at the corner?en la esquina?en lah ess-kee-nah turn at the light?en el semáforo?en el sem-ah-foh-roh319.Do I need to go through the tunnel? ¿Necesito atravesar el túnel? Neh-seh-see-toh ah-trah-veh-sar el too-nel ... go across the bridge?... cruzar por el puente? kroo-sar por el pwen-teh320.Can you guide me there? (for.) ¿Me puede guiar hasta allá? Meh pweh-deh gee-ahr ahss-tah ah-yah321.How many streets/city blocks are there left to go? ¿Cuántas calles/cuadras faltan? Kwahn-tahss kah-yess/kwah-drahss fahl-tahn322.The store is in front of the museum. La tienda está frente al museo. Lah tee-en-dah ess-tah fren-teh ahl moo-seh-oh ... behind the museum.... atrás/a espaldas del museo. ah-trahss/ah ess-pahl-dahss del moo-seh-oh ... next to the museum.... a un lado del museo. ah oon lah-doh del moo-seh-oh ... to the right of the museum.... a la derecha del museo. ah lah deh-reh-chah del moo-seh-oh ... to the left of the museum. ... a la izquierda del museo. ah lah ees-kee-ehr-dah del moo-seh-oh323.Is the museum near/far? ¿Está cerca/lejos el museo? Ess-tah sehr-kah/leh-hohss el moo-seh-oh324.Can we walk there? ¿Podemos caminar hasta allá? Poh-deh-mohss kah-mee-nahr ahss-tah ah-yah325.It’s about ten minutes by foot. Son como diez minutos a pie. Sohn koh-moh dee-ess mee-noo-tohss ah pee-eh326.Are we almost there? ¿Ya casi llegamos? Yah kah-see yeh-gah-mohssGETTING AROUND327.How can I get to . . . ? ¿Cómo puedo llegar a . . . ? Koh-moh pweh-doh yeh-gar ah328.What’s the best way to go to . . . ? ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de ir a . . . ? Kwahl ess lah meh-hor mah-neh-rah deh eer ah329.Can you go on foot/walking? ¿Se puede ir a pie/caminando? Seh pweh-deh eer ah pee-eh/kah-mee-nahn-doh330.Can I get there by bus? ¿Puedo llegar ahí en autobús? Pweh-doh yeh-gar ah-ee en ow-toh-boos331.Is it complicated to go on the subway? ¿Es complicado ir en metro? Ess kohm-plee-kah-doh eer en meh-troh332.Is it better to take a taxi? ¿Es mejor tomar un taxi? Ess meh-hor toh-mar oon tah-ksee333.Where can I get a taxi? ¿Dónde puedo conseguir un taxi? Dohn-deh pweh-doh kohn-seh-geer oon tah-ksee334.Is it safe to take a taxi? ¿Es seguro tomar un taxi? Ess seh-goo-roh toh-mar oon tah-ksee335.Can you call a taxi for me? (for./inf.) ¿Puede(s) llamarme un taxi? Pweh-deh(s) yah-mar-meh oon tah-ksee336.I need a taxi at eight . . . Necesito un taxi a las ocho ... Neh-seh-see-toh oon tah-ksee ah lahss oh-choh337.Can you pick me up at . . . ? (for./inf.) ¿Puede(s) pasar por mí a las . . . ? Pweh-deh(s) pah-sar por mee ah lahss338. Are you available? (for.) ¿Está libre? Ess-tah lee-breh339.How much is it to go to the airport? ¿Cuánto cuesta ir al aeropuerto? Kwahn-toh kwess-tah eer ahl I-roh-pwehr-toh ... to the hotel? ... al hotel? ahl oh-tel ... to the downtown area? ... al centro? ahl sen-troh ... to this address? ... a esta dirección? ah ess-tah dee-rek-see-ohn340.Do you charge by time or by distance? ¿Cobra por tiempo o por distancia? Koh-brah por tee-em-poh oh por dees-tahn-see-ah341.Is there an extra fee for the luggage?¿Hay un cargo extra por las maletas? I oon kar-goh eks-trah por lahss mah-leh-tahss ... night service? ... servicio nocturno? sehr-vee-see-oh nohk-toor-noh ... more than three passengers? . . . más de tres pasajeros? mahss deh trehss pah-sah-heh-rohss342.Please, take me to the train station. (for.) Por favor, lléveme a la estación de tren. Por fah-vor, yeh-veh-meh ah lah ess-tah-see-ohn deh tren to the bus terminala la terminal de autobuses.ah lah tehr-mee-nahldeh ow-toh-boo-sess to the hospitalal hospitalahl ohss-pee-tahl343.Is the meter working? ¿Funciona el taxímetro? foon-see-ohn-ah el tahk-see-meh-troh344.Drive slower/faster, please. (for.) Vaya más despacio/rápido, por favor. Vah-yah mahss dess-pah-see-oh/rah-pee-doh, por fah-vor345.I’m (not) in a hurry. (No) Tengo prisa. (Noh) Ten-goh pree-sah346.Stop at the corner. (for.) Pare en la esquina. Pah-reh en lah ess-kee-nah347. Here is fine. Aquí está bien. Ah-kee ess-tah bee-en348.Let me out here, please. (for.) Déjeme aquí, por favor. Deh-heh-meh ah-kee, por fah-vor349.Can you wait for me here? (for.) ¿Me puede esperar aquí? Meh pweh-deh ess-peh-rar ah-kee350.Wait for me here, please (for.) Espéreme aquí, por favor. Ess-peh-reh-meh ah-kee. por fah-vor351.Can you take me back? (for.) ¿Me puede llevar de regreso? Meh pweh-deh yeh-var deh reh-greh-soh352.Keep the change. (for.) Quédese con el cambio. Keh-deh-seh kohn el kahm-bee-oh353.Where is the bus stop? ¿Dónde está la parada del autobús? Dohn-deh ess-tah lah pah-rah-dah del ow-toh-boos354.Does the bus to ... stop here? ¿Para aquí el autobús a . . . ? Pah-rah ah-kee el ow-toh-boos ah355.At what time does the bus to . . . go by? ¿A qué hora pasa el autobús a . . . ? Ah keh oh-rah pah-sah el ow-toh-boos ah356.What’s the fare? ¿Cuánto cuesta el pasaje? Kwahn-toh kwess-tah el pah-sah-heh357.Is it still a long way to ... ? ¿Falta mucho para llegar a . . . ? Fahl-tah moo-choh pah-rah yeh-gar ah358.Do you go as far as . . . ? (for.) ¿Llega hasta . . . ? Yeh-gah ahss-tah359. Do you go by ... ? (for.) ¿Pasa por . . . ? Pah-sah por360.Please let me know where to get off. (for.) Por favor avíseme dónde bajarme. Por fah-vor ah-vee-seh-meh dohn-deh bah-har-meh361.What’s the nearest subway station? ¿Cuál es la estación de metro más cercana? Kwahl ess lah ess-tah-see-ohn deh meh-troh mahss sehr-kah-nah362.Where can I buy a ticket? ¿Dónde puedo comprar un boleto? Dohn-deh pweh-doh kohm-prar oon boh-leh-toh363.One ticket, please. Un boleto, por favor. Oon boh-leh-toh por fah-vor364.What’s the station for the museum? ¿Cuál es la estación para el museo? Kwahl ess lah ess-tah-see-ohn pah-rah el moo-seh-oh365.(Where) Must I transfer to get to . . . ? ¿(Dónde) Debo transbordar para llegar a . . . ? (Dohn-deh) Deh-boh trahns-bor-dar pah-rah yeh-gar ah366.Where can I rent a car? ¿Dónde puedo alquilar/ rentar un auto? Dohn-deh pweh-doh ahl-kee-lar/ren-tar oon ow-toh367.I would like to rent a car (with air conditioning). Quisieraalquilar/rentar un auto (con aire acondicionado). Kee-see-eh-rah ahl-kee-lar/ren-tar oon ow-toh (kohn I-reh ah-kohn-dee-see-oh-nah-doh)368.How much is the rate per hour/day/week? ¿Cuánto cuesta el alquiler por hora/día/sermana? Kwahn-toh kwess-tah el ahl-kee-lehr por oh-rah/dee-ah/ seh-mah-nah369.Does it include insurance? ¿Incluye segura? Een-kloo-yeh seh-goo-roh370.Do you have a highway/city map? (for.) ¿Tiene un mapa de carreteras/de la ciudad? Tee-eh-neh oon mah-pah deh kah-reh-teh-rahss/deh lah see-oo-dahd371.What’s the speed limit? ¿Cuál es el límite de velocidad? Kwahl ess el lee-mee-teh deh vel-oh-see-dahd372.Do you know where there’s a parking lot? (for.) ¿Sabe dónde hay un estacionamiento? Sah-beh dohn-deh I oon ess-tah-see-oh-nah-mee-en-toh373.What’s the rate? ¿Cuál es la tarifa? Kwahl ess lah tah-ree-fah374.Do you charge by the hour/fraction of an hour? ¿Cobran por hora/por fracción? Koh-brahn por oh-rah/por frahk-see-ohn375.Can I park here? ¿Puedo estacionarme aquí? Pweh-doh ess-tah-see-oh-nar-meh ah-kee376.For how long? ¿Por cuánto tiempo? Por kwahn-toh tee-em-poh377.Do I need to put coins in the parking meter? ¿Necesito poner monedasen el parquímetro? Neh-seh-see-toh poh-nehr moh-neh-dahss en el par-kee-meh-troh378.I don’t want to get a ticket. No quiero que me pongan una multa. Noh kee-eh-roh keh meh pohn-gahn oo-nah mool-tah379.Where is there a gas station around here? ¿Dónde hay una gasolinera por aquí? Dohn-deh I oo-nah gah-soh-lee-neh-rah por ah-kee380. Fill it up, please. Lleno, por favor. Yeh-noh, por fah-vor381.Can you check the oil? (for.) ¿Puede checar el aceite? Pweh-dehcheh-kar el ah-say-teh ... the tire pressure? ... la presión? lah preh-see-ohnA PLACE TO STAY382.I want to stay in a (cheap/fancy) hotel. Quiero hospedarme en un hotel (barato/de lujo). Kee-eh-roh ohss-peh-dar-meh en oon oh-tel (bah-rah-toh/deh loo-hoh) a hotel near the downtown area.un hotel cerca del centro.oon oh-telsehr-kah del sen-troh a bed-and-breakfastuna pensión con desayunooo-nah pen-see-ohnkohn deh-sah-yoo-noh383.I am looking for a (youth) hostel. Estoy buscando un albergue (juvenil). Ess-toy boos-kahn-doh oon ahl-behr-geh (hoo-veh-neel) a guesthouseuna casa de huéspedes.oo-nah kah-sah deh wess-peh-dess a place to sleepun lugar donde dormir.oon loo-gar dohn-deh dor-meer a place to campun lugar donde acampar.oon loo-gar dohn-deh ah-kahm-par384.How much is a room per night? ¿Cuánto cuesta la habitación por noche? Kwahn-toh kwess-tah lah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn por noh-cheh ...per week? ...por semana? por seh-mah-nah ...per person? ...por persona? por pehr-soh-nah385.Does it include meals? ¿Incluye comidas? Een-kloo-yeh koh-mee-dahss . . . breakfast? . . . el desayuno? el deh-sah-yoo-noh . . . dinner? . . . la cena? lah seh-nah386.I have a reservation. Tengo una reservación. Ten-goh oo-nah reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn387.My name is . . . Mi nombre es ... Mee nohm-breh ess . . .388.Can I make a reservation (for today)? ¿Puedo hacer una reservación (para hoy)? Pweh-doh ah-sehr oo-nah reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn (pah-rah oy)389.I want to make a reservation for tomorrow. Quiero hacer una reservación para mañana. Kee-eh-roh ah-ser oo-nah reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn pah-rah mah-nyah-nah for next weekpara la semana próxima.pah-rah lah seh-mah-nahprohk-see-mah390.Do you have rooms available? (for.) ¿Tiene habitaciones disponibles? Tee-eh-neh ah-bee-tah-see-oh-ness dees-poh-nee-bless391.I would like a single/double room. Quisiera una habitación sencilla/doble. Kee-see-eh-rah oo-nah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn sen-see-yah/doh-bleh ...a room with a bathroom/bathtub. ...una habitación con baño/tina. oo-nah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn kohn bah-nyoh/tee-nah392.I want a room with air conditioning. Quiero una habitación con aire acondicionado. Kee-eh-roh oo-nah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn kohn I-reh ah-kohn-dee-see-oh-nah-doh393.Do you have a room with a view? (for.) ¿Tiene una habitación con vista? Tee-eh-neh oo-nah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn kohn vees-tah a (non) smoking room? . . . una habitación de (no) fumar? oo-nah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn deh (noh) foo-mar two (neighboring) rooms? dos habitaciones lado a lado? dohss ah-bee-tah-see-oh-ness lah-doh ah lah-doh a luxury suite?una suite de lujo? oo-nah sweet de loo-hoh394.May I see the room? ¿Puedo ver la habitación? Pweh-doh vehr lah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn395.Does it have hot water? ¿Tiene agua caliente? Tee-eh-neh ah-wah kah-lee-en-teh cable TV?televisión con cable? teh-leh-vee-see-ohn kohn kah-bleh Internet access?conexión a la red? koh-nek-see-ohn ah lah red Wi-Fi?conexión inalámbrica? koh-nek-see-ohn een-ah-lahm-bree-kah kitchenette?cocineta?koh-see-neh-tah396.Is there laundry service? ¿Hay servicio de lavandería? I sehr-vee-see-oh de lah-vahn-deh-ree-ah ... parking? ... estacionamiento? ess-tah-see-oh-nah-mee-en-toh397.I will be staying for one night/two nights. Me voy a quedar una noche/dos noches. Meh voy ah keh-dar oo-nah noh-cheh/dohss noh-chess one week/two weeksuna semana/dos semanas. oo-nah seh-mah-nah/dohss seh-mah-nahss398.I don’t know how long I will be staying. No sé por cuánto tiempo me voy a quedar. Noh seh por kwahn-toh tee-em-poh meh voy ah keh-dar399.I want to stay another night. Quiero quedarme una noche más. Kee-eh-roh keh-dar-meh oo-nah noh-cheh mahss400.Can I pay in advance? ¿Puedo pagar por adelantado? Pweh-dohpah-gar por ah-del-ahn-tah-doh401.Do you take credit cards? ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito? Ah-sep-tahntar-heh-tahs deh kreh-dee-toh ...cash?...efectivo?eh-fek-tee-voh402.Is there a strong box in the room? ¿Hay una caja de seguridad en lahabitación? I oo-nah kah-hah deh seh-goo-ree-dahd en lah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn403.Should I leave my valuables at the desk? ¿debo dejar mis objetos de valor en la recepción? Deh-boh deh-hahr mees ohb-heh-tohss deh vah-lor en lah reh-sep-see-ohn404.Can somebody help me with my luggage? ¿Me puede ayudar alguien con mis maletas? Meh pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar ahl-gee-en kohn mees mah-leh-tahss405.By what time do I need to check out? ¿A qué hora debo dejar libre la habitación? Ah keh oh-rah deh-boh deh-har lee-breh lah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn406.At what time do you serve breakfast/dinner? ¿A qué hora sirven el desayuno/la cena? Ah keh oh-rah seer-ven el deh-sah-yoo-noh/lah seh-nah407.Until what time do you serve breakfast/dinner? ¿Hasta qué hora sirven el desayuno/la cena? Ahss-tah keh oh-rah seer-ven el deh-sah-yoo-noh/lah seh-nah408.Can you wake me up at . . . ? ¿Me puede despertar a las . . . ? Meh pweh-deh dess-pehr-tar ah lahss409.Where is the elevator? ¿Dónde está el ascensor/elevador? Dohn-deh ess-tah el ah-sen-sor/el-eh-vah-dor the dining room?el comedor?el koh-meh-dor410.Is there a workout room? ¿Hay un cuarto de ejercicios? I oon kwar-toh deh eh-hehr-see-see-ohss a swimming pool?una piscina/alberca? oo-nah pee-see-nah/ahl-behr-kah a business center?un centro de negocios? oon sen-troh deh neh-goh-see-ohss411.Can you clean the room now/later? (for.) ¿Puede asear la habitación ahoralmás tarde? Pweh-deh ah-seh-ar lah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn ah-oh-rah/ mahss tar-deh412.These sheets are dirty. Estas sábanas están sucias. Ess-tahss sah-bah-nahss ess-tahn soo-see-ahss413.I need clean sheets. Necesito sábanas limpias. Neh-seh-see-toh sah-bah-nahss leem-pee-ahss clean towelstoallas limpias. twah-yahss leem-pee-ahss another blanketotra cobija/manta oh-trah koh-bee-hah/mahn-tah414.Can you bring me another pillow? (for.) ¿Me puede traer otra almohada/cojín? Meh pweh-deh trah-ehr oh-trah ahl-moh-ah-dah/koh-heen an extra bed?una cama extra? oo-nah kah-mah ek-strah415.How does the heat work? ¿Cómo funciona la calefacción? Koh-moh foon-see-oh-nah lah kah-leh-fahk-see-ohn the air conditioning work?el aire acondicionado? el I-reh ah-kohn-dee-see-oh-nah-doh416. I lost my key. Perdi mi llave. Pehr-dee mee yah-veh417.My room number is . . . Mi número de cuarto es . . . Mee noo-meh-roh deh kwar-toh ess418. I’m leaving. Ya me voy. Yah meh voy419.The bill, please. La cuenta, por favor. Lah kwen-tah, por fah-vor420.I think there is a mistake in the bill. Creo que hay un error en la cuenta. Kreh-oh keh I oon eh-ror en lah kwen-tah421.I didn’t make these calls. Yo no hice estas llamadas. Yoh noh ee-seh ess-tahss yah-mah-dahss422.I didn’t take anything from the minibar. No tomé nada del minibar. Noh toh-meh nah-dah del mee-nee-bar423.Can I leave my luggage here for a while? ¿Puedo dejar mi equipaje aquí por un rato? Pweh-doh deh-hahr mee eh-kee-pah-heh ah-kee por oon rah-toh424.I want to rent an apartment. Quiero rentar/alquilar un apartamento. Kee-eh-roh ren-tar/ahl-kee-lar oon ah-par-tah-men-toh ...an (a furnished) apartment. ...un piso (amueblado). (Sp.)oon pee-soh (ah-mweh-blah-doh) ...a cabin...una cabaña.oo-nah kah-bah-nyah ...a house...una casaoo-nah kah-sah425.How many rooms/bathrooms does it have? ¿Cuántos cuartos/baños tiene? Kwahn-tohss kwar-tohss/bah-nyohss tee-eh-neh426.Do I need to give a deposit? ¿Necesito dar un depósito? Neh-seh-see-toh dar oon deh-poh-see-tohEATING & DRINKING427.I’m (not) (very) hungry. (No) Tengo (mucha) hambre. (Noh) Ten-goh (moo-chah) ahm-breh ... thirsty ...sed. sehd428.I’m really really hungry. [lit. I’m dying from hunger] Me muero de hambre. Meh mweh-roh deh ahm-breh ...thirsty...de sed.deh sehd429.I want to eat/drink (something). Quiero comer/beber (algo). Kee-eh-roh koh-mehr/beh-behr (ahl-goh)430.I don’t want to eat/drink (anything). No quiero comer/beber (nada). Noh kee-eh-roh koh-mehr/beh-behr (nah-dah)431.Where do you all want to eat? ¿Dónde quieren comer? Dohn-deh kee-eh-ren koh-mehr432.When can we eat? ¿Cúando podemos comer? Kwahn-doh poh-deh-mohss koh-mehr433.It’s time for breakfast. Es hora de desayunar. Ess oh-rah deh deh-sah-yoo-nar ...for an early lunch....de almorzar.deh ahl-mor-sar ...for lunch...de comer.deh koh-mehr434.I feel like eating an early dinner. Tengo ganas de merendar. Ten-goh gah-nahss deh meh-ren-dar ...dinner...de cenardeh seh-nar ...a snack...de un tentempiédeh oon ten-tem-pee-eh435.Can you recommend a (good) restaurant? (for.) ¿Me puede recomendar un (buen) restaurante? Meh pweh-deh reh-koh-men-dar oon bwen ress-tow-rahn-teh ...a (good) snack bar?...una (buena) cafetería? oo-nah (bweh-nah) kah-feh-teh-ree-ah ...a (good) coffee shop?...un (buen) café?oon (bwen) kah-feh ...a (good) bar?. . . un (buen) bar?oon (bwen) bar436.I would like to try the local food. Me gustaría probar la comida típica.Meh goos-tah-ree-ah proh-bar lah koh-mee-dah tee-pee-kah437.I want to go to a fast food restaurant. Quiero ir a un restaurante de comida rápida. Kee-eh-roh eer ah oon ress-tow-rahn-teh deh koh-mee-dah rah-pee-dah438.I am looking for a cheap/expensive restaurant. Estoy buscando un restaurante barato/caro. Ess-toy boos-kahn-doh oon ress-tow-rahn-teh bah-rah-toh/ kah-roh439.Do you know any vegetarian restaurants? (inf.) ¿Conoces algúnrestaurante vegetariano? Koh-noh-sess ahl-goon ress-tow-rahn-teh veh-heh-tah-ree-ah-noh440.Let’s go to a romantic restaurant. Vamos a un restaurante romántico. Vah-mohss ah oon ress-tow-rahn-teh roh-mahn-tee-koh ...a restaurant with outdoor dining. ...un restaurante con mesas afuera. oon ress-tow-rahn-teh kohn mehss-ahss ah-fweh-rah441.What’s the city’s best restaurant? ¿Cuál es el mejor restaurante de la ciudad? Kwahl ess el meh-hor ress-tow-rahn-teh deh la see-oo-dahd442.Do you need a reservation? ¿Se necesita una reservación? Seh neh-seh-see-tah oo-nah reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn443.Will I need to wear a jacket? ¿Tendré que usar chaqueta/saco? (L. Am.) Ten-dreh keh oo-sar chah-keh-tah/sah-koh444.I want to make a reservation for lunch/dinner. Quiero hacer una reservación para comer/cenar. Kee-eh-roh ah-sehr oo-nah reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn pah-rah koh-mehr/seh-nar ...for (the day after) tomorrow ... para (pasado) mañana. pah-rah (pah-sah-doh) mah-nyah-nah ...for two-thirty p.m. ... para las dos y media de la tarde. pah-rah lahss dohss ee meh-dee-ah deh lah tar-deh ...for tonight...para esta noche pah-rah ess-tah noh-cheh445.Do you have a table for tomorrow night? (for.) ¿Tiene una mesa para mañana en la noche? Tee-eh-neh oo-nah meh-sah pah-rah mah-nyah-nah en lah noh-cheh ...for eight p.m.?...para las ocho de la noche? pah-rah lahss oh-choh deh lah noh-cheh ...for two people? ...parados personas?pah-rah dohss pehr-soh-nahss446.Let’s go have [something before/after eating]. Vamos a tomar algo antes/después de comer. Vah-mohss ah toh-mar ahl-goh ahn-tehss/dess-pwess deh koh-mehr ...a drink. ...un trago. oon trah-goh ...a beer. ...una cerveza. oo-nah sehr-veh-sah a glass of wine. una copa de vino. oo-nah koh-pah deh vee-noh red wine mixed with fruit and lemonade ...una sangría. (Sp.)oo-nah sahn-gree-ah ...a drink before lunch...un aperitivo oon ah-peh-ree-tee-voh ...some coffee...un café.oon kah-feh447.I want to try some traditional Spanish hors d’oeuvres. Quiero probar unas tapas. Kee-eh-roh proh-bar oo-nahss tah-pahss448.We need a table for four (people). Necesitamos una mesa para cuatro (personas). Neh-seh-see-tah-mohss oo-nah meh-sah pah-rah kwah-troh (per-soh-nahss) ...a table in the (non) smoking section ... una mesa en la sección de (no) fumar. oo-nah meh-sah en lah sek-see-ohn deh (noh) foo-mar449.We want a table outside/inside. Queremos una mesa afuera/adentro. Keh-reh-mohss oo-nah meh-sah ah-fweh-rah/ah-den-troh ...by the window...cerca de la ventana sehr-cah deh lah ven-tah-nah ...far from the kitchen...lejos de la cocina leh-hohss deh lah koh-see-nah450.Can we sit here? ¿Nos podemos sentar aquí? Nohss poh-deh-mohss sen-tar ah-kee451.I made a reservation. Hice una reservación. Ee-seh oo-nah reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn452. My name is . . . Mi nombre es ... Mee nohm-breh ess . . .453.Should I call the waiter/waitress? ¿Llamo al camarero/mesera? Yah-moh ahl kah-mah-reh-roh/meh-seh-rah454.Waiter! (lit. young man)¡Joven!Hoh-ven Waiter!¡Camarero!Kah-mah-reh-roh455.Miss!¡Señorita!Seh-nyoh-ree-tah456.Can you bring us the menu? ¿Nos puede traer la carta/el menú? Nohss pweh-deh trah-ehr lah kar-tah/el meh-noo ...the wine list?...la carta de vinos? lah kar-tah deh vee-nohss ...a children’s menu?...una carta/un menú para niños? oo-nah kar-tah/oon meh-noo pah-rah nee-nyohss457.Do you have a menu in English? (for.) ¿Tiene una carta/un menú en inglés? Tee-eh-neh oo-nah kar-tah/oon meh-noo en een-gless458.We are ready to order. Estamos listos para ordenar. Ess-tah-mohss lees-tohss pah-rah or-deh-nar459.What do you recommend? ¿Qué nos recomienda? Keh nohss reh-koh-mee-en-dah460.What’s the house specialty? ¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa? Kwahl ess lah ess-peh-see-ahl-ee-dahd deh lah kah-sah461.Do you have vegetarian dishes? ¿Tiene platillos vegetarianos? Tee-eh-neh plah-tee-yohss veh-heh-tah-ree-ah-nohss ...low-calorie dishes?...bajos en calorías? bah-hohss en kah-loh-ree-ahss462.I need a (clean) napkin. Necesito una servilleta (limpia). Neh-seh-see-toh oo-nah sehr-vee-yeh-tah (leem-pee-ah) ...(clean) silverware...unos cubiertos (limpios). oo-nohss koo-bee-ehr-tohss (leem-pee-ohss) ...a spoon...una cuchara.oo-nah koo-chah-rah ...a fork...un tenedor.oon ten-eh-dor ...a knife...un cuchillo.oon koo-chee-yoh ...a teaspoon...una cucharita. oo-nah koo-chah-ree-tah463.Can you bring us an extra plate? ¿Nos puede traer otro plato? Nohss pweh-deh trah-ehr oh-troh plah-toh ...more bread?...más pan?mahss pahn464.What do you want to eat for breakfast? (inf.) ¿Qué quieres desayunar? Keh kee-eh-ress deh-sah-yoo-nar465.For breakfast I would like cereal with milk. Para desayunar me gustaría cereal con leche. Pah-rah deh-sah-yoo-nar meh goos-tah-ree-ah seh-reh-ahl kohn leh-cheh ...oatmeal...avena.ah-veh-nah ...toast (with butter and jam)... pan tostado (con mantequilla ymermelada). pahn tohss-tah-doh (kohn mahn-teh-kee-yah eemehr-meh-lah-dah) ...toast...una tostada. (Sp.)oo-nah tohss-tah-dah ...pastries...pan dulce.pahn dool-seh ...French toast...pan francés.pahn frahn-sess ...pancakes...panqueques. (L. Am.)pahn-keh-kess466.I want scrambled eggs (with ham/bacon). Quiero huevos revueltos (con jamón/tocino). Kee-eh-roh weh-vohss reh-vwel-tohss (kohn hah-mohn/ toh-see-noh) ...fried eggs...huevos fritos.weh-vohss free-tohss ...poached eggs...huevos escalfados. weh-vohss ess-kahl-fah-dohss ...soft boiled eggs ...huevos pasados por agua/huevos tibios. (Mex.) weh-vohss pah-sah-dohss por ah-wah/weh-vohss tee-bee-ohss ...hard-boiled eggs (with mayonnaise) ...huevos duros (con mayonesa). weh-vohss doo-rohss (kohn mah-yoh-neh-sah) ...a cheese omelette...un omelet con queso. oon oh-meh-let kohn keh-soh467.I like my eggs runny. Me gustan los huevos no muy cocidos Meh goos-tahn lohss weh-vohss noh mooy koh-see-dohss468.I prefer my eggs dry. Yo prefiero los huevos bien cocidos. Yoh preh-fee-eh-roh lohss weh-vohss bee-en koh-see-dohss469.I will have a fresh fruit plate. Tomaré un plato de fruta fresca. Toh-mah-reh oon plah-toh deh froo-tah fress-kah ...melon...melón.meh-lohn ...watermelon...sandía.sahn-dee-ah ...pineapple...piña.pee-nyah ...grapefruit...toronja/pomelo. (Sp.) toh-rohn-hah/poh-meh-loh470.To drink, I would like coffee (decaf). De tomar me gustaría un café (descafeinado). Deh toh-mar meh goos-tah-ree-ah un kah-feh (dess-kah-fay-nah-doh) ...coffee with milk...café con leche. kah-feh kohn leh-cheh ...(black/chamomile) tea...té (negro/de manzanilla).teh (neh-groh/deh mahn-sah-nee-yah) ...hot/cold chocolate...chocolate caliente/frío. choh-koh-lah-teh kah-lee-en-teh/free-oh ... a glass of milk.... unvaso de leche. oon vah-soh deh leh-cheh ... orange juice.... jugo de naranja. hoo-goh deh nah-rahn-hah ... orange juice.... zumo de naranja. (Sp.) soo-moh deh nah-rahn-hah471.For lunch, I’m going to order the set menu. Para comer voy a pedir el menú del día. Pah-rah koh-mehr voy ah peh-deer el meh-noo del dee-ah ... the set menu.... la comida corrida. (Mex.) lah koh-mee-dah koh-ree-dah ... à la carte...a la carta. ah lah kar-tah472.Is the soup good? ¿Está buena la sopa? Ess-tah bweh-nah lah soh-pah473.As a starter I would like the soup of the day. Como primer plato quisiera la sopa del día. Koh-moh pree-mehr plah-toh kee-see-eh-rah lah soh-pah del dee-ah ... vegetable soup.... sopa de verduras/legumbres. (Sp.) soh-pah de vehr-doo-rahss/leh-goom-bress ... noodle soup.... sopa de fideos. soh-pah deh fee-deh-ohss ... lentil soup... sopa de lentejas. soh-pah deh len-teh-hahss ... chicken broth (with rice). ... caldo/consomé de pollo (con arroz). kahl-doh/kohn-soh-meh deh poh-yoh (kohn ah-rohss) ... rice.... arroz. ah-rohss ... meat-filled pastry... empanadas. (L. Am.) em-pah-nah-dahss ... cold vegetable soup... gazpacho. (Sp.) gahss-pah-choh474.This soup is cold. Esta sopa está fría. Ess-tah soh-pah ess-tah free-ah475.There’s a hair in my soup! ¡Hay un pelo en mi sopa! I oonpeh-loh en mee soh-pah476.Bring me a (green/mixed) salad. Tráigame una ensalada (verde/mixta). Tri-gah-meh oo-nah en-sah-lah-dah (vehr-deh/meeks-tah) ... a cucumber salad.... una ensalada de pepino. oo-nah en-sah-lah-dah deh peh-pee-noh ... a tomato salad.... una ensalada de tomate. oo-nah en-sah-lah-dah deh toh-mah-teh477.How’s the chicken? ¿Cómo está el pollo? Koh-moh ess-tah el poh-yoh478.As a main dish I would like grilled chicken. Como plato principal quisiera pollo a la parrilla. Koh-moh plah-toh preen-see-pahl kee-see-eh-rah poh-yoh ah lah pah-ree-yah ... fried chicken...pollo frito. poh-yoh free-toh ... chicken breast... pechuga de pollo. peh-choo-gah de poh-yoh ... chicken thigh and leg... pierna y muslo. pee-ehr-nah ee moos-loh ... duck (in blackberry sauce). ... pato (en salsa de zarzamora). pah-toh (en sahl-sah deh sar-sah-moh-rah) ... (stuffed) turkey.... pavo (relleno). pah-voh (reh-yeh-noh) ... roast beef.... carne asada. kar-neh ah-sah-dah ... beef steak.... bife. (Arg.) bee-feh ... steak.... solomillo. (Sp.) soh-loh-mee-yoh479.I prefer it cooked rare. Lo prefiero
- av1 metodologia do ens de matemática(1)
- Proposta de AD2
- El verbo GUSTAR AULA
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- UVA :Frederico é cientista econômico e trabalha para uma grande rede de fast food que atua em todos os continentes. Ele é responsável por uma taref...
- quais são as principais razão para se estabelecer um sistema
- as and AND x 16 o x 18 0 H EH N Minha Carreiro 0. Disciplinas Secretaria Notas 0 Fallas News Atendimento Biblioteens Mensalidades Mentoria FMU FIAM...
- FMU LevelUp x N2 Saúde Coletiva I Passei Diret x + x levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D : AIR $ E+ Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas N...
- levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D : $ Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mensalidades Mentoria X FMU FIAM...
- B $ hig Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mensalidades Mentoria FMU FIAM x FAAM 00:20:20 o DA DEBOR...
- FMU LevelUp x Passei Direto x + x C levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D : $ [- Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibli...
- é essencial compreender as emresas devem gerir bem seu portifolio de rodutos, isto, é deve-se observar
- FMU LevelUp Passei Direto x + x C levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D 3 E $ E Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Biblio...
- E AND d $ E Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mensalidades Mentoria X FMU FIAM FAAM 01:02:22 O STAT...
- FMU LevelUp Passel Direto + x C levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D : ARL $ E Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Biblio...
- I A= Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mentoria X FMU FIAM FAAM I LEVEL UP 01:41:44 o AG ANA LUCIA ...
- Com base nas informações apresentadas, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:I. O arqueólogo deve identificar e levar em co...
- evento e um acontecimento relevante que varia a pessoas e que tem um objetivo especifico envolve açoes ligadas a comemoraçoes festividades divulgaç...
Perguntas dessa disciplina
- av1 metodologia do ens de matemática(1)
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- El verbo GUSTAR AULA
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- x Nova guia + levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas H AVI D m $ Minha Carreira geg Disciplinas Secretaria Notas Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mensalidad...
- UVA :Frederico é cientista econômico e trabalha para uma grande rede de fast food que atua em todos os continentes. Ele é responsável por uma taref...
- quais são as principais razão para se estabelecer um sistema
- as and AND x 16 o x 18 0 H EH N Minha Carreiro 0. Disciplinas Secretaria Notas 0 Fallas News Atendimento Biblioteens Mensalidades Mentoria FMU FIAM...
- FMU LevelUp x N2 Saúde Coletiva I Passei Diret x + x levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D : AIR $ E+ Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas N...
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- B $ hig Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mensalidades Mentoria FMU FIAM x FAAM 00:20:20 o DA DEBOR...
- FMU LevelUp x Passei Direto x + x C levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D : $ [- Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibli...
- é essencial compreender as emresas devem gerir bem seu portifolio de rodutos, isto, é deve-se observar
- FMU LevelUp Passei Direto x + x C levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D 3 E $ E Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Biblio...
- E AND d $ E Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mensalidades Mentoria X FMU FIAM FAAM 01:02:22 O STAT...
- FMU LevelUp Passel Direto + x C levelup.fmu.br/disciplinas D : ARL $ E Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Biblio...
- I A= Minha Carreira Disciplinas Secretaria Notas e Faltas News Atendimento Bibliotecas Mentoria X FMU FIAM FAAM I LEVEL UP 01:41:44 o AG ANA LUCIA ...
- Com base nas informações apresentadas, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:I. O arqueólogo deve identificar e levar em co...
- evento e um acontecimento relevante que varia a pessoas e que tem um objetivo especifico envolve açoes ligadas a comemoraçoes festividades divulgaç...